Big Brother Server Install

Below is a "script" output of the session I ran when I installed Big Brother monitoring server, version 1.5 on a Solaris server.

  • I began by getting the tarball of the software from another server that already had it in the /usr/local/Install/bb area. Once that was over, I began the script session.
    Script started on Wed Jan 17 13:16:13 2001
    # pwd
  • Check that the filesystem has enough space and that the correct place is selected - I chose the /usr/local/bb area, which is actually located on the /export/apps filesystem.
    # df -k .
    Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
                         1048576   89883  898826    10%    /export/apps
  • Ensure that the directory is correct, and begin to make the proper account, password, group and directory to house the software. It is safest to run the entire Big Brother application as the bb user (needs to be created) instead of root for security reasons, although this does cause problems for the vx scripts which will need to be modified later.
    # pwd
    # mkdir bb
    # vi /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
    # chown bb bb
    # ls -ld bb
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 Jan 17 13:16 bb
  • Switch user to the bb user to ensure that it works, the directory is setup properly, the id checks out, and everything looks ok.
    # su - bb
    Sun Microsystems Inc.	SunOS 5.8	Generic	February 2000
    Welcome to .....The unix group's info server!!!
    $ pwd
    $ id
    uid=1984(bb) gid=1(other)
    $ exit
  • Switch over to the /usr/local/Install area to prepare for the installation. Make a bb directory and retrieve the file from the other machine if available.
    # cd /usr/local/Install
    # ls
    adsm        apache      gcc         jetadmin    lost+found  proctool    samba       sudo        wuftpd
    # mkdir bb
    # cd bb
    # rcp old_bbserver:/usr/local/Install/bb/bb*tar* .
    # ls -l
    total 682
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other     348796 Jan 17 13:22 bb-1_5.tar.gz
  • gunzip the tar file and extract the tar file that is nested within this. Ensure that the resultant tar file is ok and integrity checks out, gzip the original, and get ready.
    # gunzip *gz
    # ls -l
    total 2100
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other    1075200 Jan 17 13:22 bb-1_5.tar
    # tar -tvf *tar
    -rw-r--r--   0/100 1064960 Aug 17 15:19 2000 bb15.tar
    -rw-r--r-- 101/0     1237 Aug 16 15:02 2000 README.FIRST
    # tar -xvf *tar
    x bb15.tar, 1064960 bytes, 2080 tape blocks
    x README.FIRST, 1237 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    # ls -l
    total 4184
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   root        1237 Aug 16 15:02 README.FIRST
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other    1075200 Jan 17 13:22 bb-1_5.tar
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     dba      1064960 Aug 17 15:19 bb15.tar
    # gzip -9 bb-1_5.tar
    # ls -l
    total 2766
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   root        1237 Aug 16 15:02 README.FIRST
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other     348796 Jan 17 13:22 bb-1_5.tar.gz
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     dba      1064960 Aug 17 15:19 bb15.tar
    # tar -tvf bb15.tar | more
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   5125 Aug 16 15:43 2000 bb15/etc/bbwarnrules.cfg.DIST
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   6180 Aug 16 15:43 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2623 Aug 16 15:38 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   6568 Aug 16 15:38 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    564 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/etc/security.DIST
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   7638 Aug 17 15:16 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3873 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/etc/sms.scr
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1883 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/etc/numeric.scr
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1645 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/etc/numeric-k6.scr
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    932 Aug  8 23:15 2000 bb15/etc/bb-proctab.DIST
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   7577 Aug 16 15:39 2000 bb15/etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    941 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/etc/bb-hosts
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1920 Aug 16 15:42 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   4001 Aug 16 16:29 2000 bb15/etc/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    718 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/etc/bb-dftab.DIST
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100    623 Aug 16 15:36 2000 bb15/etc/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  11311 Aug 17 01:42 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  16059 Aug 16 15:24 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   4103 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/bin/sendmsg
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  22527 Aug 16 15:24 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  18240 Aug 16 15:29 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   6014 Aug 16 15:25 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100    618 Aug 16 15:25 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100    799 May 30 12:54 2000 bb15/bin/bbrun
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1279 Aug 16 15:26 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1884 Aug 16 15:26 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1817 Aug 16 15:27 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   2262 Aug 16 15:27 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  13838 Aug 16 15:28 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1640 Aug 17 01:43 2000 bb15/bin/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1307 Aug 16 15:24 2000 bb15/bin/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/src/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   4898 Aug 15 00:40 2000 bb15/src/bbstat.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   6403 Aug 16 15:34 2000 bb15/src/bb.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1070 Aug 17 15:16 2000 bb15/src/bb.h
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2388 Aug 16 15:31 2000 bb15/src/README
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   5106 Aug 16 15:31 2000 bb15/src/touchtime.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  11540 Aug 16 15:34 2000 bb15/src/bbnet.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  13486 Aug 16 15:35 2000 bb15/src/dohostsvc.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2916 Aug 16 15:33 2000 bb15/src/dumphostsvc.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  39433 Aug 16 15:33 2000 bb15/src/bbd.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   4369 Aug 16 15:34 2000 bb15/src/utils.c
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    746 Aug 16 15:30 2000 bb15/src/getipaddr.c
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/install/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    314 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.mandrake
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    590 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.aix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    686 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.bsdi
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    379 May 11 09:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.debian
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    273 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.dgux
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1121 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.dynix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    393 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.freebsd
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    643 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.hpux
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    360 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.hpux9
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    581 Jun 19 08:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.irix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    209 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.linux
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    315 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.netbsd
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    275 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.osf
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    517 May 11 09:52 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.redhat
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    393 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.sco
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    433 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.sco3
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1158 Aug 11 11:33 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.aix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    620 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.solaris
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    459 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.sunos
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    454 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.ultrix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1300 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.unixware
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1084 Aug 11 11:33 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.bsdi
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1201 Aug 11 11:35 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.debian
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    859 Aug 11 11:16 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.dgux
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    901 Aug 11 11:33 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.dynix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1184 Aug 11 11:16 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.freebsd
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1187 Aug 11 11:35 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.generic
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1187 Aug 11 11:35 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.hpux
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1185 Aug 11 11:35 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.hpux9
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1187 Aug 11 11:34 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.irix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1201 Aug 11 11:34 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.linux
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1058 Aug 11 11:35 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.netbsd
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1156 Aug 11 11:36 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.osf
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1251 Aug 11 11:36 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.redhat
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    890 Aug 11 11:36 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.sco
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    891 Aug 11 11:36 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.sco3
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1079 Aug 11 11:34 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.solaris
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1086 Aug 11 11:36 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.sunos
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1224 Aug 11 11:36 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.ultrix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    901 Aug 11 11:37 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.unixware
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   2477 Aug 16 15:23 2000 bb15/install/bbclient
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  18301 Aug 16 15:23 2000 bb15/install/bbconfig
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    393 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.openbsd
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1099 Aug 11 11:37 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.openbsd
