Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
Cause: More than 16 columns were specified in the cluster key.
Action: Remove some of the columns from the cluster key definition. Consider concatenating multiple character strings into a single column.
Cause: More than 254 columns or expressions were specified in a list.
Action: Remove some of the expressions from the list.
Cause: A relational operator is not allowed in this context. When comparing lists, use only an operator that tests for equivalence, such as =, !=, or IN.
Action: Rephrase the query so that it only compares lists for equivalence. For example, the following clause is invalid:
WHERE (A,B) > ((C,D), (E,F))
It may be necessary to compare individual columns separately. For example, to see if A and B are respectively greater than C and D, use WHERE A>B AND C>D instead of WHERE (A,B)>(C,D).
Cause: The keyword ANY or ALL was missing.
Action: Check the statement syntax and add ANY or ALL where appropriate.
Cause: The EXCEPTION keyword is missing from the ENABLE clause.
Cause: An expression is not permitted to be joined to a subquery.
Action: Either remove the join or convert the subquery to a view.
This section lists messages generated when the Oracle date function is accessed.
Cause: A literal specified in a date format was too large. If a literal is entered as a date, it must be less than 220 characters long.
Action: Use only literals less than 220 characters long in the date format.
Cause: The date format string was too long to process. This should occur only if several long literals are specified as part of a date.
Action: Remove long literals from the date format string.
Cause: An invalid Julian date was entered. Valid Julian dates run from 1 to 3,442,447.
Action: Enter a valid Julian date between 1 and 3,442,447.
Cause: This is an internal error message that is not likely to occur. It is usually caused by a failure in the system clock.
Action: Investigate the system clock and the process that requested the date or time. If necessary, contact customer support.
Cause: A format code was listed twice in a date specification. Each format code may be specified only once in the function TO_DATE.
Action: Remove the duplicate format code from the date specification, then retry the operation.
Cause: Both a Julian date and a day of the year were specified in the TO_DATE function. If a Julian date is specified, the day of the year (DDD) may not be specified, as it is contained in the Julian date.
Action: Remove the day of the year or the Julian date from the specification, then retry the operation.
Cause: More than one year format code was listed in a date specification. Only one of the following year format codes may be specified in a date: YYYY, YYY, YY, Y.
Action: Remove all but one year format from the date specification.
Cause: More than one hour format code was listed in a date specification. Only one of the following hour format codes may be specified in a date: HH, HH12, HH24.
Action: Remove all but one hour format from the date specification.
Cause: Both types of meridian indicators, AM and PM, were listed in a date specification. If one of the meridian indicator format masks, such as AM or A.M., is specified in the date, the other may not be specified.
Action: Use one meridian indicator format, with or without periods, consistently.
Cause: More than one hour format code was listed in a date specification. Only one of the following hour format codes may be specified in a date: HH, HH12, HH24.
Action: Remove all but one hour format from the date specification.
Cause: Both types of meridian indicators, AM and PM, were listed in a date specification. If one of the meridian indicator format masks, such as AM or A.M., is specified in the date, the other may not be specified.
Action: Use one meridian indicator format, with or without periods, consistently.
Cause: Both types of BC/AD indicators were listed in a date specification. If one of the BC/AD indicator format masks, such as BC or B.C., is specified in the date, the other may not be specified.
Action: Use one BC/AD indicator format, with or without periods, consistently.
Cause: More than one month format code was listed in a date specification. Only one of the following month format codes may be specified in a date: MM, MON, MONTH.
Action: Remove all but one month format from the date specification.
Cause: More than one day-of-the-week format code was listed in a date specification. Only one of the following day-of-the-week format codes may be specified in a date: D, DY, DAY.
Action: Remove all but one day-of-the-week format from the date specification.
Cause: A date specification contained both a 24-hour time format code and a meridian indicator code. If hours are specified using the 24-hour time format (HH24), a meridian indicator, AM or PM, may not be specified.
Action: Remove the meridian indicator format code, AM/PM or A.M./P.M., or the 24-hour time format code, HH24, from the date specification.
