Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
Cause: The initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is specified incorrectly. Each clause should have one or more file numbers or ranges of file numbers, as listen in V$DBFILE, separated by commas. Use the following syntax:
GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS = "{filenum[-filenum] [,filenum[-filenum]]...= num_of_locks[EACH]}[:]..."
Spaces are not allowed within the double quotation marks.
Action: Correct the value of the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter before starting the instance. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the value that they are using.
Cause: The initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is not the same as another instance mounted in parallel mode. This parameter must be the same as that for all shared instances.
Action: Modify the parameter to be compatible with the other instances, then shut down and restart the instance.
Cause: The initialization parameter GC_LCK_PROCS is not the same in other instances that have the database open.
Action: Modify the parameter to be compatible with the other instances, then shut down and restart the instance.
Cause: The rollback segment may have been brought online previously by the database administrator or could have been left online after a process crashed. The above status can be one of the following: INVALID, IN USE, AVAILABLE, OFFLINE, NEEDS RECOVERY.
Action: Check the status of the rollback segment in the view DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS. Take the segment offline, if necessary.
Cause: A member of the current redo log for the given thread cannot be dropped.
Action: If the thread is opened, request a log switch by the instance that is using the thread. If the thread is not open, disable the thread manually, archive the log or clear it.
Cause: Either an earlier database recovery session specified BACKUP CONTROLFILE or the control file was recreated with the RESETLOGS option. Only BACKUP CONTROLFILE recovery is allowed, and it must be followed by resetting the online redo log files when the database is next opened.
Action: Perform recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option.
Cause: A thread number in a command is greater than the number of threads supported by the control file.
Action: Use a thread number that is valid, or resize the thread record and/or checkpoint progress record sections of the controlfile.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a thread that is already enabled.
Action: No action is required or enable another thread, if desired.
Cause: The thread cannot be enabled because it has less than two online redo log files associated with it.
Action: Add logs to the thread or pick another thread to enable.
Cause: The mount enqueue for the thread could not be acquired when attempting to enable the thread. This probably means that another process has already started enabling this thread.
Action: Wait and try again or find another thread to enable.
Cause: Some instance, possibly this one, has allocated the thread for use. The thread may not be disabled while in use.
Action: To disable this thread, cleanly shut down the instance using it.
Cause: The thread is not closed. The last instance to use the thread crashed and left the thread open. A thread cannot be disabled until it is closed. The thread is still needed for crash or instance recovery.
Action: If the database is open, instance recovery should close the thread soon. Wait a few minutes until instance recovery frees the thread. Otherwise, open the database. Crash recovery will close the thread.
Cause: The initialization parameter THREAD is not between1 and the number of threads allowed by the controlfile.
Action: Shut down the instance, change the INIT.ORA parameter and start up, or resize the thread record and/or checkpoint progress record sections of the controlfile.
Cause: The initialization parameter THREAD requests a thread that is not enabled. A thread must be enabled before it can be mounted.
Action: Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to an enabled thread number, then restart the instance. If the database is open in another instance, then the thread may be enabled.
Cause: The initialization parameter THREAD requests a thread that has been mounted by another instance. Only one instance may use each thread.
Action: Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to an unused thread, then restart the instance.
Cause: The initialization parameter THREAD is zero, its default value. There are no available threads that have been publicly enabled.
Action: Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to a thread that is privately enabled and not mounted, then restart the instance. If the database is open in another instance, then a thread may be publicly enabled.
Cause: This is a rename command for a member of the current log for an open thread. If the database is open anywhere, the log may be in use, so the rename cannot be done.
Action: Wait until the log is not current or mount the database exclusively.
Cause: The thread was not specified when adding a log, and the currently mounted thread was chosen by default. Because the current thread was not specified explicitly, the user cannot know to which thread the log will be added.
Action: Explicitly specify the thread number either in the initialization parameter THREAD or in the ADD LOGFILE command.
Cause: A thread's current log cannot be dropped, even if the thread is closed. A disabled thread usually does not have a current log, but a half completed disable may need to be disabled again.
Action: If the database is not open, disable the thread. If the database is open and an instance has the thread open, then switch logs in the instance with the thread open.
Cause: A log cannot be dropped or cleared until the thread's checkpoint has advanced out of the log.