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   4260 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/README
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3016 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/README.SMS
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    380 May 11 09:52 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.caldera
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1201 Aug 11 11:33 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.caldera
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1114 Aug 11 11:37 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.sinix
    -rw-r--r--   0/100      0 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/.helloworld
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1084 Aug 11 11:37 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.bsdi4
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    639 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.bsdi4
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1201 Aug 11 11:37 2000 bb15/install/Makefile.mandrake
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    416 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/install/bbsys.sinix
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  11361 Aug 17 02:22 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1093 Aug 16 15:55 2000 bb15/web/mkbb.cols
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  18281 Aug 16 16:03 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   7300 Aug 16 15:56 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1393 Aug 16 15:57 2000 bb15/web/mkbb.comp
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   2331 Aug 16 15:57 2000 bb15/web/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1809 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/web/hostsvc_footer
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   2858 Aug 16 15:59 2000 bb15/web/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1924 Aug 16 15:59 2000 bb15/web/hostsvc_header
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1853 Aug 16 15:59 2000 bb15/web/hist_header
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2013 Aug 16 15:59 2000 bb15/web/histlog_header
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1798 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/web/hist_footer
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1813 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/web/histlog_footer
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   4090 Aug 16 16:03 2000 bb15/web/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1969 Aug 16 16:00 2000 bb15/web/bb_header
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1900 Aug 16 16:00 2000 bb15/web/bb2_header
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1794 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/web/bb_footer
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1795 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/web/bb2_footer
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1050 Aug 16 16:03 2000 bb15/web/mkbb.bkg
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1984 Aug 16 16:01 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   3553 Aug 17 12:07 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   1090 Aug  8 12:47 2000 bb15/web/mkrep.bkg
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   2698 Aug 17 00:28 2000 bb15/web/
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  11420 Aug 16 16:01 2000 bb15/web/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1368 Aug  8 12:48 2000 bb15/web/bbrep_footer
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1798 Aug  8 12:48 2000 bb15/web/replog_footer
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1817 Aug 16 16:01 2000 bb15/web/bbrep_header
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1818 Aug 16 16:02 2000 bb15/web/replog_header
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100  13551 Aug 16 15:55 2000 bb15/web/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/tmp/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100      0 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/tmp/.helloworld
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/ext/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/ext/hist/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/ext/mkbb/
    -r-xr-xr-x   0/100   2341 Aug 16 15:43 2000 bb15/ext/mkbb/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 15 00:56 2000 bb15/ext/rep/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100      0 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/ext/.helloworld
    -r-xr-xr-x   0/100   2943 Aug 16 15:44 2000 bb15/ext/ext-proto
    -r-xr-xr-x   0/100   4541 Aug 16 15:45 2000 bb15/ext/failover
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/rep/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100      0 Aug  8 13:44 2000 bb15/www/rep/.helloworld
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/gifs/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    295 Aug  8 10:50 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bbnav4.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1024 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1654 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    138 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/green.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    862 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/clear.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    178 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/blue.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3811 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg2.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg-yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    732 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg-red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg-purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg-green.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg-clear.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    732 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bkg-blue.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9736 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bigbrother.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    876 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bbupd.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    522 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bbnav3.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    458 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bbnav2.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    535 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bbnav1.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9844 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bblogo.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1122 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bb.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    850 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bb-na.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  16064 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/bb-diag.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1845 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    333 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/nb-yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    277 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/nb-red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    107 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/arrow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    283 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs/nb-purple.gif
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/psy/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    295 Aug  8 10:53 2000 bb15/www/psy/bbnav4.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1654 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    138 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/green.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    862 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/clear.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    178 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/blue.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3811 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg2.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg-yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    732 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg-red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg-purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg-green.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg-clear.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    732 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bkg-blue.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9736 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bigbrother.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    876 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bbupd.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    522 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bbnav3.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    458 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bbnav2.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    535 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bbnav1.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9844 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bblogo.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1122 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bb.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    850 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bb-na.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  16064 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/bb-diag.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1845 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    333 Mar  4 16:03 2000 bb15/www/psy/nb-yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    277 Mar  4 16:03 2000 bb15/www/psy/nb-red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    283 Mar  4 16:03 2000 bb15/www/psy/nb-purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1024 Mar  4 13:45 2000 bb15/www/psy/red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    107 Mar  4 14:58 2000 bb15/www/psy/arrow.gif
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    107 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/arrow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2518 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1801 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    333 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/nb-yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    277 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/nb-red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    283 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/nb-purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    118 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/green.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    862 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/clear.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    178 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/blue.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3811 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg2.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-yellow.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    732 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-red.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-purple.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-green.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    740 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-clear.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    732 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-blue.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9736 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bigbrother.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    876 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbupd.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    522 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbnav3.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    458 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbnav2.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    535 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbnav1.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9844 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bblogo.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1122 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bb.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    850 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bb-na.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  16064 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bb-diag.gif