Cause: A date specification contained both a signed year and a B.C./A.D. indicator. If the year is specified with a sign, such as SYYYY, then B.C. or A.D. is implicit in the date and must not be entered.
Action: Remove the B.C./A.D. indicator from the date specification.
Cause: A date specification contained an invalid format code. Only the following may be specified when entering a date: year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, Julian day, A.M./P.M. and B.C./A.D.
Action: Remove the invalid format code from the date specification.
Cause: A date specification contained an invalid format code.
Action: Check that only valid date format codes are specified.
Cause: An era format code, E or EE, was specified with a calendar which does not use era information.
Action: Retry the operation using a date format mask which does not contain era format codes.
Cause: A valid date format picture included extra data. The first part of the format picture was converted into a valid date, but the remaining data was not required.
Action: Check the specifications for date format pictures and correct the statement.
Cause: The wrong year was specified with a Julian day. If a year is specified with a Julian date, it must be the year in which the Julian date occurs.
Action: Remove the year value from the date specification or enter the correct year for the Julian date.
Cause: A Julian date was specified with the day of the year but the day did not correspond to the Julian date. If the day of the year is specified with a Julian date, it must be the same day as the Julian date.
Action: Remove the day of the year value from the date specification or enter the correct day for the Julian date.
Cause: The wrong month was specified with a Julian date. If a month is specified with a Julian date, it must be the month in which the Julian date occurs.
Action: Remove the month value from the date specification or enter the correct month for the Julian date.
Cause: A Julian date was specified with the day of the month, but the month day did not correspond to the Julian date. If the day of the month is specified with a Julian date, it must be the same day of the month as the Julian date.
Action: Remove the day of the month value from the date specification or enter the correct day of the month for the Julian date.
Cause: A Julian date was specified with the day of the week, but the weekday did not correspond to the Julian date. If the day of the week is specified with a Julian date, it must be the same day of the week as the Julian date.
Action: Remove the day of the week value from the date specification or enter the correct day of the week for the Julian date.
Cause: The wrong hour was specified with seconds in the day. If an hour is specified with seconds past midnight (SSSSS), it must be the hour in which the seconds value falls.
Action: Remove the hour value from the date specification or specify the correct hour for the seconds past midnight.
Cause: A date specification contained both minutes of the hour and seconds in the day but the values did not correspond. If both minutes in the hour (MI) and seconds past midnight (SSSSS) are specified, the minutes value must be the minute in which the seconds value will occur.
Action: Remove the minutes value from the date specification or enter the correct minute value for the specified seconds value.
Cause: A date specification contained both seconds of the minute and seconds in the day but the values did not correspond. If both types of seconds are specified, the seconds of the minute value (SS) must be the second in which the seconds past midnight value (SSSSS) will fall.
Action: Remove the seconds of the minute value from the date specification or enter a value that corresponds to the given seconds in the day.
Cause: The day of the month specified in the date is invalid for the given month. The day of the month (DD) must be between 1 and the number of days in the month.
Action: Enter a valid day of the month for the specified month.
Cause: The data to be converted to date format was incomplete; the date format picture was longer than the input data.
Action: Either add more input or shorten the date picture format, then retry the operation.
Cause: A date specified a year that is not in the valid date range. A valid date is any date between January 1, 4712 B.C. and December 31, 4712 A.D.
Action: Enter a valid date value between 4712 B.C. and 4712 A.D.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the quarter of the year in a date. The quarter (Q) must be between 1 and 4.
Action: Enter a value for quarter between 1 and 4.
Cause: A date specified an invalid month. Valid months are: January-December, for format code MONTH, and Jan-Dec, for format code MON.
Action: Enter a valid month value in the correct format.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the week of the year in a date. Week of the year (WW) must be between 1 and 52.
Action: Enter a week of the year value between 1 and 52.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the week of the month in a date. Week of the month (W) must be between 1 and 5.
Action: Enter a week of the month value between 1 and 5.