Action: If the database is not open, then open it. Crash recovery will advance the checkpoint. If the database is open, force a global checkpoint. If the log is corrupted so that the database cannot be opened, it may be necessary to do an incomplete recovery until this log is cancelled.
Cause: An attempt was made to take a rollback segment offline that does not belong to this instance.
Action: Take only those rollback segments offline that belong to the current instance. To take the rollback segment offline, connect to the instance containing it.
Cause: There are too many transactions in this segment.
Action: Choose a different rollback segment or reduce the number of concurrent transactions.
Cause: This rollback may have been taken offline by the database administrator or cleaned up by SMON.
Action: Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS to make sure the rollback segment is actually online.
Cause: An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that already has reached its maximum size or space could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.
Action: If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters, as described in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.
Cause: The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for an offline tablespace.
Action: Check the storage parameters for the SYSTEM tablespace. The tablespace named needs to be brought online so that the undo information can be applied.
Cause: The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for a temporary segment in the named tablespace, or space could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.
Action: If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters as described in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.
Cause: The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for the named table.
Action: If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters.
Cause: The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for the named index.
Action: If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters.
Cause: The system is not configured to use the Parallel Server option, so the feature is not available.
Action: Contact Oracle Corporation to obtain the Parallel Server option.
Cause: The rollback segment specified was marked to go offline by the DBA.
Action: Bring the rollback segment online before continuing, or choose another rollback segment. If using SET TRANSACTION, use ROLLBACK SEGMENT name.
Cause: Either
Action: For the above, either:
Cause: A rollback segment can only be used by one instance and an instance is trying to bring a rollback segment online that is already in use.
Action: Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL, and ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance with the problem. Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file. Make sure you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments. See the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide for more information about using rollback segments in parallel mode.
Cause: A rollback segment can only be used by one instance, and an instance is trying to access a rollback segment online that is already in use.
Action: Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL, and ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance with the problem. Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file. Make sure you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments. See Oracle8 Parallel Server Concepts & Administration for more information about using rollback segments in parallel mode.
Cause: The recovery compatible initialization parameter is set too low to allow this software version to do a parallel mount.
Action: Either use an earlier software release or advance the RECOVERY_COMPATIBLE parameter. If this happens when no RECOVERY_COMPATIBLE parameter has been specified, then set it to the current software release.
Cause: The value of GC_LCK_PROCS is 0, and the database is being mounted in parallel mode.
Action: Change GC_LCK_PROCS to a value between 1 and 10 or leave it undefined to use the default.
Cause: An attempt to make a tablespace read-only encountered active transactions in the database. All transactions must be committed or rolled back to ensure consistency. This includes any transactions that are in doubt.
Action: Put the database in restricted mode to prevent any new transactions from being started and commit and/or rollback all active transactions, resolving all in-doubt transactions.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a datafile to a tablespace that was set to read only or offline.
Action: Make the tablespace online, read-write, and add the datafile.
For more information about ALTER TABLESPACE, see the index entry on "ALTER TABLESPACE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the BEGIN BACKUP or END BACKUP statement for a tablespace that has been made read-only.
Action: Start the backup without using the BEGIN BACKUP or END BACKUP statement. Read-only files cannot be modified and therefore will be consistent.
Cause: An attempt was made to make the system tablespace read-only. The system tablespace must be read-write for database operations.
Action: Do not attempt this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to make read-only a tablespace that is already read-only.
Action: This operation is unnecessary.
Cause: A failure while making a tablespace read-write occurred leaving the tablespace read-only, however the checkpoint was advanced. The tablespace will not be usable after a RESETLOGS if it's files are offline.
Action: Attempt to make the tablespace read-write again.
Cause: An attempt was made to make read-write a tablespace that is already read-write.
Action: This operation is unnecessary.
Cause: An attempt was made to allocate space in a read-only tablespace, which is not possible.
Action: Create the object in a read-write tablespace.
Cause: An attempt to enable the thread failed after it was half completed. This log was left as the current log even though the thread is still disabled. Because a log switch cannot be done until the thread is enabled, the log cannot be cleared or archived.
Action: Complete the thread enable by issuing the enable command again.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a command that does not make sense when the control file is a restored backup.