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1845 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/gifs-bb13/yellow.gif
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/notes/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100      0 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/notes/.helloworld
    -rw-r--r--   0/100    467 Aug 16 15:45 2000 bb15/www/notes/README
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1201 Aug 16 15:46 2000 bb15/www/notes/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/help/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   4789 Aug  8 10:55 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-rep.html.DIST
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  10944 Aug 16 15:47 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-help.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  24241 Aug 17 15:17 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-faq.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  69854 Aug 17 15:18 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-man.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  10809 Aug 16 15:49 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-info.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  14377 Aug 16 15:52 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-files.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   6713 Aug 16 15:53 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-hosts.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2562 Aug 16 15:50 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-notify.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3916 Aug 16 15:51 2000 bb15/www/help/purple.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2869 Aug 16 15:51 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-ack.html.DIST
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   3767 Aug 16 15:46 2000 bb15/www/help/bb-look.html
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/html/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100      0 May 10 11:51 2000 bb15/www/html/.helloworld
    lrwxrwxrwx   0/102      7 Aug 17 15:14 2000 bb15/www/index.html symbolic link to bb.html
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9694 Aug 16 16:04 2000 bb15/README
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   1854 Aug 16 15:13 2000 bb15/LICENSE
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  49415 Aug 17 15:18 2000 bb15/README.CHANGES
    -rw-r--r--   0/100  22443 Aug 17 15:19 2000 bb15/FILES.LIST
    -rwxr-xr-x   0/100   5150 Aug 16 16:05 2000 bb15/
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   9166 Aug 16 02:01 2000 bb15/README.INSTALL
    -rw-r--r--   0/100   2856 Aug 16 16:05 2000 bb15/README.SECURITY
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/acks/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/data/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/hist/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/histlogs/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/logs/
    drwxr-xr-x   0/100      0 Aug 16 01:27 2000 bbvar/disabled/
    # pwd
  • Now switch over to the /usr/local/bb area, and extract the tar file from /usr/local/Install/bb
    # cd /usr/local/bb
    # ls
    # tar -xvf /usr/local/Install/bb/bb15.tar
    x bb15, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/bbwarnrules.cfg.DIST, 5125 bytes, 11 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 6180 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 2623 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 6568 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/security.DIST, 564 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 7638 bytes, 15 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/sms.scr, 3873 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/numeric.scr, 1883 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/numeric-k6.scr, 1645 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/bb-proctab.DIST, 932 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg, 7577 bytes, 15 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/bb-hosts, 941 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 1920 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 4001 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/bb-dftab.DIST, 718 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/etc/, 623 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 11311 bytes, 23 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 16059 bytes, 32 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/sendmsg, 4103 bytes, 9 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 22527 bytes, 44 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 18240 bytes, 36 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 6014 bytes, 12 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 618 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/bbrun, 799 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 1279 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 1884 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 1817 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 2262 bytes, 5 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 13838 bytes, 28 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 1640 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/bin/, 1307 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/src, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/bbstat.c, 4898 bytes, 10 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/bb.c, 6403 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/bb.h, 1070 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/README, 2388 bytes, 5 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/touchtime.c, 5106 bytes, 10 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/bbnet.c, 11540 bytes, 23 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/dohostsvc.c, 13486 bytes, 27 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/dumphostsvc.c, 2916 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/bbd.c, 39433 bytes, 78 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/utils.c, 4369 bytes, 9 tape blocks
    x bb15/src/getipaddr.c, 746 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.mandrake, 314 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.aix, 590 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.bsdi, 686 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.debian, 379 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.dgux, 273 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.dynix, 1121 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.freebsd, 393 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.hpux, 643 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.hpux9, 360 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.irix, 581 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.linux, 209 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.netbsd, 315 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.osf, 275 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.redhat, 517 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.sco, 393 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.sco3, 433 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.aix, 1158 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.solaris, 620 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.sunos, 459 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.ultrix, 454 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.unixware, 1300 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.bsdi, 1084 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.debian, 1201 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.dgux, 859 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.dynix, 901 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.freebsd, 1184 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.generic, 1187 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.hpux, 1187 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.hpux9, 1185 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.irix, 1187 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.linux, 1201 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.netbsd, 1058 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.osf, 1156 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.redhat, 1251 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.sco, 890 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.sco3, 891 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.solaris, 1079 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.sunos, 1086 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.ultrix, 1224 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.unixware, 901 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbclient, 2477 bytes, 5 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbconfig, 18301 bytes, 36 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.openbsd, 393 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.openbsd, 1099 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/README, 4260 bytes, 9 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/README.SMS, 3016 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.caldera, 380 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.caldera, 1201 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.sinix, 1114 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/.helloworld, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.bsdi4, 1084 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.bsdi4, 639 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/Makefile.mandrake, 1201 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/install/bbsys.sinix, 416 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/web, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 11361 bytes, 23 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/mkbb.cols, 1093 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 18281 bytes, 36 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 7300 bytes, 15 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/mkbb.comp, 1393 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 2331 bytes, 5 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/hostsvc_footer, 1809 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 2858 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/hostsvc_header, 1924 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/hist_header, 1853 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/histlog_header, 2013 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/hist_footer, 1798 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/histlog_footer, 1813 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 4090 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/bb_header, 1969 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/bb2_header, 1900 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/bb_footer, 1794 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/bb2_footer, 1795 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/mkbb.bkg, 1050 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 1984 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 3553 bytes, 7 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/mkrep.bkg, 1090 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 2698 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 11420 bytes, 23 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/bbrep_footer, 1368 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/replog_footer, 1798 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/bbrep_header, 1817 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/replog_header, 1818 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/web/, 13551 bytes, 27 tape blocks