Cause: A date specified an invalid day of the week. Valid days are
Action: Enter a valid day of the week value in the correct format.
Cause: The day of the month listed in a date is invalid for the specified month. The day of the month (DD) must be between 1 and the number of days in that month.
Action: Enter a valid day value for the specified month.
Cause: An invalid day of the year was specified in a date. Day of the year (DDD) must be between 1 and 365 for a non-leap year or 1 and 366 for a leap year.
Action: Enter a day of the year value between 1 and 365 (or 366).
Cause: An invalid hour was specified for a date using the 12-hour time format. If a 12-hour format code (HH or HH12) is used, the specified hour must be between 1 and 12.
Action: Enter an hour value between 1 and 12.
Cause: An invalid hour was specified for a date using the 24-hour time format. If the 24-hour format code (HH24) is listed, the specified hour must be between 0 and 23.
Action: Enter an hour value between 0 and 23.
Cause: An invalid minute value was specified in a date. Minutes must be between 0 and 59.
Action: Enter a minute value between 0 and 59.
Cause: An invalid seconds value was specified in a date. Seconds must be between 0 and 59 if the seconds format code (SS) is used.
Action: Enter a seconds value between 0 and 59.
Cause: An invalid value for seconds in the day was specified in a date. Seconds must be between 0 and 86399 if the seconds past midnight format code (SSSSS) is used.
Action: Specify a seconds value between 0 and 86399.
Cause: An invalid Julian date was entered.
Action: Correct and retry.
Cause: A date specification contained a meridian indicator format code but a valid meridian indicator was not specified. If a meridian indicator code, A.M./P.M. or AM/PM, is included in a date format, the date must include a valid meridian indicator.
Action: Specify the meridian indicator in the correct format, A.M./AM or P.M./PM.
Cause: A date specification contained a BC/AD format code but a valid BC/AD indicator was not specified. If one of the BC/AD format codes, BC/AD or B.C./A.D., is specified in a date format, the date must include BC/B.C. or AD/A.D.
Action: Specify the BC/AD indicator in the date using the correct format.
Cause: An incorrect time zone code was specified for the NEW_TIME function.
Action: Correct the invalid time zone code, then retry the operation.
Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect. The format model expected a number but found a non-numeric character.
Action: Check the input data and the date format model to make sure the elements match in number and type, then retry the operation.
Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect. The format model expected a letter but found a non-alphabetic character.
Action: Check the input data and the date format model to make sure the elements match in number and type, then retry the operation.
Cause: A week number outside the range 1 to 53 was specified.
Action: Use only a value within the valid range for the week number.
Cause: Literals in the input string must be the same length as the literals in the format string, except for the leading white space characters. If the "FX" modifier is specified, the literal must match exactly, including the leading white space.
Action: Correct the format string to match the string literal.
Cause: The number of digits in this format item is not equal to the number required for the format. This error usually occurs when the "FX" modifier (format exact) has been specified.
Action: Resubmit the command using the required amount of numbers for the format mask.
Cause: The year is not supported for the current calendar.
Action: Please check the documentation to find out what years are supported for the current calendar.
Cause: Your calendar does not extend to the specified date.
Action: Specify a date which is legal for this calendar.
Cause: While trying to truncate or round dates, extra data was found in the date format picture.
Action: Check the syntax of the date format picture and retry.
Cause: An invalid precision code was specified in a date.
Action: Enter a valid precision code in the date format. Valid precision types are: century, year, month, day, Julian date, hours, minutes, and seconds.
This section lists some of the messages generated when SQL statements are parsed by the Oracle Server. See also "00900-00999: SQL Parsing Messages" on page 2¬55.
Cause: The keyword LOGFILE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword LOGFILE where required, then re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword ROLLBACK is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword ROLLBACK where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword SEGMENT is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword SEGMENT where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword EVENTS is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword EVENTS where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword DATAFILE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword DATAFILE where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword STORAGE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword STORAGE where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword BACKUP is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword BACKUP where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword TABLESPACE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword TABLESPACE where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword EXISTS is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword EXISTS where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword REUSE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword REUSE where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword TABLES is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword TABLES where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword CONTENTS is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword CONTENTS where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword ROW is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword ROW where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: The keyword EXCLUSIVE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword EXCLUSIVE where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a sequence number specifies an auditing option that is legal for tables but is not legal for sequence numbers.