Action: Wait until after the database has been opened and try again.
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for the rollback segment in tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for saving undo entries for the specified offline tablespace.
Action: Check the storage parameters for the system tablespace. The tablespace must be brought back online so the undo can be applied.
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for temp segment in tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace or create the object in another tablespace.
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for table segment in tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for index segment in tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for cluster segment in tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: A cluster tried to extend past the value specified for MAXEXTENTS.
Action: If MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, specify a higher value. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.
Cause: The specified value must be an integer.
Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.
Cause: Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate INITIAL extent for segment being created.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with a smaller value for INITIAL.
Cause: Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate MINEXTENTS for the segment being created.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with smaller value for MINEXTENTS, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE.
Cause: An attempt was made to make a tablespace permanent that was already permanent.
Action: Leave tablespace permanent.
For more information about ALTER TABLESPACE, see the index entry on "ALTER TABLESPACE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to make a tablespace temporary that was already temporary.
Action: Leave tablespace permanent. For more information about ALTER TABLESPACE, see the index entry on "ALTER TABLESPACE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a non-empty tablespace to a temporary tablespace.
Action: Drop all the objects in the tablespace.
For more information about ALTER TABLESPACE and DROP TABLESPACE, see the index entries on "ALTER TABLESPACE" and on "DROP TABLESPACE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The contents of the tablespace always changed between PERMANENT and TEMPORARY.
Action: Decide what the tablespace contents should be and stay with it.
For more information about ALTER TABLESPACE, see the index entry on "ALTER TABLESPACE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: An attempt was made to mount, recover, or activate a standby database without a standby controlfile.
Action: Create a standby controlfile before attempting to use the database as a standby database.
For more information about control files and the manipulation of control files, see the index entry on "control files" in Oracle8 Server Concepts and the index entry on "control files, in CREATE DATABASE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to mount, recover, or open a standby database without the appropriate command option to designate a standby database.
Action: Use the standby option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary controlfile.
For more information about control files and the manipulation of control files, see the index entry on "control files" in Oracle8 Server Concepts and the index entry on "control files, in CREATE DATABASE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Recovery of a standby database encountered redo in primary database that did not support the standby database option.
Action: Change the compatible initialization parameter for the primary database to be 7.3.0 or greater, open the primary database, and rebuild the standby database.
For more information about parameter files and database startles, see the index entry on "parameter files" in Oracle8 Server Concepts.
Cause: An attempt was made to take a datafile offline in a standby database without specifying the DROP option. Files that were offline in a standby database were not recovered, and were likely to be unusable if the standby was activated. Note that specifying DROP does not prevent bringing the file online later.
Action: Specify the DROP option or leave the file online.
For more information about the DROP clause or other DROP commands, see the index entry on "DROP" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to activate a standby database with a control file that was not recovered to the same point as the datafiles. Most likely the control file was just copied in primary database and was not used for recovery.
Action: Recover the standby database until all the files are consistent.
For more information about database recovery, see the index entry on "recovery, database, overview of" in Oracle8 Server Concepts.
Cause: Standby database recovery noticed that a file was added to the primary database but was not available on the standby.
Action: Either copy the file in primary database or do an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command on the standby to create a file to recover. For more information about ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE, see the index entries on "ALTER DATABASE" and on "CREATE DATAFILE clause, of ALTER DATABASE command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The currently mounted control file was a backup control file and attempted to create a control file for a standby database.
Action: Complete any needed recovery and open the database with the RESETLOGS option. For more information about the RESETLOGS option, see the index entry on "RESETLOGS option, of ALTER DATABASE command" and on "RESETLOGS option, of CREATE CONTROLFILE command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a standby control file, but the controlfile was either recently created by using CREATE CONTROLFILE or an incomplete recovery was done. Therefore, the datafiles in the controlfile and the ones in the data dictionary may not match.
Action: Open the database and retry the operation. For more information about CREATE CONTROLFILE, see the index entry on "CONTROLFILE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The datafile was not in the control file after an incomplete recovery or CREATE CONTROLFILE. Since information from its header was needed for standby database recovery, a standby controlfile cannot be created.
