Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
Cause: Unable to send data. Connection probably disconnected.
Action: Re-establish connection. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Unable to send break message. Connection probably disconnected.
Action: Re-establish connection. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.
Cause: Not currently connected to a remote host.
Action: Re-establish connection.
Cause: The service name specified is not defined correctly in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
Action: Make the following checks and correct the error:
- Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper place and
accessible. See the operating system specific manual for details on the
required name and location.
- Check to see that the service name exists in one of the TNSNAMES.ORA
files and add it if necessary.
- Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the file. Particularly
look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Any error in a TNSNAMES.ORA
file makes it unusable. See Chapter 4 in the SQL*Net V2 Administrator's
Guide. If possible, regenerate the configuration files using the Oracle
Network Manager.
Cause: Internal error during break handling.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Internal error during break handling.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Internal error during network communication.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Unable to locate parameter file.
Action: Verify that a valid parameter file exists, and is readable.
Cause: The trace file to be generated is not writeable by this user.
Action: If the user does not have write permissions in the directory to which the trace file will be written, contact the DBA to get the proper permissions or use TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT in SQLNET.ORA to specify a directory the user can write to.
Cause: Corrupt error reporting subsystem.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: The connection may be terminated.
Action: Reconnect and try again. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the service name in TNSNAMES.ORA is incorrectly specified.
Action: Make sure there are no syntax errors in the connect descriptor. Particularly look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Any error in a TNSNAMES.ORA file makes it unusable. See Chapter 4 in the SQL*Net V2 Administrator's Guide.
Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the service name in TNSNAMES.ORA is too long.
Action: The maximum length for a connect descriptor is 512 bytes and this limit has been exceeded. Use a smaller connect descriptor. If this is not possible, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: The sqlnet.fdf file doesn't exist in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.
Action: The sqlnet.fdf file is required for Oracle Tracing to occur. Either install the sqlnet.fdf file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or turn off tracing in your ORA file.
Cause: Oracle Trace doesn't allow writing trace information into your swap space.
Action: Oracle Trace cannot write trace information into swap space so either disable tracing or redirect trace files to be written to another area of your disk.
Cause: The navigation layer received an error from TNS.
Action: See the error log file for the specific TNS error.
Cause: The navigation layer received an error while trying to look up a value for a keyword.
Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor.
Cause: Could not navigate a path through Interchanges to the destination. This error occurs if an invalid community is in the address string, or the address includes a protocol that is not available or the TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a correct CMANAGER address specified or the Interchange is down.
Action: Assure that Interchanges necessary to get to the desired destination are up and have available capacity for an additional connection. Also check that the correct community and protocol have been specified in the CMANAGER address used.
Cause: Out of memory on machine.
Action: Reconfigure machine to have more storage or run fewer applications while the Interchange is running.
Cause: TNS connection buffer supplied by the application was too small to retrieve the data sent back.
Action: Supply a larger connection buffer. If problem persists, call Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Internal navigation error.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Invalid TNS address supplied or destination is not listening. This error can also occur because of underlying network transport problems.
Action: Verify that the service name you entered on the command line was correct. Ensure that the listener is running at the remote node and that the ADDRESS parameters specified in TNSNAMES.ORA are correct. Finally, check that all Interchanges needed to make the connection are up and running.
Cause: The application using the Interchange refused the connection at the listener.
Action: Make sure that the application listener at the destination is functioning correctly. If it is and the problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Internal navigation error.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Internal navigation error because of an unexpected TNS error.
Action: Look at the log file to find the TNS error. If necessary, turn on tracing and repeat the operation.
Cause: Improperly configured navigation file TNSNAV.ORA.
Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file on the application`s machine, and verify that it lists the correct communities.
Cause: Either the ORACLE environment is not set up correctly, or the TNSNAV.ORA file is not present.
Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is set up appropriately on your platform and that a TNSNAV.ORA file is present.
Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the global variables. There are no TNSNAV.ORA files available, or they are defective.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the TNSNAV.ORA file.
Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file.
Cause: TNSNAV.ORA does not have a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS defined.
Action: Add a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry to the TNSNAV.ORA file.
Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a CMANAGER_NAME specified.
Action: Define the CMANAGER_NAME as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding. Use of the Oracle Network Manager should eliminate this error.
Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have an ADDRESS specified.
Action: Define the ADDRESS as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding.
Cause: There is no LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA.
Action: Define the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES for this node in the TNSNAV.ORA file.
Cause: Address binding for PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry is improperly entered. entry.
Action: Check your PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry and fix it in TNSNAV.ORA.
Cause: Address binding for the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file is improperly entered.
Action: Define the ADDRESS as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding.
Cause: There is a syntax error in the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry, or addresses specified are wrong, or the intended Connection Managers are unavailable.
Action: Check the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entries in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file and correct them or talk with your network administrator to determine if the specified Connection Managers are available. Verify that the Interchanges are active by using the INTCTL STATUS command.
Cause: Poorly formed network configuration data. For example, a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry may have an incorrect CMANAGER_NAME in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file. Or an Interchange downtime parameter (TIMEOUT_INTERVAL) on the Navigator may be set to zero in INTCHG.ORA.
Action: Check the entries in TNSNAV.ORA and the Interchange configuration files and correct them. If necessary, talk with your network administrator to determine if the specified Interchanges (Connection Managers) are available and properly configured. Use the Oracle Network Manager to generate the configuration files if necessary.
Cause: This error occurs when an ADDRESS_LIST has some ADDRESSes in it that have no COMMUNITY component and others that do have a COMMUNITY component.
Action: Check that in the connect descriptors you are using either all the ADDRESSes have a COMMUNITY component or all do not.
Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified. In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.
Action: Verify that the destination can be reached using the specified protocol. Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of TNSNAMES.ORA. Legal ADDRESS parameter formats may be found in the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform. Protocols that resolve names at the transport layer (such as DECnet object names) are vulnerable to this error if not properly configured or names are misspelled.
Cause: The protocol adapter requested (by way of the "(PROTOCOL=..)" keyword-value pair in a TNS address) is unknown. If the supplied address is typographically correct then the protocol adaptor is not installed.
Action: Install the protocol adapter or correct typographically error, as appropriate. Note: if the supplied address was derived from resolving the service name, check the address in the appropriate file (TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA or TNSNET.ORA).
Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.
Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.
Cause: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running.
Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with the appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange). Start the listener on the remote machine.
Cause: Contact can not be made with remote party.
Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.
Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.
Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.
Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.
Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor in TNSNAMES.ORA.
Cause: On some platforms (such as OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing then this error is returned.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will include the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.
Cause: One or more Interchanges along the path to the destination desired has no more free connections available to be used for this call.
Action: Try again later when the Interchanges are less busy, or contact your network administrator to have him determine which interchange it is, and increase the number of connections available on that interchange.
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to make contact with the destination due to a physical network error while calling a destination.
Action: Try again later when the network service may have been fixed or report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible connection along the path to the destination.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible path to the destination.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to accept a connection due to a redirect failure.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may isolate the interchange problem.
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which determines that this interchange is not the right gateway and needs to redirect the connection to another gateway along the path to the destination.
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to redirect a connection to another interchange along the path to the destination.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.
Cause: On some platforms (such as OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.
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