Action: The following options may not be used for sequence numbers and should be removed from the statement: COMMENT, DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, UPDATE, REFERENCES, and EXECUTE.
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a view specifies an auditing option that is legal for tables but is not legal for views.
Action: The following options may not be used for views and should be removed from the statement: ALTER, INDEX, REFERENCES, and EXECUTE.
Cause: The keyword ONLINE or OFFLINE is required in this context.
Action: Check the syntax, insert the keyword ONLINE or OFFLINE where required, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: An invalid user or role name was specified.
Action: Check that a valid user or role name is used.
Cause: The user name specified cannot be found in the system.
Action: Check that a valid user or role name is used.
Cause: An invalid role name was specified.
Action: Check that a valid role name is specified.
Cause: A user or role by that name already exists.
Action: Choose a different user name.
Cause: A user or role by that name already exists.
Action: Choose a different role name.
Cause: The user owns objects that need to be dropped along with the user.
Action: Use the CASCADE command.
Cause: A CASCADE operation was aborted because the specified user owns objects that are locked and thus cannot be dropped.
Action: Use the lock monitor to determine who locked the objects. The objects must be unlocked before the specified user can be dropped.
Cause: The grantor attempted to use a SET ROLE command to enable a role not granted to the grantor, or to enable a subrole, or the grantor did not have the SET ROLE system privilege.
Action: To use the SET ROLE command, check that the grantor has the SET ROLE system privilege and is granted the role to be passed on.
Cause: The specified number of enabled roles exceeds the value specified in the initialization parameter MAX_ENABLED_ROLES.
Action: Increase MAX_ENABLED_ROLES and restart the instance.
Cause: Privileges with GRANT OPTION cannot be granted to a role.
Action: Perform the grant without the GRANT OPTION.
Cause: Only the original grantor of privileges can REVOKE those privileges.
Action: Ask the database administrator for the grantor of the privileges and ask that person to revoke the privileges.
Cause: The grantor does not have the GRANT OPTION for some or all of the privileges specified. These privileges are not granted.
Action: Check that grantor has the GRANT OPTION for privileges to be granted to a user or role.
Cause: The grantor attempted to grant privileges using the object privilege ALL, but was not granted privileges to do so via the GRANT OPTION.
Action: Check that the grantor has the necessary privileges via the GRANT OPTION and try again.
Cause: The REVOKE ALL command was issued against a user when there were no privileges to revoke.
Action: This action is unnecessary.
Cause: The UNLIMITED TABLESPACE, REFERENCES, or INDEX privileges cannot be granted to a role.
Action: Grant these privileges directly to the user.
Cause: Grantor attempted an operation on a role, but does not have the necessary privileges via the ADMIN OPTION.
Action: Obtain the necessary privileges via the ADMIN OPTION and try again.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a stored object using privileges from a role. Stored objects cannot use privileges from roles.
Action: Grant the required privileges to the user directly.
Cause: A role, the primary role, cannot be granted to itself or another role that is granted via one or more roles to the primary role. This would cause a circular definition. See Oracle8 Server SQL Reference for more detail.
Action: Analyze the role and user structure to be used and check that no attempt is made to grant roles circularly.
Cause: The entered statement required a user or role name, and it was not specified.
Action: Specify a user or role name in the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an owner while creating a user or a role. Users and roles do not have owners.
Action: Do not specify an owner when creating a user or a role.
Cause: A valid role name was expected.
Action: Specify a valid role name. For more information about specifying a valid role name, see the index entry on "CREATE ROLE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a user without using the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause or the IDENTIFIED BY password clause.