Action: Find the file and bring it online. If desired, it may be taken offline again. If you intend to drop this file, then taking it offline with the DROP option will avoid this error.
For more information about CREATE CONTROLFILE and DROP, see the index entries on "CREATE CONTROLFILE" and on "DROP" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Recovery encountered redo that indicates this file was dropped in database, and another file was added using the same file number. This implies that a CREATE CONTROLFILE command was given the old file which was dropped rather than the latest file.
Action: Rebuild the controlfile using CREATE CONTROLFILE, and give the correct file.
For more information about CREATE CONTROLFILE and DROP, see the index entries on "CREATE CONTROLFILE" and on "DROP" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to mount a standby database as a secondary.
Action: The standby database is already mounted. Do a dismount first before attempting to mount the standby database.
For more information about dismounting and mounting, see the index entries on "database, dismounting" and on "database, mounting" in Oracle8 Server Concepts and on "mounting, databases" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: When the given file name was converted to the name used for the standby database, the converted name was bigger than the maximum allowed file name.
Action: Change the initialization parameter DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to convert to a valid file name. For more information about the DB_FILES and LOG_FILES initialization parameters, see the index entries on "DB_FILES" and on "LOG_FILES" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameters were not the same as in other instances that already have the database mounted.
Action: Change initialization parameters DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to match other instances.
For more information about the DB_FILES and LOG_FILES initialization parameters, see the index entries on "DB_FILES" and on "LOG_FILES" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The specialized initialization parameter did not have 2 strings for its value. The first string is a pattern to be found in file names. The second string is used to replace the pattern when found in file names.
Action: Specify two strings for the parameter, or omit the parameter.
Cause: An attempt to activate a standby database was made when the database was not mounted EXCLUSIVE or was already open.
Action: Mount the database EXCLUSIVE and retry the ACTIVATE command.
For more information about the EXCLUSIVE option, see the index entry on "EXCLUSIVE option" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Setting GC_DB_LOCKS to zero makes data blocks in all files releasable, so specifying GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is redundant.
Action: Remove either GC_DB_LOCKS or GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS.
For more information about the GC_DB_LOCKS parameter and the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter, see the index entries on "GC_DB_LOCKS parameter" and "GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past the maximum number of extents.
Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS for the tablespace is less than the system maximum, increase the parameter's value. Otherwise, increase the value of PCTINCREASE for the tablespace.
Cause: An extent for an index segment was not allocated in the tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the indicated tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to extend past the maximum number of extents.
Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, increase the parameter's value. Otherwise, recreate the table with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.
Cause: An attempt was made to extend an index past the maximum number of extents.
Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, increase the parameter's value. Otherwise, recreate the index with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.
Cause: The number of files for a given tablespace has reached its maximum value.
Action: Resize existing files in the tablespace, or partition the objects among multiple tablespaces, or move some objects to a different tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the tablespace default logging attribute (LOGGING or NOLOGGING) to be the same as the existing logging attribute.
Action: Change the specified logging attribute.
Cause: An extent could not be allocated for a table segment in tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: There was a syntax error in the specification of an initialization parameter.
Action: Fix the syntax error and restart the instance.
Cause: The value of the parameter GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS was different on different instances.
Action: Modify the initialization parameter GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS and restart the instance.
Cause: An extent could not be allocated for a LOB segment in the specified tablespace.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: An extent could not be allocated for a LOB segment in the specified tablespace.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past the value of MAXEXTENTS.
Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, increase the value of the parameter. Otherwise, recreate the LOB segment with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.
Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past the value of MAXEXTENTS.
Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, increase the value of the parameter. Otherwise, recreate the LOB segment with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.
Cause: Version 8.0.1 database may not have shutdown cleanly.
Action: May have to reload the 8.0.1 database and shutdown cleanly.
Cause: Attempting to mount, a database as a clone when it is already mounted by another instance not as a clone or attempting to use a current controlfile for a clone.
Action: Mount without the clone option or use a backup controlfile and shutdown the other instances before mounting as a clone.
Cause: An attempt was made to mount a clone database without the appropriate command option to designate a clone database.
Action: Use the clone option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary controlfile.
Cause: An attempt was made to online a rollback segment in a clone database.
Action: Do not use this command.
Cause: An attempt was made to online a tablespace or begin another point in time import while a point in time import is already in progress.