    x bb15/tmp, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/tmp/.helloworld, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/hist, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/mkbb, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/mkbb/, 2341 bytes, 5 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/rep, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/.helloworld, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/ext-proto, 2943 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/ext/failover, 4541 bytes, 9 tape blocks
    x bb15/www, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/rep, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/rep/.helloworld, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bbnav4.gif, 295 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/red.gif, 1024 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/purple.gif, 1654 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/green.gif, 138 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/clear.gif, 862 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/blue.gif, 178 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg2.gif, 3811 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg-yellow.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg-red.gif, 732 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg-purple.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg-green.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg-clear.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bkg-blue.gif, 732 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bigbrother.gif, 9736 bytes, 20 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bbupd.gif, 876 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bbnav3.gif, 522 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bbnav2.gif, 458 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bbnav1.gif, 535 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bblogo.gif, 9844 bytes, 20 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bb.gif, 1122 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bb-na.gif, 850 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/bb-diag.gif, 16064 bytes, 32 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/yellow.gif, 1845 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/nb-yellow.gif, 333 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/nb-red.gif, 277 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/arrow.gif, 107 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs/nb-purple.gif, 283 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bbnav4.gif, 295 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/purple.gif, 1654 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/green.gif, 138 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/clear.gif, 862 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/blue.gif, 178 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg2.gif, 3811 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg-yellow.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg-red.gif, 732 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg-purple.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg-green.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg-clear.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bkg-blue.gif, 732 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bigbrother.gif, 9736 bytes, 20 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bbupd.gif, 876 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bbnav3.gif, 522 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bbnav2.gif, 458 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bbnav1.gif, 535 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bblogo.gif, 9844 bytes, 20 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bb.gif, 1122 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bb-na.gif, 850 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/bb-diag.gif, 16064 bytes, 32 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/yellow.gif, 1845 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/nb-yellow.gif, 333 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/nb-red.gif, 277 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/nb-purple.gif, 283 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/red.gif, 1024 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/psy/arrow.gif, 107 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/arrow.gif, 107 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/red.gif, 2518 bytes, 5 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/purple.gif, 1801 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/nb-yellow.gif, 333 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/nb-red.gif, 277 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/nb-purple.gif, 283 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/green.gif, 118 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/clear.gif, 862 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/blue.gif, 178 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg2.gif, 3811 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-yellow.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-red.gif, 732 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-purple.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-green.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-clear.gif, 740 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bkg-blue.gif, 732 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bigbrother.gif, 9736 bytes, 20 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbupd.gif, 876 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbnav3.gif, 522 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbnav2.gif, 458 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bbnav1.gif, 535 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bblogo.gif, 9844 bytes, 20 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bb.gif, 1122 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bb-na.gif, 850 bytes, 2 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/bb-diag.gif, 16064 bytes, 32 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/gifs-bb13/yellow.gif, 1845 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/notes, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/notes/.helloworld, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/notes/README, 467 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/notes/, 1201 bytes, 3 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-rep.html.DIST, 4789 bytes, 10 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-help.html, 10944 bytes, 22 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-faq.html, 24241 bytes, 48 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-man.html, 69854 bytes, 137 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-info.html, 10809 bytes, 22 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-files.html, 14377 bytes, 29 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-hosts.html, 6713 bytes, 14 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-notify.html, 2562 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/purple.html, 3916 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-ack.html.DIST, 2869 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/help/bb-look.html, 3767 bytes, 8 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/html, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/html/.helloworld, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bb15/www/index.html symbolic link to bb.html
    x bb15/README, 9694 bytes, 19 tape blocks
    x bb15/LICENSE, 1854 bytes, 4 tape blocks
    x bb15/README.CHANGES, 49415 bytes, 97 tape blocks
    x bb15/FILES.LIST, 22443 bytes, 44 tape blocks
    x bb15/, 5150 bytes, 11 tape blocks
    x bb15/README.INSTALL, 9166 bytes, 18 tape blocks
    x bb15/README.SECURITY, 2856 bytes, 6 tape blocks
    x bbvar, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bbvar/acks, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bbvar/data, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bbvar/hist, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bbvar/histlogs, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bbvar/logs, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
    x bbvar/disabled, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
  • After checking the files, it is clear that they are all owned by owner root and group dba, and this needs to be changed.
    # ls -l
    total 4
    drwxr-xr-x  10 root     dba         1024 Aug 17 15:14 bb15
    drwxr-xr-x   8 root     dba         1024 Aug 16 01:27 bbvar
    # chown -R bb:other bb15 bbvar
    chown: index.html: No such file or directory
    # ls -l
    total 4
    drwxr-xr-x  10 bb       other       1024 Aug 17 15:14 bb15
    drwxr-xr-x   8 bb       other       1024 Aug 16 01:27 bbvar
    # pwd
  • Change directory to the install area, and launch the startup/configure script. Ensure that make and gcc are both in the current path. All the answers I chose are in italics.
    # cd bb15
    # ls
    FILES.LIST       README.CHANGES   bin              install          tmp
    LICENSE          README.INSTALL   etc        web
    README           README.SECURITY  ext              src              www
    # cd install
    # ls
    Makefile.aix       Makefile.hpux      Makefile.sco       bbclient           bbsys.freebsd      bbsys.redhat
    Makefile.bsdi      Makefile.hpux9     Makefile.sco3      bbconfig           bbsys.hpux         bbsys.sco
    Makefile.bsdi4     Makefile.irix      Makefile.sinix     bbsys.aix          bbsys.hpux9        bbsys.sco3
    Makefile.caldera   Makefile.linux     Makefile.solaris   bbsys.bsdi         bbsys.irix         bbsys.sinix
    Makefile.debian    Makefile.mandrake  Makefile.sunos     bbsys.bsdi4        bbsys.linux        bbsys.solaris
    Makefile.dgux      Makefile.netbsd    Makefile.ultrix    bbsys.caldera      bbsys.mandrake     bbsys.sunos
    Makefile.dynix     Makefile.openbsd   Makefile.unixware  bbsys.debian       bbsys.netbsd       bbsys.ultrix
    Makefile.freebsd   Makefile.osf       README             bbsys.dgux         bbsys.openbsd      bbsys.unixware
    Makefile.generic   Makefile.redhat    README.SMS         bbsys.dynix        bbsys.osf
    # which make
    # which gcc
    # ./bbconfig
    	Welcome to the Big Brother installation procedure...
    	The first thing we need to know is that OS you're
    	Choose one of the following: bsdi bsdi4 sco3 sco freebsd solaris hpux9 hpux linux sunos netbsd osf ultrix irix unixware redhat aix dynix debian dgux openbsd caldera mandrake sinix
    Please enter your OS: [solaris]: solaris
    ---> OK, we'll try solaris...
    *** WARNING: Don't run BB as root ! ***
                 Executing BB as root is not recommended
    Prevent the execution of BB as user 'root' (y/n) [y]: y
    ---> OK... BB is NOT ALLOWED to run as root
    	BB will only start under a designated user id. The
    	startup script will verify that the current user ID
    	and the designated user ID are identical.
    	Note: This check is only performed during the startup script.
                  It does not prevent the execution of other BB binaries/scripts
                  while working using another user ID. It only prevents
                  you from starting BB while working another user ID.
    What will be the user ID of BB [bb]: bb
    ---> BB will only run from user 'bb'
    	Making sure BBHOME </export/apps/bb/bb15> is writable...
    ---> OK, /export/apps/bb/bb15 is fine...
    	Do you want to preserve the old style directory structure ?
    	You may want to do so if you use BB extensions or
    	externals that do not understand the new directory structure.
    	This option is *NOT* recommend as keeping the old directory
    	around represents a security risk.
    Old-style directory structure (y/n): [n] n
    	When you set up your machines, you should use Fully Qualified
    	Domain names, this means you use the whole name, like,
    	instead of just 'www'.  This is recommended.
    Use FQDN (y/n): [y] n
    ---> OK... if you must...
    	Big Brother creates HTML pages with the status of your network.
    	You'll need a web server to publish this information.
    What machine will be the BBDISPLAY [bbserver]: bbserver
    ---> OK... admpwb01 will be a BBDISPLAY
    	Big Brother sends important messages to a pager server.  This
    	machine will at a minimum to be able to send mail. 
    What machine will be the BBPAGER [bbserver]: bbserver
    ---> OK... bbserver will be a BBPAGER
    	Some questions regarding the current host
    	(bbserver) will be asked. 
    Is this host a BBDISPLAY host (y/n): [y] y
    Is this host a BBPAGER host (y/n): [y] y
    Enter the default recipient: [root@localhost] root@localhost
    	Since Big Brother produces results to be displayed on web
    	pages, we need to know where to view these results.