Action: In the CREATE USER statement, either assign the user a password using the IDENTIFIED BY password clause or use the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause, which allows the operating system to perform user authentication.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant a system privilege or a role to a user using a GRANT statement with the GRANT OPTION (GRANT Form I). System privileges and roles must be granted using the WITH ADMIN OPTION (GRANT Form II).
Action: Use the WITH ADMIN OPTION, rather than the WITH GRANT OPTION, in the GRANT statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a user that was currently logged in.
Action: Make sure the user is logged out, then re-execute the command.
Cause: The keyword SEQUENCE is required in this context.
Action: Check syntax, insert keyword SEQUENCE as required, and try again.
Cause: A user was specified with an Oracle password and identified externally.
Action: Specify only one of these options. For details and syntax, see Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The IDENTIFIED BY "password" clause was specified more than once in a statement.
Action: Use the clause IDENTIFIED BY only once in the statement. If desired, change the user's password later with an ALTER USER command.
Cause: The keyword IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY was specified more than once in a statement.
Action: Use the keyword IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY only once in the statement.
Cause: The keyword DEFAULT ROLE was used more than once in a CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement.
Action: Use the keyword DEFAULT ROLE only once in the statement. If desired, change the user's role later with an ALTER USER statement.
Cause: The keyword DEFAULT TABLESPACE was specified more than once in a CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement.
Action: Use the keyword DEFAULT TABLESPACE only once in the statement. If desired, change the user's tablespace later with an ALTER USER statement.
Cause: The keyword TEMPORARY TABLESPACE was specified more than once in a CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement.
Action: Use the keyword TEMPORARY TABLESPACE only once in the statement. If desired, change the user's tablespace later with an ALTER USER statement.
Cause: An invalid role name was specified.
Action: Check that the role name is correct.
Cause: The context of the command or argument requires the use of the ROLE keyword; for example, DROP [ROLE], DEFAULT [ROLE], and so on.
Action: Check syntax and try again. For syntax rules, see Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The attempt to give the user a tablespace quota failed because the user does not have the necessary system privileges.
Action: Either grant the user the system privileges needed to create objects in the specified tablespace or grant the user a specific space resource in the tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to revoke a role not granted to the user.
Action: Check that the user has the role.
Cause: An attempt was made to revoke a system privilege not granted to the user.
Action: Check that the user has the system privilege.
Cause: The syntax for assigning quotas on tablespaces has changed. The ALTER USER command is now used to grant quotas on tablespaces.
Action: Use the ALTER USER command.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant a default role to a user in a CREATE USER statement. A DEFAULT ROLE clause cannot be used in a CREATE USER statement.
Action: Use a GRANT ROLE statement to grant an initial role to the user; then use the ALTER USER command to assign any desired default roles.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the default role of a user to a role the user was not granted.
Note: Subroles cannot be specified in a DEFAULT ROLE clause.
Action: Check that the user is granted the role before specifying it as the default.
Cause: An attempt to grant a role to a user failed because Oracle database roles are disabled and operating system roles are enabled. This occurred because the OS_ROLES parameter in the initialization parameter file is set to TRUE.
Action: Ask the database administrator or security administrator how to set roles via the operating system. See also your Oracle operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
Cause: The keyword MIN or MAX was expected as an argument.
Action: Enter the keyword MIN or MAX and retry the operation.
Cause: An item other than an integer was entered for the LAYER option.
Action: Enter an integer for the LAYER option and retry the operation.
Cause: An item other than an integer was entered for the OPCODE option. The value in ALTER SYSTEM DUMP ... OPCODE value must be an integer.
Action: Enter an integer for the OPCODE option and retry the operation.
For more information on the OPCODE option, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An invalid option was entered for the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP LOGFILE option command.
Action: For a list of valid options for DUMP LOGFILE, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An invalid option was entered for the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP command.
Action: Enter a valid option for ALTER SYSTEM DUMP. Examples of valid options are LOGFILE and UNDO. For more information on the DUMP option, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An invalid file number or log sequence number was specified.
Action: Enter a valid file number or log sequence number and retry the operation. For more information on valid file and log sequence numbers, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An invalid block number was specified.
