Oracle8 Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
Cause: SQL text being parsed contains invalid syntax that may have been introduced during collection or editing of workload or schema data.
Action: Correct the SQL text and retry the operation.
Cause: A numeric value was entered that is less than the lower limit.
Action: Enter a value greater than the limit specified.
Cause: A numeric value was entered that is greater than the upper limit.
Action: Enter a value less than the lower limit specified.
Cause: A C programming language call has failed. The additional ERROR text will provide information on the specifics of the failure. These types of errors typically indicate a problem with either the installation or the operating system settings, such as virtual memory.
Action: Use the additional information provided to determine the cause of the problem.
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to create a file.
Cause: You attempted to delete an object before deleting its dependents.
Action: First delete the object's dependents then retry the operation.
Cause: You attempted to create a copy of a rule without an associated object/owner. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: Log a bug report, including the contents of the XP_USER_RULE table from the EM repository.
Cause: You attempted to load the default rules, and a rule creation was attempted without an associated object/owner. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Service or client. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, EM version, and database version of the repository.
Cause: You attempted to remove a copy of a rule that does not have an associated object/owner. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: Log a bug report, including the contents of the XP_USER_RULE table from the EM repository.
Cause: You attempted to clear the default rules from the Oracle Expert Services repository, and a rule was found without an associated object/ owner. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: Log a bug report, including the contents of the XP_USER_RULE table from the Oracle Expert Services repository.
Cause: You cancelled a collection while it was in progress.
Cause: You cancelled an operation while it was in progress.
Cause: An Oracle server error has occurred while attempting to access the Oracle Expert Services repository or the target tuneable database. The ERROR text provides the specific Oracle server error message.
Action: If the error indicates an environmental problem, e.g. the instance is not started, then correct the problem.
Cause: The rows you specified for deletion were not found.
Cause: You attempted to access a database for which the instance has not been started. The ERROR message contains additional detail from the Oracle server error message.
Cause: You attempted to connect to a database but did not supply valid logon credentials.
Action: Supply valid logon credentials.
Cause: A server error has occurred while attempting to access the Oracle Expert Services repository or the target tuneable database. The ERROR text provides the specific Oracle server error message.
Action: If the error indicates an environmental problem, e.g. the instance is not started, then correct the problem.
Cause: A low-level data access/OCI error has occurred while accessing a specific column in the database.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, Oracle Expert Services version, database version of the repository, the return code of the error message reported, and the definition of the column where the failure occurred.
Cause: An internal logic error has occurred in the data access layer.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: An internal logic error has occurred in the data access layer.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: You supplied a value for a numeric field that contains non-numeric characters.
Action: Supply only numeric characters.
Cause: An attempt was made to write data to a disk that has no more free space available.
Action: Make space available on the device, or move the program/files to another device.
Cause: A record cursor returned no more rows.
Cause: A file read indicated end-of-file.
Cause: You attempted to collect an Oracle Trace collection that contains obsolete or unsupported data items.
Action: Review the release notes for version requirements/dependencies on Oracle Trace. If you feel that your current configuration is supported, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, EM version, database version of the repository, the return code of the error message reported, and any log files which may have been generated during the import which contain additional information.
Cause: The Oracle Expert Services subsystem (workbench) encountered a severe system error.
Action: Try the operation again. Attempt to eliminate any causes which may be environmental. If you feel that your current environment is satisfactory, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, Oracle Expert Services version, database version of the repository, and the operation which was in progress at the time of the failure.
Cause: A severe error condition has occurred and the Oracle Expert Services cannot continue the current session.
Action: Try the operation again. Attempt to eliminate any causes which may be environmental. If you feel that your current environment is satisfactory, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, Oracle Expert Services version, database version of the repository, and the operation which was in progress at the time of the failure.
Cause: You attempted to access a feature/function in Oracle Expert Services that is not yet available in the current version.
Action: Please log a bug report specifying how you were able to get this error message.
Cause: An attempt was made to write to a file that has already been opened by another user or process.