Action: Wait until the import completes.
This section lists messages generated when SQL statements are parsed by the Oracle Server. Most, but not all, messages in this section indicate incorrect SQL syntax. For more information about SQL syntax, refer to Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: A username was listed twice in a GRANT or REVOKE statement. Usernames must be unique and may only be specified once in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Action: Remove the duplicate username and retry the statement.
Cause: The name of a cluster was specified in a statement in which clusters are not permitted.
Action: Enter a valid CLUSTER statement or change the cluster name to the name of a valid object for the statement, such as table, view, index, or synonym.
Cause: The name of a view was specified in a statement in which views are not permitted.
Action: Enter the name of a valid object for the statement, such as table, cluster, synonym, or index.
Cause: The keyword SYNONYM is required in this context.
Action: Check the statement syntax and insert the keyword SYNONYM.
Cause: A quoted string specified as a constant was too long.
Action: Quoted strings may not contain more than 2000 characters.
Cause: A correlation column, that is, a column in a subquery from a table referenced in the outer query's FROM clause, was followed by an outer-join indicator (+). This is not allowed.
Action: Revise the query. Refer to the syntax for subqueries. The outer-join indicator may follow only columns in the same query block in which their table is included in the FROM clause.
Cause: The user-written SQL function has generated a result that is larger than the maximum defined in the function table.
Action: Change the maximum in the function table or correct the user-written function.
Cause: The keyword LIST is required in this context, for example, when using the ARCHIVE LOG statement to display the set of redo log files.
Action: Check the statement syntax, insert the keyword LIST where required, and retry the statement.
Cause: An AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement contained the keyword BY followed by something other than ACCESS or SESSION.
Action: Check the statement syntax and make sure to follow the keyword BY with ACCESS or SESSION.
Cause: This feature is not currently implemented.
Action: No user action is required.
Cause: The keyword OF was not specified in a SELECT FOR UPDATE statement.
Action: Check and correct the statement syntax. To specify SELECT FOR UPDATE, add the following clause to the end of the SELECT statement:
FOR UPDATE OF column-list
Cause: A privilege was listed twice in a GRANT or REVOKE statement. A privilege may be specified only once in these statements.
Action: Remove the duplicate privilege from the list and retry the statement.
Cause: The grantor could not grant a privilege to another user because the grantor does not have the privilege. A grantor can grant only privileges that the grantor has or is authorized to grant.
Action: Either
Cause: A GRANT statement specified a privilege that the granting user has but is not authorized to grant to other users. When the user was granted the privilege, the user was not given the GRANT OPTION needed to grant those privileges to others.
Action: Change the GRANT statement to specify only authorized privileges or ask the user who granted the privileges to grant the GRANT OPTION also.
Cause: The user-written SQL function indicated that an error occurred during its execution. The meaning of the message is function-dependent.
Action: Ensure proper usage of the function or correct the function.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index with the UNIQUE attribute. This is not permitted.
Action: Remove the keyword UNIQUE from the CREATE INDEX statement and retry the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index using the NOSORT option. This is not permitted.
Action: Check the statement syntax, remove the keyword NOSORT from the CREATE INDEX statement, and retry the statement.
Cause: This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: A BY ACCESS or BY SESSION clause was used in a NOAUDIT statement. BY ACCESS and BY SESSION are valid clauses in AUDIT statements, but are not permitted in NOAUDIT statements.
Action: Remove the BY ACCESS or BY SESSION clause from the NOAUDIT statement.
Cause: An outer join appears in an OR clause.
Action: If A and B are predicates, to get the effect of (A(+) OR B), try using the following:
Cause: A grant was being performed on a view, and the grant option was not present for an underlying object.
Action: Obtain the grant option on all underlying objects of the view.
Cause: The USERENV function can be used only once in a transaction.
Action: Rewrite the transaction to use USERENV (COMMITSCN) only once.
Cause: The attempted conversion of a character string to a number failed because the character string was not a valid numeric literal. Only numeric fields or character fields containing numeric data may be used in arithmetic functions or expressions. Only numeric fields may be added to or subtracted from dates.
Action: Check the character strings in the function or expression. Check that they contain only numbers, a sign, a decimal point, and the character "E" or "e" and retry the operation.