Action: Enter a valid block number and retry the operation. For more information on valid block numbers, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: A value was entered for the TIME option that could not be interpreted as a date.
Action: Enter a valid date. For more information on the TIME option, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: A period is missing between the file number and the block number.
Action: Enter a period between the file number and the block number, then retry the operation. For more information on file numbers and block numbers, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An invalid CREATE CONTROLFILE option is present.
Action: Specify only valid CREATE CONTROLFILE options.
Cause: The keyword RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS has appeared more than once in the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement.
Action: Specify RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS only once.
Cause: The RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option is missing from the CREATE CONTROL FILE statement.
Action: Specify RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS on the command line.
Cause: The CREATE CONTROLFILE statement issued is missing a database name.
Action: Issue the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement again with the appropriate database name for the DATABASE keyword.
Cause: An invalid ALTER TRACING option is present.
Action: Specify only valid ALTER TRACING options. Examples of valid options are ENABLE and DISABLE. For more information, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Something other than a valid identifier was specified for ALTER TRACING ENABLE or DISABLE.
Action: Specify a valid identifier for ALTER TRACING ENABLE or DISABLE and retry the operation. For more information on valid identifiers, see the Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The keyword CHANGE was specified on the command line, but the change number was not specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry it.
Cause: An invalid option to the ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE command was specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry it.
Cause: An invalid change number was supplied.
Action: Resubmit the command with a valid change number.
Cause: A change number was required, but not supplied.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, supply a change number where needed, then retry the command.
Cause: The keyword THREAD was specified, but a thread number was not specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry it.
Cause: The keyword SEQUENCE was specified, but a sequence number was not specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry it.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a role without giving the proper password.
Action: Use the IDENTIFIED BY clause in the SET ROLE command to specify the correct password.
Cause: An operating system error occurred while loading a user's operating system roles.
Action: Check the operating system error and correct it.
Cause: For this revoke, some foreign key constraints must be removed. To perform this automatically, CASCADE CONSTRAINTS can be specified as an option with the REVOKE command.
Action: Remove the constraints manually or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS.
Cause: The AUDIT or NOAUDIT command specified either REFERENCES or EXECUTE as an option. Those options are not legal for tables.
Action: Do not specify those auditing options on tables.
Cause: An illegal option was specified with DEFAULT.
Action: Do not specify the REFERENCES option with DEFAULT.
Cause: An illegal option was specified with DEFAULT for a procedure, package, or function.
Action: The only legal auditing option with a default for procedures, packages, and functions is EXECUTE. Do not specify any option other than EXECUTE.
Cause: The maximum number of database users allowed by the database license has been created.
Action: Either drop existing users or contact your Oracle Corporation sales representative to upgrade your site license.
Cause: An invalid OPTIMIZER_GOAL option is present.
Action: Check the syntax for OPTIMIZER_GOAL, specify a valid option, and re-execute the statement.
Cause: A client's O/S user name is too long for the O/S logon to succeed.
Action: Use a shorter O/S user name.
Cause: A remote O/S logon was attempted when it was not allowed.
Action: Use a local client or use the REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT initialization parameter to turn on remote O/S logon.
Cause: The specified operating system role does not exist, is not granted to you, or you did not provide the correct password.
Action: Retry the SET ROLE using a valid operating system role and password. See your DBA if you are not granted sufficient privileges.
Cause: An attempt to open the specified password file failed because of one of the following errors:
The environment variables ORA_sid_PWFILE and ORA_PWFILE are not set.
Action: Check for the above causes and correct as necessary.
Cause: The specified password file name is invalid.
Action: Specify a correct password file name.
Cause: The password file could not be closed because of an operating system error or because an authentication action failed.
Action: Check for the above causes and correct as necessary.
Cause: The password file could not be written to because of an operating system error or because an authentication action failed.
Action: Check for the above causes and correct as necessary.
Cause: A grant failed because a user could not be added to the password file. This is because the value of the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter is set to PUBLIC.