    Enter URL for BB [http://bbserver/bb/]: http://bbserver/bb/
    ---> OK... Big Brother will live at http://bbserver/bb/
    	Big Brother also uses CGI scripts to create dynamic output.
    	What directory do these scripts live in?
    Enter CGI directory [/home/www/httpd/cgi-bin]: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
    ---> OK... CGI scripts will live at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
    Enter the URL of the CGI scripts [http://bbserver/cgi-bin]: http://bbserver/cgi-bin
    ---> OK... URL location of CGI scripts at http://bbserver/cgi-bin
    --> UPDATING Makefile
    --> UPDATING
    --> UPDATING bbsys.local
    *** Verifying pathnames to necessary commands...
    DIG is unavailable, the directive "dig" cannot be used in bb-hosts
    *** All pathnames OK.
    --> UPDATING
    --> UPDATING URL location
    --> INSTALLING CGI scripts
    Overwrite the current version of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ (y/n)?: y
    Overwrite the current version of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ (y/n)?: y
    Overwrite the current version of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ (y/n)?: y
    Overwrite the current version of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ (y/n)?: y
    Overwrite the current version of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ (y/n)?: y
    Overwrite the current version of /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ (y/n)?: y
    BB needs to set the group name of the www/rep directory
    to the group name of the web server by using its user name
    Enter web server user id [nobody]: nobody
    --> CHANING THE GROUP ID OF www/rep
    --> UPDATING bb-pager scripts
    --> Done.  Now do
                   cd ../src
                   make install
                   cd ../..
                   chown -R bb bbvar bb
                        where bb is the new version's directory name
  • With all that done, its time to actually build the binaries and put them into place. The little list of steps above is all that needs to be done to make that happen, so just follow them to a "T".
    # cd ../src
    # make
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o bb bb.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  dohostsvc.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  utils.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o bbd bbd.o dohostsvc.o utils.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  bbnet.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o bbnet bbnet.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  touchtime.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o touchtime touchtime.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  dumphostsvc.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o dumphostsvc dumphostsvc.o dohostsvc.o utils.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  getipaddr.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o getipaddr getipaddr.o utils.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O  -c  bbstat.c
    gcc -DBZERO -DSOLARIS -DGETTIMEOFDAY -O -o bbstat bbstat.o -ll -lnsl -lsocket
    # make install
    rm -f *.o
    mv bb bbd bbnet touchtime dumphostsvc getipaddr bbstat ../bin
    # cd ../..
    # chown -R bb bbvar bb15
    chown: index.html: No such file or directory
    # ls -l
    total 4
    drwxr-xr-x  10 bb       other       1024 Jan 17 13:26 bb15
    drwxr-xr-x   8 bb       other       1024 Aug 16 01:27 bbvar
  • With all that done, its time to setup the bb link from the Apache htdocs area to the actual Big Brother www area.
    # ln -s /usr/local/bb/bb15/www /usr/local/apache/htdocs/bb
    # ls /usr/local/apache/htdocs/bb
    gifs        gifs-bb13   help        html        index.html  notes       psy         rep
  • That is pretty much what is required to install BigBrother server version on a Sun box. Now I go thru the customization process, beginning with the /usr/local/bb/bb15/etc/bbsys.local file, which contains all the command aliases and variables. I include all the special sections for the custom extension scripts as shown on the Big Brother page at I also change the ps command to use the old Berkely version instead of the AT&T version, since it shows extended information. Lastly I switch the mail program from the older Berkely version to the AT&T version which has better features.
    # pwd
    # cd bb15/etc
    # vi bbsys.local ##  (Adding the berkely version of ps and the att version of mail as well as full extension section)
    # pwd
    # ls
    bb-dftab.DIST                         numeric-k6.scr
    bb-hosts                  bbwarnrules.cfg         numeric.scr
    bb-proctab.DIST                bbwarnrules.cfg.DIST    security.DIST     bbsys.local             bbwarnsetup.cfg         sms.scr
  • Now configure the /usr/local/bb/bb15/etc/bb-hosts file to represent which hosts will be the servers, clients, pager server, display server, etc.
    # vi bb-hosts  ## (Adding new entry for all sections for this system)
  • We are now ready to run the check scripts to ensure that everything is ready. These scripts are all located in the /usr/local/bb/bb15/etc directory and we should run each *chk* script that exists. Since we are not using a DNS server, we dont need to worry about the DIG comments. We can also ignore the comments about invalid services because they are all customized extensions to the normal BB server, that the script doesnt know about.
    # ls
    bb-dftab.DIST                         numeric-k6.scr
    bb-hosts                  bbwarnrules.cfg         numeric.scr
    bb-proctab.DIST                bbwarnrules.cfg.DIST    security.DIST     bbsys.local             bbwarnsetup.cfg         sms.scr
    # ./
    If any comments are displayed, please fix the entries in your configuration
    *** Verifying pathnames to necessary commands...
    DIG is unavailable, the directive "dig" cannot be used in bb-hosts
    *** All pathnames OK.
    bbwarnsetup.cfg: /dev/cuaa0 is an invalid entry in the ttyline token
                     This is a valid error only if this host is a BBPAGER host
    # ./
    *** Verifying pathnames to necessary commands...
    DIG is unavailable, the directive "dig" cannot be used in bb-hosts
    *** All pathnames OK.
    # ./
    If any comments are displayed, please fix the entries in your configuration
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (cpu2)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (dmp)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (iostat)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (ipcs)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (mail)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (printers)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (prtdiag)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (network)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (queue)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (logs)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (top)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (vx_list)
    bb-hosts: "  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (vx_check)
    bb-hosts: "192.168
    .230.53  bbserver      # BBPAGER BBNET BBDISPLAY http://bbserver cpu2 dmp iostat ipcs mail printers prtdiag network queue logs top vx_list vx_check vx_group" -- invalid service (vx_group)
  • Its now time to bring over all the different monitoring scripts. Since all Sun hosts currently have these, any box will do. I chose the production machines because I know it is running very stable versions of the scripts.
    # cd /usr/local/bb/bb15/ext
    # ls
    ext-proto  failover   hist       mkbb       rep
    # ftp prod_bb_client
    Connected to prod_bb_client.
    220 prod_bb_client FTP server (SunOS 5.6) ready.