Cause: During CREATE TABLE, a zero-length column was specified, for example, CHAR(0).
Action: Correct the column declaration so that the length is at least 1 and try the operation again.
Cause: Floating point precision is too small or large.
Cause: The function USERENV (COMMITSCN) is allowed only as a top-level expression in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement and on the right side of an assignment in an UPDATE statement.
Action: Correct the use of this function.
Cause: A table name was used in a statement in which tables are not permitted.
Action: Enter a valid table statement or use the current statement on the appropriate object.
Cause: The precision specified for a number column in a CREATE/ALTER TABLE or CREATE CLUSTER statement must be a digit between 1 and 38. If no precision is specified, a default precision of 22 digits is used.
Action: Specify numeric precision between 1 and 38 and retry the statement.
Cause: The scale specified for a numeric field in a CREATE/ALTER TABLE or CREATE CLUSTER statement is not in the valid range. It should be between -84 and 127.
Action: Specify a numeric scale between -84 and 127. If a number is not specified, the default scale of the column is 0 decimal places.
Cause: A database link name does not follow the at-sign (@) in a reference to a table in a remote database.
Action: Correct the reference and retry the operation. The correct syntax for denoting a table in a remote database follows:
username.table_name@ database_name
Spaces before and after the at-sign (@) are optional.
Cause: The number of column names specified in a CREATE VIEW statement did not correspond to the number of columns listed in the SELECT clause. If column names are specified in a CREATE VIEW statement, exactly one name must be specified for each column or expression in the SELECT clause.
Action: Specify one view column name for each column in the SELECT clause.
Cause: Through a series of CREATE and DROP VIEW statements, a view was defined that refers to itself. For example, VIEW1 might include a column from VIEW2 that is defined as a column in VIEW1. View definitions may be seen by querying the data dictionary.
Action: Check the view definitions, remove any circular references, and retry the statements.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement on a view that contains expressions or functions or was derived from more than one table. If a join operation was used to create the view or the view contains virtual columns derived from functions or expressions, then the view may only be queried.
Action: UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE rows in the base tables instead and restrict the operations on the view to queries.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement on an expression in a view.
Action: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE data in the base tables, instead of the view.
Cause: The value of the lower parameter EXTENT MIN was higher than the value of the upper parameter EXTENT MAX.
Action: Select a value for EXTENT MIN that is smaller than EXTENT MAX.
Cause: An invalid option was specified in an ALTER TABLE statement.
Action: Check the statement syntax, specify a valid option, and retry the statement.
Cause: An AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement contained WHENEVER followed by something other than SUCCESSFUL or NOT SUCCESSFUL.
Action: Correct the WHENEVER clause and retry the statement.
Cause: The lock mode entered was not recognized.
Cause: In a LOCK TABLE statement, the keyword IN was missing.
Action: Place the keyword IN and lock mode directly after the table name in the LOCK TABLE statement and retry the statement.
Cause: In a LOCK TABLE statement, the keyword MODE was missing. The keyword MODE must directly follow the specified lock mode.
Action: Check the statement syntax, insert the keyword MODE where required, and retry the statement.
Cause: An initial double quote (") was found without a closing quote. If an identifier contains a blank or special characters other than $, #, or _, it must be enclosed in double quotes.
Action: Add a closing double quote (") to the end of the identifier.
Cause: An attempt was made to use two double quotes ("") as an identifier. An identifier must be at least one character long.
Action: Insert at least one character between the double quotes in the identifier. If a blank identifier is required, specify a blank space between the double quotes (" ").
Cause: The indicated Comment or hint beginning with a /* token is not terminated with a closing */ token.
Action: Check that the Comment or hint is terminated properly.
Cause: This is not currently implemented.
Action: No user action is required.
Cause: The INTO clause may not be used in a subquery.
Action: Check the syntax, place the INTO clause in the top-level query, and retry the statement.
Cause: A colon in a bind variable or INTO specification was followed by an inappropriate name, perhaps a reserved word.
Action: Change the variable name and retry the operation.
Cause: An indicator variable is not permitted in this context.
Action: Remove the indicator variable and retry the operation.
Cause: A column name was specified improperly in the current SQL statement.