Action: To add a user to the password file, shutdown the database, change the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter to PRIVATE, and restart the database.
Cause: An operating system error occurred when trying to read the password file.
Action: Fix the operating system error.
Cause: The grant failed when a user could not be added to the password file, because all available slots in it were used already.
Action: Either recreate a larger password file or free up slots in the password file by revoking the SYSOPER and SYSDBA privileges from some of the remote users. You can determine which remote users are valid and their privileges by issuing the following query in SQL*DBA:
Cause: You cannot grant the SYSOPER or SYSDBA privilege to a user created with the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause.
Action: If you wish to grant the user the SYSOPER or SYSDBA privileges, drop and recreate the user without the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause.
Cause: You attempted to revoke one of the necessary privileges, SYSOPER or SYSDBA, from user SYS. These privileges cannot be revoked.
Action: Do not attempt this operation.
Cause: Another instance has started with the FORCE_PASSWORD_FILEMODE initialization parameter, which is incompatible with the startup mode of your instance.
Action: Shut down your instance and start up later when the password file changes are completed for the other instance.
Cause: The statement entered requires the missing keyword.
Action: Use the specified keyword.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index while running with SYS authorization.
Action: Indexes cannot be created with SYS authorization. Either do not create the index or switch to USER authorization.
Cause: The auditing facility is unable to write to the AUDIT_TRAIL table. If this error occurs, SQL statements that are currently being audited may also fail. This error will occur if the SYSTEM tablespace runs out of disk space.
Action: Add space to the SYSTEM tablespace or delete rows from the AUDIT_TRAIL table. If these operations fail or do not eliminate the problem, shut down and restart Oracle with auditing disabled. This is done by setting the initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL to FALSE.
Cause: An invalid parameter was specified for the USERENV function.
Action: Specify one of the allowable parameters TERMINAL, SESSIONID, ENTRYID, or NLS_LANG.
Cause: A user is attempting to perform an operation without the proper permission, and this fact is being recorded in the AUDIT_TRAIL table. This message only appears in the AUDIT_TRAIL table's return code column.
Action: For auditing information only; no action required.
Cause: A negative length for the define variable was passed to a define function.
Action: An explicit, non-negative, length parameter must be passed.
Cause: A packed decimal datatype was passed to a bind or define function, and the format string parameter was either not present or invalid.
Action: A valid format string parameter must be passed for a packed decimal variable. Check the programming manual for the definition of a packed decimal format string.
Cause: Allocate or deallocate storage and rebuild index are not compatible.
Action: Choose one or the other.
For more information about ALTER INDEX in changing future storage allocation and the STORAGE clause, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "STORAGE clause" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: A scale factor was specified for a bind or define of a non-numeric variable.
Action: Set the scale factor to zero, then retry the operation.
Cause: A file specification included a SIZE clause with a zero value.
Action: If allowed, leave out the size clause or specify a valid value.
Cause: A quoted character string does not follow the keyword USING in the USING clause of a CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.
Action: Specify the host connect string, then retry the operation.
Cause: The database link name specified in a CREATE DATABASE LINK statement already exists.
Action: Either specify a new name or drop the existing link.
Cause: The keyword USING does not follow the CONNECT TO clause in a CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.
Action: Specify the USING clause after the CONNECT TO clause.
Cause: The keyword CONNECT does not follow the database link name in a CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.
Action: Specify the CONNECT clause after the database link name.
Cause: An attempt was made to SELECT... FOR UPDATE from a view whose defining SELECT statement uses at least one of the following constructs in its outer block: outer join, GROUP BY clause, aggregate functions, SELECT DISTINCT, CONNECT BY clause, or set operation, UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS.
Action: Do not use SELECT... FOR UPDATE on this view.
Cause: An attempt was made to SELECT... FOR UPDATE from a table in a remote database.
Action: It is not currently possible to SELECT... FOR UPDATE from a table in a remote database. Instead, log in or connect directly to the remote database before entering a SELECT... FOR UPDATE on its tables.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a subquery in a START WITH clause. Such a subquery is not currently permitted if the table in the FROM clause of the tree query is in a remote database.