    Name (prod_bb_client:root): root
    331 Password required for root.
    230 User root logged in.
    ftp> cd /usr/local/bb/ext
    250 CWD command successful.
    ftp> ls
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,51506) (0 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    123 bytes received in 0.032 seconds (3.71 Kbytes/s)
    ftp> mget *
    mget cpu2? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for cpu2 (,51508) (6538 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: cpu2 remote: cpu2
    6781 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (274.93 Kbytes/s)
    mget dmp? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for dmp (,51509) (5509 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: dmp remote: dmp
    5721 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (231.89 Kbytes/s)
    mget ha? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for ha (,51510) (9372 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: ha remote: ha
    9677 bytes received in 0.23 seconds (41.60 Kbytes/s)
    mget iostat? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for iostat (,51511) (7275 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: iostat remote: iostat
    7546 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (306.47 Kbytes/s)
    mget ipcs? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for ipcs (,51512) (3814 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: ipcs remote: ipcs
    3958 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (160.46 Kbytes/s)
    mget logs? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for logs (,51513) (7562 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: logs remote: logs
    7824 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (317.13 Kbytes/s)
    mget mail? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for mail (,51514) (4263 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: mail remote: mail
    4427 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (179.47 Kbytes/s)
    mget network? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for network (,51515) (11284 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: network remote: network
    11655 bytes received in 0.048 seconds (237.22 Kbytes/s)
    mget oracle? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for oracle (,51516) (5076 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: oracle remote: oracle
    5263 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (214.18 Kbytes/s)
    mget printers? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for printers (,51517) (11863 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: printers remote: printers
    12215 bytes received in 0.042 seconds (283.93 Kbytes/s)
    mget prtdiag? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for prtdiag (,51518) (6314 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: prtdiag remote: prtdiag
    6546 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (265.30 Kbytes/s)
    mget queue? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for queue (,51519) (6846 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: queue remote: queue
    7093 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (287.58 Kbytes/s)
    mget top? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for top (,51520) (5258 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: top remote: top
    5450 bytes received in 0.024 seconds (220.73 Kbytes/s)
    mget vx_check? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for vx_check (,51521) (3760 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: vx_check remote: vx_check
    3907 bytes received in 0.018 seconds (211.57 Kbytes/s)
    mget vx_group? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for vx_group (,51522) (4614 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: vx_group remote: vx_group
    4796 bytes received in 0.023 seconds (202.34 Kbytes/s)
    mget vx_list? y
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 ASCII data connection for vx_list (,51523) (3724 bytes).
    226 ASCII Transfer complete.
    local: vx_list remote: vx_list
    3869 bytes received in 0.023 seconds (163.07 Kbytes/s)
    ftp> bye
    221 Goodbye.
  • We see that the scripts are all owned by root, since we are still working as root, so lets change all to bb ownership.
    # pwd
    # ls -l
    total 236
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       6538 Jan 17 13:40 cpu2
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       5509 Jan 17 13:40 dmp
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 bb       other       2943 Aug 16 15:44 ext-proto
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 bb       other       4541 Aug 16 15:45 failover
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       9372 Jan 17 13:40 ha
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 May 10  2000 hist
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       7275 Jan 17 13:40 iostat
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       3814 Jan 17 13:40 ipcs
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       7562 Jan 17 13:40 logs
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       4263 Jan 17 13:40 mail
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 Aug 17 15:14 mkbb
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other      11284 Jan 17 13:40 network
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       5076 Jan 17 13:40 oracle
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other      11863 Jan 17 13:40 printers
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       6314 Jan 17 13:40 prtdiag
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       6846 Jan 17 13:40 queue
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 Aug 15 00:56 rep
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       5258 Jan 17 13:40 top
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       3760 Jan 17 13:40 vx_check
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       4614 Jan 17 13:40 vx_group
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       3724 Jan 17 13:40 vx_list
    # chown bb *
    # chmod 755 *
    # ls -l
    total 236
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       6538 Jan 17 13:40 cpu2
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       5509 Jan 17 13:40 dmp
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       2943 Aug 16 15:44 ext-proto
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       4541 Aug 16 15:45 failover
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       9372 Jan 17 13:40 ha
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 May 10  2000 hist
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       7275 Jan 17 13:40 iostat
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       3814 Jan 17 13:40 ipcs
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       7562 Jan 17 13:40 logs
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       4263 Jan 17 13:40 mail
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 Aug 17 15:14 mkbb
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other      11284 Jan 17 13:40 network
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       5076 Jan 17 13:40 oracle
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other      11863 Jan 17 13:40 printers
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       6314 Jan 17 13:40 prtdiag
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       6846 Jan 17 13:40 queue
    drwxr-xr-x   2 bb       other         96 Aug 15 00:56 rep
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       5258 Jan 17 13:40 top
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       3760 Jan 17 13:40 vx_check
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       4614 Jan 17 13:40 vx_group
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       3724 Jan 17 13:40 vx_list
    # pwd
  • I tend to customize the header/footer areas of the pages, so lets change all that next. Go to the /usr/local/bb/bb15/web area for this. Move all the existing *footer* scripts to .orig versions.
    # cd /usr/local/bb/bb15/web 
    # ls   bbrep_footer        histlog_header      mkbb.comp           mkrep.bkg     bb2_footer          bbrep_header        hostsvc_footer   bb2_header          hist_footer         hostsvc_header             replog_footer  bb_footer           hist_header         mkbb.bkg              replog_header      bb_header           histlog_footer      mkbb.cols 
    # cp bb2_footer bb2_footer.orig
    # cp bb2_header bb2_header.orig
    # cp bb_footer bb_footer.orig
    # cp bb_header bb_header.orig
    # cp bbrep_footer bbrep_footer.orig
    # cp bbrep_header bbrep_header.orig
    # cp hist_footer hist_footer.orig
    # cp hist_header hist_header.orig
    # cp histlog_footer hist_log_footer.orig
    # cp histlog_header histlog_header.orig
    # cp hostsvc_footer hostsvc_footer.orig
    # cp hostsvc_header hostsvc_header.orig
    # cp replog_footer replog_footer.orig
    # cp replog_header replog_header.orig
  • After copying all those safely out of the way, remove the old ones, get the main footer script from old_bbserver, and link all the other *footer* scripts to the main footer script. This way we can change it once and have it reflect in all pages. Then last but not least, change ownership to bb for all those files.