Action: Make sure the file is not in use and retry operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a file that does not exist.
Action: Make sure that the requested file does exist and retry the operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to open a file which is not accessible as a result of privilege or security problems.
Action: Resolve the file access problem and retry operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to run a version of Enterprise Manager that is not compatible with the version of the product that created the repository being accessed.
Action: Delete the repository and re-execute Enterprise Manager.
Cause: An object was found in the Oracle Expert Services repository that is incomplete as a result of a collection being interrupted or cancelled.
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the data access layer.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A date/time was specified using an incorrect format.
Action: Supply a valid date/time string.
Cause: You have created a logical device in the Oracle Expert Services repository without providing a physical location for the files. Oracle Expert Services requires this be provided.
Action: Supply a location for the logical device.
Cause: The Oracle Expert Services parser has encountered a token in an input file that was expected to be a number, but was not.
Action: Correct the file and retry the operation.
Cause: The Oracle Expert Services parser has encountered a token in an input file that was expected to be an integer, but was not.
Action: Correct the file and retry the operation.
Cause: A system error has occurred while attempting a specific operation.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A literal text item was found in SQL text that contains unprintable characters. Oracle Expert Services cannot display or print this text item.
Cause: You attempted to connect to the Oracle Expert Services repository, but the schema accessed using the logon credentials provided is not an Oracle Expert Services repository.
Action: Ensure the logon account used contains/owns an Oracle Expert Services repository schema.
Cause: An object was collected by the Oracle Expert Services that contains references to external entities which could not be located in the Oracle repository.
Action: Collect items referenced by the object being collected.
Cause: A database was collected by Oracle Expert Services that contains references to external entities which could not be located in the Oracle repository.
Action: Collect items referenced by the object being collected.
Cause: A naming template was supplied that contains characters that could not be used in the name of the object constructed using the template.
Action: Remove the offending characters.
Cause: An instance parameter was found associated with an unknown grouping. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: An object was collected by Oracle Expert Services that contains references to external entities which could not be located in the Oracle Expert Services repository.
Action: Collect items referenced by the object being collected.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services encountered text in an import file (SQL or XDL) that is longer than the largest allowable buffer length as specified in this message.
Action: Break the long line into separate smaller lines.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services was unable to find an error message. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please try to re-install the product. If this does not correct the problem, then log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: Oracle Expert Services could not find a required table in the Oracle Trace database identified for workload collection.
Action: Review the release notes for version requirements/dependencies on Oracle Trace. If you feel that your current configuration is supported, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, EM version, database version of the repository, the return code of the error message reported, and any log files which may have been generated during the import which contain additional information.
Cause: An incomplete Oracle Expert Services schema was found when connecting to the repository.
Action: Re-install the Performance Pack, and recreate the Oracle Expert Services repository by issuing the following command from a DOS window : VOBSH -c "repos user/ repos password" -o DROP -p " Oracle Expert"
Cause: The Oracle Trace database did not contain any collections, and no data will be collected by Oracle Expert Services.
Cause: An attempt was made to select an object from the Oracle Expert Services repository that does not exist.
Cause: A filename was provided that contains an invalid disk or device name.
Action: Correct the device reference and retry the operation.
Cause: A database connect string was provided for workload collection, and the schema accessed did not contain Trace data.
Action: Provide an Oracle Trace database.
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the data access layer.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the data access layer.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object in the Oracle Expert Services repository using the name of an existing object of the same type.
Action: Provide a unique name, or delete the existing object from the Oracle Expert Services repository.
Cause: A numeric value was supplied for the specified attribute that is not within the required range of values for the attribute.
Action: Supply a number within the required range.
Cause: A numeric value was supplied for the specified attribute that is not within the required range of values for the attribute.
Action: Supply a number within the required range.
Cause: A value was entered for a numeric attribute that is less than the required minimum.
Action: Enter a value greater than the required minimum.
Cause: A value was entered for a numeric attribute that is greater than the required maximum.