Action: Check the statement's syntax, especially references to column names, and retry the statement.
Cause: This SQL statement does not allow a qualified column name, such as username.table.column or table.column.
Action: Remove the qualifications from the column and retry the operation.
Cause: Grantor is not allowed to grant or revoke object or system privileges to self.
Action: Issue the GRANT or REVOKE of system privileges from another database administrator account.
Cause: Although it is possible to GRANT update privileges on a column-by-column basis, it is only possible to REVOKE them for an entire table.
Action: Do not identify specific columns. To revoke update privileges for certain columns, use REVOKE for the entire table and GRANT the user privileges for specific columns.
Cause: An invalid option was specified in the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP UNDO command.
Action: Check the syntax for spelling errors or invalid option names and reenter the command.
For more information about ALTER SYSTEM, see the index entry on "ALTER SYSTEM" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The deleted table either had no key-preserved tables, had more than one key-preserved table, or the key-preserved table was an unmerged view or a table from a read-only view.
Action: Redefine the view or delete it from the underlying base tables.
For more information about join views, see the index entries under "views" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference, the index entry under "views" in the Oracle8 Server Application Developer's Guide, and the index entry on "updatable join views" in Oracle8 Server Concepts.
Cause: When adding a table to a cluster, the definition of the column in the table was inconsistent with the definition of the column in the cluster.
Action: The table cannot be added to the cluster until all cluster column definitions are consistent.
Cause: Only one column per table may be defined with datatype LONG.
Action: Remove the LONG datatype from all but one column and retry the operation.
Cause: An extent number or block number was not specified.
Action: Specify the proper extent number or block number.
For more information about selecting the proper extent number or block number, see the index entries on "ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, of ALTER TABLE command" and on "block size" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: A quoted string must be terminated with a single quote mark (').
Action: Insert the closing quote and retry the statement.
Cause: An object number was not specified.
Action: Specify the proper object number.
For more information specifying the proper object number, see the index entry on "object naming" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: It is not possible to define a new column as NOT NULL if rows already exist in the table being modified.
Action: Retry the statement without the NOT NULL specification.
Cause: A user function has been improperly defined.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: The argument or arguments specified for the function are not valid in this context.
Action: Check the definition of the function and correct the arguments.
Cause: The primary table is the base table against which the update, insert or delete operation is ultimately performed. If the operation is a delete, either there is no primary table in the join or there is more than one primary table. If the operation is an update or an insert, the specified columns map to more than one base table.
Action: Modify the join specification so that the situations described above do not occur.
Cause: This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: If the operation is a delete, the table being deleted from is outer-joined to some other table. If the operation is an update, either the table being updated is outer-joined to some other table, or a table that is reachable from the primary table is being outer-joined to a table not reachable from the primary table.
Action: Modify the join specification so that the situations described above do not occur.
Cause: A row of a join query table is being updated using a row of a table that is not guaranteed to have only one value for the row being updated.
Action: Modify the join specification, so that the situation described above does not occur.
Cause: A table or view name was specified with a period (.) or identified with an invalid prefix.
Action: Check that the object is identified correctly and if necessary remove the period from the name.
Cause: The name of a data dictionary object was used outside the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. The only operation allowed on a data dictionary object is to SELECT from it.
Action: Restrict operations on data dictionary objects to queries.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a single expression without a subquery to update a list of columns.
Action: Check the syntax for using subqueries to update data and add the necessary subquery.
Cause: A number entered exceeds the limit of 255 characters, including digits, sign, decimal point, and exponent.
Action: Shorten the number string, perhaps by expressing it in scientific notation, for example, 1.85E9 instead of 1,850,000,000.
Cause: During a CREATE of a clustered table, an attempt was made to specify more than one CLUSTER option.
Action: Remove the extra CLUSTER option and retry the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the CLUSTER option within a CREATE CLUSTER statement.
Action: Remove the CLUSTER clause and try again.
Cause: CLUSTER option conflicts with MAXTRANS option.
Action: Choose one option and retry the statement.
Cause: A value for LEVEL was not specified.
Action: Specify a proper value for LEVEL and reissue the command.