    # rcp old_bbserver:/usr/local/bb/www/footer .
    # rm bb2_footer bb_footer bbrep_footer hist_footer histlog_footer hostsvc_footer replog_footer 
    # ln -s footer bb2_footer
    # ln -s footer bb_footer
    # ln -s footer bbrep_footer
    # ln -s footer hist_footer
    # ln -s footer histlog_footer
    # ln -s footer hostsvc_footer
    # ln -s footer replog_footer
    # chown bb *foot*
    # ls -l
    total 270
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       4090 Aug 16 16:03
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other      13551 Aug 16 15:55
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       2331 Aug 16 15:57
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       1984 Aug 16 16:01
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       3553 Aug 17 12:07
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other      11420 Aug 16 16:01
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:45 bb2_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1795 Jan 17 13:42 bb2_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1900 Aug 16 16:00 bb2_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1900 Jan 17 13:42 bb2_header.orig
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:45 bb_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1794 Jan 17 13:42 bb_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1969 Aug 16 16:00 bb_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1969 Jan 17 13:42 bb_header.orig
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:46 bbrep_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1368 Jan 17 13:42 bbrep_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1817 Aug 16 16:01 bbrep_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1817 Jan 17 13:42 bbrep_header.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1732 Jan 17 13:44 footer
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:46 hist_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1798 Jan 17 13:43 hist_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1853 Aug 16 15:59 hist_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1853 Jan 17 13:43 hist_header.orig
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:46 histlog_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1813 Jan 17 13:43 histlog_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2013 Aug 16 15:59 histlog_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       2013 Jan 17 13:43 histlog_header.orig
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:46 hostsvc_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1809 Jan 17 13:43 hostsvc_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1924 Aug 16 15:59 hostsvc_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1924 Jan 17 13:43 hostsvc_header.orig
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       1050 Aug 16 16:03 mkbb.bkg
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       1093 Aug 16 15:55 mkbb.cols
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       1393 Aug 16 15:57 mkbb.comp
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       2858 Aug 16 15:59
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other      18281 Aug 16 16:03
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       7300 Aug 16 15:56
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other      11361 Aug 17 02:22
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       1090 Aug  8 12:47 mkrep.bkg
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       2698 Aug 17 00:28
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          6 Jan 17 13:46 replog_footer -> footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1798 Jan 17 13:43 replog_footer.orig
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1818 Aug 16 16:02 replog_header
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1818 Jan 17 13:43 replog_header.orig
    # pwd
  • Now its time to finally try to start it up and see what happens. It will take up to 5 minutes for all the initial processing to occur before the first html page will be created. So start it up, and lauch a browser that looks at the area.
    # su - bb -c "/usr/local/bb/bb15/ start"
    Sun Microsystems Inc.	SunOS 5.8	Generic	February 2000
    Welcome to ......The unix group's info server!!!
    Starting Big Brother...
    Starting Big Brother Daemon (bbd)...
    Big Brother 1.5 started
  • I personally prefer to create the hushlogin file so that bb wont report the /etc/motd each time it switches users, so perform the following step for that :
    # touch ~bb/.hushlogin
  • Now switch back to the BB's etc directory and configure the processes that we will check for as warnable and critical. This will require a restart of the BB server after the changes.
    # cd ../../etc
    # ls
    bb-dftab.DIST                         numeric-k6.scr
    bb-hosts                  bbwarnrules.cfg         numeric.scr
    bb-proctab.DIST                bbwarnrules.cfg.DIST    security.DIST     bbsys.local             bbwarnsetup.cfg         sms.scr
    # vi  ## ( to setup PROCS and PAGEPROCS)
    # su - bb -c "/usr/local/bb/bb15/ restart"
    Restarting Big Brother...
    Starting Big Brother Daemon (bbd)...
    Big Brother 1.5 started
  • To ensure that its working, and that the extension scripts are running, switch over to the /tmp area, and look for custom files created for the BB server.
    # cd /tmp
    # ls
    BBMISS.7488              bbserver.iostat.log      bb.log                   ps_data
    BBMISS.7731              bbserver.ipcs            cap                      psb_back_socket
    BBMISS.7813              bbserver.mail            hs-4487                  psb_front_socket
    bbserver.cpu2            bbserver.mail.log        hs-5487                  smbstat
    bbserver.dmp             bbserver.printers        hs-9487                  snoop.txt
    bbserver.dmp.log         bbserver.printers.color  kernel_ip_values.out     sysdef_i.out
    bbserver.ha              bbserver.printers.out    mpTQayJd                 ups_data
    bbserver.iostat          bbserver.prtdiag         proc.trans.ctspluz
  • It was at this point that I realized there were a few steps I would have to complete that I had overlooked. Specifically, I would need to create the group bb (same number as the UID number for bb - 1984) and change all files under /usr/local/bb to be owned by that group.
    # vi /etc/group  ## (to add new bb group)
    # su - bb -c "/usr/local/bb/bb15/ restart"
    Restarting Big Brother...
    Starting Big Brother Daemon (bbd)...
    Big Brother 1.5 started
  • Now I brought over, rather than recreate, the information file about the bbserver server. This file was currently resident on the old_bbserver server, and needed to be copied to the admpwb01 server. It contains information about the configuration of the box, who is primary/secondary support, and any other information applicable. It is not required but is a very nice feature. It is accessible from the area by clicking on the actual server name - it is really a link to this file. Since I figure that this bbserver server will eventually host all the bb pages, I brought over all these server info files, not just the bbserver file. Then of course we need to change the ownership to bb for all these files.