Action: Enter a value less than the required maximum.
Cause: A serious error has occurred in the Oracle Expert Services SQL parser.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: SQL text parsed during the collection or editing of workload or schema data contains invalid syntax.
Action: Correct the SQL text and retry the operation.
Cause: A workload importance or frequency was found that is outside of the range allowed by Oracle Expert Services while collecting workload from an XDL file.
Action: Modify the offending value to be within the allowable range and retry the operation.
Cause: While parsing a SQL or XDL statement, Oracle Expert Services encountered the end of statement, usually a ';' when more data was expected.
Action: Correct the statement and retry the operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify or delete a request (SQL statement) that exists as a result of a view.
Action: Delete the actual view to remove this statement.
Cause: You attempted to connect to the Oracle Expert Services repository more than once in the current session.
Action: Discontinue the previous session before continuing with this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to access data in a tunable database where no previous connection to that database was made. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object in a schema that is currently being collected.
Action: Wait until the collection is complete, or cancel it before attempting this operation.
Cause: A schema name was specified on the schema collect options page for schema collection, but a schema of another name was found in the schema statistics file.
Action: If the statistics are to be used for the schema name specified then edit the file and change the name.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a child object using the same name as that of an existing child object.
Action: Provide a unique name.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services could not resolve an external reference within a SQL statement. An external reference must either be a valid workload request, or DDL statement within the Oracle Expert Services repository.
Action: Ensure that all entities referenced are collected and validate the object again.
Cause: This is an Oracle Expert Services internal error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: This is an Oracle Expert Services internal error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the string or buffer management subsystem.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A string was found in an input file with a missing beginning or end quote.
Action: Correct the problem and retry the operation.
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the string or buffer management subsystem.
Action: This error indicates either a configuration problem, a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. First, increase the virtual memory setting on your operating system. If this does not resolve the problem, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the string or buffer management subsystem.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the string or buffer management subsystem.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A logic error has occurred in the string or buffer management subsystem.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: You attempted to connect to a target tunable database more than once in the current session.
Action: Discontinue the previous session before continuing with this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to access data in a tunable database where no previous connection to that database was made. This is an unexpected system error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A template was provided in the rules that generates a name longer than the longest allowable name.
Action: Modify the template to generate names shorter than the allowable limit.
Cause: A text value was specified that is longer than the maximum allowable size.
Action: Shorten the text value.
Cause: This is an Oracle Expert Services internal error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: An unsupported SQL fragment was found while parsing a CREATE TABLE statement during schema collection from a SQL file.
Action: Remove the offending fragment and retry the operation.
Cause: A quoted literal was found in a parsed string without a terminating close quote.
Action: Add the close quote to the string and retry the operation.
Cause: Insufficient memory exists on the platform where Oracle Expert Services is running.
Action: Increase the amount of memory.
Cause: During workload collection, an application was found with requests (SQL statements) with external references to items that could not be found in the Oracle Expert Services repository.
Action: Collect objects (usually schemas) referenced by the workload and then validate the workload.
Cause: An attempt was made to start an instance duration collection that failed.
Action: The last error code should indicate an MS-Windows error. Resolve this error and retry operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to convert an input string to an internal date, but failed. The input string did not conform to the required date mask.
Action: Enter a date that conforms to the specified date mask.
Cause: An input string was specified for date conversion but did not contain all elements of a date.
Action: enter a date that contains all components 'month/day/year hour:minute:second'.
Cause: The system was unable to load the resource DLL specified.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. First, re-install the Performance Pack by deinstalling the current Performance Pack, then re-installing. If this does not correct the problem, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the name of the DLL that was not found.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with the Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: A C runtime library error has occurred.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: An exception of an unknown type has been caught by the Oracle Expert Services exception handling mechanism.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services was unable to start up. The ERROR text may provide additional information as to the nature of the problem.
Action: Correct problem and retry the operation. Reinstall the Performance Pack by first deinstalling it from Oracle Installer then reinstalling. If this does not correct the problem, please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the supplemental error messages reported by the application.
