Client side installation of Oracle (EO)
First of all the following are the IP addresses
- 1. IP address of the server (SCO box) is
- 2. IP address of the NT box (forms are installed on it as well as user
profile is set up) is
Login into the NT or SCO machine
- 1. login = oracle
- 2. password = ******
- 3. We have created a backdoor for NT (STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL)---user
= ora_admin and password = ******
Mapping the drive
- 1. Go to the Network Neighborhood and choose oracle (orant). Click
right on the mouse and go to the properties and map the drive. Make sure
that Reconenct at logon box is checked
- 2. Secondly Make sure that when this is set up the user the granted
the permission to use it, by this I mean make sure you login as the user
in order to give me the privilege of using the form.
Configuring Client pc for Oracle installation
- 1. Put the CD labeled Developer/2000 Server.
- 2. Choose English as Default language
- 3. Install Oracle Home on drive that has enough space
- 4. Choose Deployment Installation
- 5. In case the Deployment Installation DOES NOT WORK then choose the
following from the custom Installation:-
- a. Developer/2000 Documentation
- b. Form Runtime
- c. Graphics Runtime
- d. Developer/2000 - Open Interface
- e. Developer/2000 - Procedure Builder
- f. Reports Runtime
- g. Developer/2000 Releases Notes
- h. GUI Common Files
- i. Information Navigator
- j. Oracle Installer
- k. Required Support Files
- l. SQL* Net Chart
- m. System Support Files
- n. Tools Utilities
- 6. After installation restart the machine.
- 7. Choose Forms Runtime. Using right click on the mouse make a shortcut.
- 8. Under shortcut Target is --------(---means whatever the information
is on it) append O(drive that is going to be mapped, try to keep this consistent)
,so append O:\Master.Fmx
- 9. Start in O:\
Changing the hosts file
- 1. Edit the hosts file to add the server
- 2. Usually it is located in C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc
- 3. Type edit hosts
- 4. There is a bug in NT hosts which does not read the last added item,
therefore what we have to do is go the last item in the hosts file and
add a letter to the last item, Go back one character and hit enter. After
that letter comes to the next line hit DELETE key and add eo1.
- 5. Exit out of it.
Installing Listener
- 1. Go to the Dos prompt
- 2. Type ftp eo1 ( ftp stands for File Transfer Protocol)
- 3. user--- oracle
- 4. password ******
- 5. Do pwd at this point to see what dir you are in. Make sure you are
in etc dir. If not change your dir.
- 6. Type get tnsnames.ora to get that file from the server. If the file
is not found here you will always find the file in oracle home. To do that
see where oracle home is installed, do SET at Unix promt, then do the following
cd /oraclehome/network/admin and get the file.
- 7. Type Bye to exit
- 8. It is very important to see that the files came out okay, Therefor
do edit tnsnames.ora. If the file is readable and looks okay just exit.
Checking NT server
- 1. Make sure that the user having the privilege are also added to the
oracle_end_user profile on the NT Server machine and to do that go to the
NT Server machine :- a. Go to the start button and under programs Choose
Administration Tools and under that Choose User Manager. Double click on
to the oracle_end_user group and add the user.
- 2. Go to the user workstation and see if everything does work!!!!