For more information specifying a proper value for LEVEL, see the index entries on "LEVEL pseudocolumn" and on "LEVEL pseudocolumn, in SELECT command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Column datatypes were specified in a SELECT statement used to create and load a table directly.
Action: Remove column datatypes. The datatypes of the SELECT list expressions are automatically used as the column datatypes.
Cause: The same option was specified more than once in the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP UNDO command.
Action: Check the syntax, remove the redundant specification of the option, and reissue the command.
For more information about ALTER SYSTEM, see the index entry on "ALTER SYSTEM" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Through a series of CREATE synonym statements, a synonym was defined that referred to itself. For example, the following definitions are circular:
Action: Change one synonym definition so that it applies to a base table or view and retry the operation.
Cause: Columns belonging to more than one underlying table were either inserted into or updated.
Action: Phrase the statement as two or more separate statements.
For more information about join views, see the index entries under "views" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference, the index entry under "views" in the Oracle8 Server Application Developer's Guide, and the index entry on "updatable join views" in Oracle8 Server Concepts.
Cause: This version of Oracle does not support the WITH GRANT OPTION.
Action: Remove the WITH GRANT option.
Cause: An attempt was made to use more than 255 levels of nested subqueries.
Action: Merge some of the subqueries into their containing queries, until there are less than 255 levels of nesting.
Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update columns of a join view which map to a non-key-preserved table.
Action: Modify the underlying base tables directly.
For more information about join views, see the index entries under "views" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference, the index entry under "views" in the Oracle8 Server Application Developer's Guide, and the index entry on "updatable join views" in Oracle8 Server Concepts.
Cause: In a COMMENT statement, the Comment following the keyword IS must be a quoted string literal.
Action: Check that the Comment is a string literal.
Cause: UNRECOVERABLE was specified in a CREATE TABLE statement without also specifying a populating subquery with an AS clause.
Action: Do not specify UNRECOVERABLE.
Cause: A CREATE CLUSTER or clustered CREATE TABLE statement specified UNRECOVERABLE.
Action: Do not specify UNRECOVERABLE.
Cause: RECOVERABLE was specified more than once, UNRECOVERABLE was specified more than once, or both RECOVERABLE and UNRECOVERABLE were specified in a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clauses and reissue the statement.
Cause: A CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified RECOVERABLE when the database was running in NOARCHIVELOG mode. Since logs are not being archived, they will be overwritten and the object being created cannot be recovered from a backup taken before the object was created.
Action: Do not specify RECOVERABLE, or restart the database with media recovery enabled.
Cause: Either an ORDER BY item for a set expression is not a column number, or the ORDER BY item is not the number of a SELECT list column.
Action: The ORDER BY item must be a number between 1 and the number of columns in the SELECT list. Check the column number and retry the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a FOR UPDATE clause on the result of a set expression involving GROUP BY, DISTINCT, UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS.
Action: Check the syntax, remove the FOR UPDATE clause, and retry the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to use more than one WHERE, GROUP BY, CONNECT BY, or HAVING clause in the query.
Action: Combine the duplicate clauses into a single clause and retry the statement.
Cause: A START WITH clause was specified without a CONNECT BY clause.
Action: Check the syntax, specify a CONNECT BY clause, and retry the statement.
Cause: All of the queries participating in a set expression do not contain the same number of SELECT list columns.
Action: Check that all the queries in the set expression have the same number of SELECT list columns.
Cause: A SELECT list item corresponds to a SELECT list item with a different datatype in another query of the same set expression.
Action: Check that all corresponding SELECT list items have the same datatypes. Use the TO_NUMBER, TO_CHAR, and TO_DATE functions to do explicit data conversions.
Cause: There is an incorrect ORDER BY item. The query is a SELECT DISTINCT query with an ORDER BY clause. In this context, all ORDER BY items must be constants, SELECT list expressions, or expressions whose operands are constants or SELECT list expressions.
Action: Remove the inappropriate ORDER BY item from the SELECT list and retry the statement.
Cause: While creating a table or view, more than 254 columns were specified.
Action: Remove some columns from the table or view definition. If all the information is required, split the columns into two tables or views and join the columns when querying.
Cause: While creating an index, more than 16 columns were specified.
Action: Remove some columns from the index definition. If all the columns indexed are required, split them into two indexes.
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