Cause: During the creation of an instance, you tried to enter both a linkname and some portion of a connect string.
Action: Specify either the connect string or the linkname but not both.
Cause: The specified rule's owner object was not found when Oracle Expert Services attempted to locate it in the repository. This is an internal error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: The specified rule was not found when Oracle Expert Services attempted to locate it in the repository. This is an internal error.
Action: This error indicates a logic error or installation problem with Oracle Expert Services. Please log a bug report specifying the operating system, the Oracle Expert Services version, the database version of the repository, and the operation being performed when the failure occurred.
Cause: While collecting schema table statistics, the Oracle Expert Services cardinality scan operation failed, possibly because of an internal server limitation. Since the typical cardinality scan operation performs the scan in small segments, other table columns not listed in the error message should have successfully completed the scan operation.
Action: Manually set the cardinality value for the offending columns.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a repository that is incompatible with the version of Oracle Expert Services currently being used.
Action: (1) Delete the incompatible repository and re-install using the current version of Expert or (2) re-install the version of Oracle Expert Services that created or last upgraded the incompatible repository.
Cause: Insufficient memory exists on the platform where Oracle Expert is running.
Action: Increase the amount of memory.
Cause: The instance name associated with this tuning session does not correspond with the service (database) name with which this session was created. The operation cannot be completed.
Action: When using the Create from file option for creating a tuning session or collecting instance data from a file, the instance specified in the file must reference the same service under which the session will be created. Either create the session under the correct service, or modify the file to reference the service where the session is to be created.
Cause: When connecting to a repository, a validation process will attempt to verify the existence and compatibility of the user's repository. If the operation fails, the user will have to select a different repository or attempt to connect to the repository again. There should have been additional messages prior to this message.
Action: Choose another repository or attempt the operation again.
Cause: This will only occur if the caller of the Repository Manager has passed in a product name or group name that does not actually exist in the repository driver script.
Action: Determine the correct product or group name and change the Repository Manager call.
Cause: This will only occur if the repository validation scripts are missing or invalid.
Action: Check the scripts and retry the operation.
Cause: You have entered an invalid version while specifying an upgrade script. The two versions represent the current repository version, and the repository version after the upgrade scripts have been executed. The two versions cannot be the same, and neither can be empty.
Action: Edit the Repository Manager script to correct the problem.
Cause: Repository Manager found a particular repository version that is not handled by the upgrade scripts.
Action: Edit the Repository Manager control script and add the necessary components to handle the specified version.
Cause: During the export, some warnings or errors were encountered. This may indicate that the export file is incomplete, or may be unusable.
Action: Examine the error messages, and the export .XDL file to ensure that the file is valid, and that the problems were not serious.
Cause: The empty string was specified for the specified attribute. Oracle Expert Services requires a string be provided.
Action: Supply a valid string.
Cause: The operation completed, but in an abnormal fashion. This was either because something failed during the operation, or because the user cancelled it.
Action: Correct any problems and try again.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services' connection to the database was lost. This is probably due to a database shutdown or restart.
Action: Exit the Oracle Expert Service, verify the database is running, and start again.
Cause: A required registry variable was not found in the windows registry. Either the registry file was not loaded properly by the installer, or the value has been manually removed.
Action: Attempt to reload the registry entries by re-installing the current product.
Cause: An attempt was made to export an environment in the Oracle Expert Services repository, but no environment object currently exists.
Action: Create an environment object before you attempt to export it.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services found multiple references while validating the specified SQL entity.
Action: Ensure that the SQL statement is properly formed and validate the object again.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services could not resolve an external reference within a SQL statement. An external reference must be a valid SQL entity.
Action: Ensure that all entities referenced are collected or within the required scope and validate the object again.
Cause: Oracle Expert Services could not find the specified SQL entity class object as referenced in the expert subsystem engine.
Action: This is a coding error.
Cause: The operation completed successfully.
Action: None.
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