    # rcp old_bbserver:/usr/local/bb/www/notes/* .
    # ls
    README               apppdb01-hme1.html  sybudb01-alt.html   webddb01.html        sglrdb01-hme1.html
    old_bbserver.html         apppdb01.html       sybudb01.html       prod_bb_client-alt.html    sglrdb01.html
    admin08.html         appudb01-alt.html   floater.html         prod_bb_client.html        sisrdb01-alt.html
    bbserver.html        appudb01.html       footer               webrdb01-alt.html    sisrdb01-hme0.html
    admsrvr1.html        sybddb01.html       footer.html          webrdb01.html        sisrdb01-hme1.html
    dpfwadm01.html       sybpdb01-alt.html   footer.pluzzi        webudb01-alt.html    sisrdb01.html
    appddb01.html       sybpdb01-hme0.html  webbdb01-alt.html    webudb01.html        slpapdb01-alt.html
    apppdb01-alt.html   sybpdb01-hme1.html  webbdb01.html        sglrdb01-alt.html    slpapdb01.html
    apppdb01-hme0.html  sybpdb01.html       webddb01-alt.html    sglrdb01-hme0.html
    # chown bb *
    # ls -l
    total 260
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other        467 Aug 16 15:45 README
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2104 Jan 17 14:02 old_bbserver.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1949 Jan 17 14:02 admin08.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2300 Jan 17 14:02 bbserver.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1880 Jan 17 14:02 admsrvr1.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2046 Jan 17 14:02 dpfwadm01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2123 Jan 17 14:02 appddb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2202 Jan 17 14:02 apppdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2202 Jan 17 14:02 apppdb01-hme0.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2204 Jan 17 14:02 apppdb01-hme1.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2202 Jan 17 14:02 apppdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2268 Jan 17 14:02 appudb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2266 Jan 17 14:02 appudb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2085 Jan 17 14:02 sybddb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2146 Jan 17 14:02 sybpdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2144 Jan 17 14:02 sybpdb01-hme0.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2144 Jan 17 14:02 sybpdb01-hme1.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2144 Jan 17 14:02 sybpdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2208 Jan 17 14:02 sybudb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2208 Jan 17 14:02 sybudb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2353 Jan 17 14:02 floater.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1650 Jan 17 14:02 footer
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       3011 Jan 17 14:02 footer.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       4810 Jan 17 14:02 footer.pluzzi
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2351 Jan 17 14:02 webbdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2283 Jan 17 14:02 webbdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2349 Jan 17 14:02 webddb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2285 Jan 17 14:02 webddb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2347 Jan 17 14:02 webpdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2279 Jan 17 14:02 webpdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2354 Jan 17 14:02 webrdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2286 Jan 17 14:02 webrdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2337 Jan 17 14:02 webudb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2269 Jan 17 14:02 webudb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2209 Jan 17 14:02 sglrdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2207 Jan 17 14:02 sglrdb01-hme0.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2209 Jan 17 14:02 sglrdb01-hme1.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2207 Jan 17 14:02 sglrdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2116 Jan 17 14:02 sisrdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2121 Jan 17 14:02 sisrdb01-hme0.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2116 Jan 17 14:02 sisrdb01-hme1.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2121 Jan 17 14:02 sisrdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2398 Jan 17 14:02 slpapdb01-alt.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       2396 Jan 17 14:02 slpapdb01.html
    -rw-r--r--   1 bb       other       1201 Aug 16 15:46
    # pwd
  • I had noticed that there was a problem with the vx scripts in the /usr/local/bb/bb15/ext area, and needed to dig around to find out what the problem was. I started by checking to see if the scripts were properly named in the bbsys.local file. Then I checked that the did in fact exist as they should in the area claimed, and that they had execute permissions.
    # cd ../../etc
    # vi bbsys.local  ## (to check on vx* commands)
    # ls -l /usr/sbin/vxdisk
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 root     sys       236904 Mar 31  2000 /usr/sbin/vxdisk
    # ls -l /usr/sbin/vxdg
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 root     sys       389292 Mar 31  2000 /usr/sbin/vxdg
    # ls -l /usr/sbin/vxid. .od
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 root     sys        13584 Mar 31  2000 /usr/sbin/vxiod
  • One of the best ways to test these things is to switch to the bb user, and try to manually run them. This requires setting a BBHOME variable, and setting up the environment. Then we can run the script and see what happens.
    # su - bb
    $ export BBHOME=/usr/local/bb/bb15
    $ . $BBHOME/etc/
    $ cd bb15/ext
    $ ls
    cpu2       failover   iostat     mail       oracle     queue      vx_check
    dmp        ha         ipcs       mkbb       printers   rep        vx_group
    ext-proto  hist       logs       network    prtdiag    top        vx_list
    $ ./vx_list
    vxvm:vxdisk: ERROR: IPC failure: Permission denied
    vxvm:vxdisk: ERROR: IPC failure: Permission denied
    $ /usr/sbin/vxdisk list
    vxvm:vxdisk: ERROR: IPC failure: Permission denied
    $ exit
  • So what I found was that it didnt work from the vx_list script, and I couldnt even run it from the command line manually as the vxdisk list command. So I realized that these were privileged commands only, and I would have to make those three vx scripts suid and extremely secure. This is done by setting the ownership to root, the group to bb, the mode to 4750, and setting the "#!/bin/sh -p" first line declaration on these scripts.
    # pwd
    # ls -l *vx*
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       5509 Jan 17 14:05 dmp
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       3760 Jan 17 13:40 vx_check
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       4614 Jan 17 13:40 vx_group
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bb       other       3724 Jan 17 13:40 vx_list
    # vi vx* ## (in order to add the "-p" flag to the shell declaration line)
    # chown root vx* dmp
    # ls -l *vx* dmp
    -rwsr-x---   1 root     other       5509 Jan 17 14:05 dmp
    -rwsr-x---   1 root     other       3763 Jan 17 14:05 vx_check
    -rwsr-x---   1 root     other       4617 Jan 17 14:05 vx_group
    -rwsr-x---   1 root     other       3727 Jan 17 14:05 vx_list
  • Stop the bb server, ensure the bb group is in place and configured, change any remaining permissions, and set it all up.
    # su - bb -c "/usr/local/bb/bb15/ stop"
    Stopping Big Brother...
    # pwd
    # vi /etc/group ## (to ensure the bb group is there)
    # vi /etc/passwd ## (to change default group of bb to the new bb group)
    # chgrp -R bb bb
  • With all that complete, restart the BB server, and see if it fixed our problems. The two ways to check would be to check the /tmp/`uname -n`.vx_list or to check the web page for the vx_list column.
    # su - bb -c "/usr/local/bb/bb15/ start"
    Starting Big Brother...
    Starting Big Brother Daemon (bbd)...
    Big Brother 1.5 started
    # pwd
    $ cat /tmp/bbserver.vx_list
    Veritas disk list on bbserver 
    Captured : Wed Jan 17 14:08:15 EST 2001 
    <B>============== Disks under Veritas Control ==============</B>
    <B>============== Reporting all, only checking configured ==============</B>
    <B>--- (vxdisk list) ---</B>
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    c0t0d0s2     sliced    rootdisk     rootdg       online
    c0t1d0s2     sliced    alt-rootdisk  rootdg       online
    c1t0d0s2     sliced    appsdg01     appsdg       online
    c1t1d0s2     sliced    appsdg02     appsdg       online
    c2t8d0s2     sliced    appsdg03     appsdg       online
    c2t9d0s2     sliced    appsdg04     appsdg       online
    $ pwd
    $ exit
  • Now just exit out of the script session.
    # ^D
    script done on Wed Jan 17 14:09:19 2001
  • I did also copy over /usr/local/bb/bb15/www/help/bb-help.html and /usr/local/bb/bb15/www/help/bb-rep.html had to change server name (cgi-area) from old_bbserver to bbserver in bb-rep.html. The reason for the bb-help file is that if someone clicks on one of the customized column headers on the web page, it will not normally know what the custom column does. This bb-help file has all that written into it. The other change is for the availability reporting - there was a bug were oct/nov/dec would only show october information, so I had to correct that as well.

  • For additional information on setup of Big Brother, see the following links :