Action: It is necessary to connect directly to the remote database before using a subquery in the START WITH clause.
Cause: The specified value must be an integer.
Action: Specify an appropriate integer value, then retry the operation.
Cause: The user is currently connected to a PUBLIC database link with the same name as the database link name specified in a CREATE or DROP DATABASE LINK statement.
Action: Close the cursors that use the PUBLIC database link.
Cause: The user attempted to connect or log in to a remote database using a connection description that could not be found.
Action: Specify an existing database link. Query the data dictionary to see all existing database links. See your operating system-specific Net8 documentation for valid connection descriptors.
Cause: The maximum number of active connections to remote databases per user login has been reached.
Action: If the user has no open cursors, the current SQL statement accesses more than the maximum allowed remote databases. Otherwise, the user may free remote database connections by closing all cursors that access the databases.
If this occurs often, consider increasing the value of the initialization parameter OPEN_LINKS, which controls the maximum number of concurrent open connections to remote databases per user process.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a DDL operation on a remote database. For example, "CREATE TABLE tablename@remotedbname...".
Action: To alter the remote database structure, you must connect to the remote database with the appropriate privileges.
Cause: The local view is unoptimized and contains references to objects at the remote database, and the statement must be executed at the remote database.
Action: Create a similar view on the remote database and modify the violating view in the SQL statement with the new view@remote.
Cause: The statement contains a tree query on a remote database, and the tree query's START WITH or CONNECT BY predicate contains a term that cannot be evaluated at the remote database. Such terms include calls to user functions, calls to USERENV, and references to ROWID.
Action: Remove the disallowed term, directly connect, or log on to the remote database.
Cause: The database link to be dropped is not found in the dictionary.
Action: Correct the database link name.
Cause: A SQL statement referenced tables from multiple databases, and one or more of the remote databases are not Oracle Servers.
Action: Remote updates can be performed only if all databases in the SQL statement are Oracle Servers. Update the earlier version databases in a separate statement.
Cause: The keyword LINK is required in this context.
Action: Check syntax, insert keyword LINK as required, and try again.
Cause: A bind variable whose length is greater than 2000 bytes is being used to update a column, and the UPDATE statement affects more than one row.
Action: Check that each such bind variable updates only a single row.
Cause: The server does not support UPIALL, so the fetch of an exact number of rows cannot be emulated on the user side.
Action: Connect to a valid server or do not use an exact fetch.
Cause: The keyword FILE is required in this context.
Action: Check syntax, insert keyword FILE as required, and try again.
Cause: An operation other than SELECT on a fixed dynamic performance table or view was attempted. It is only possible to select from fixed tables or views.
Action: Remove the fixed table or view name from the SELECT statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to select the ROWID from a fixed or from a index-organized table.
Action: Do not select ROWID from a fixed table or from a index-organized table.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a DML operation on a clustered table for which no cluster index has yet been created.
Action: Create a cluster index before referencing clustered tables in a SQL statement.
Cause: A cluster index already exists for the cluster.
Cause: Speed bind not allowed with supplied bind variables.
Cause: UPI bundled execution call was requested on an illegal combination of operations.
Action: Use a legal combination of operations and retry.
Cause: UPI-bundled execution call tried to perform automatic cursor open and close on a describe operation. There were too many SELECT list items or bind variables to do this.
Action: Open and close cursor explicitly.
Cause: A user attempted to perform a speed-execution call on a SQL statement containing host variables without first performing a speed-bind call.
Action: Perform a speed-bind call before performing a speed-execution call.
Cause: A user attempted to define a select list variable of type "array". Arrays may serve only as host bind variables.
Action: Correct the offending code.
Cause: User attempted to bind an array host variable by value. Arrays may be bound only by reference.
Action: Correct the offending code.
This section lists messages generated during distributed transactions. See also "00160-00199: Distributed Transaction Messages" on page 2¬16.
Cause: A distributed update of more than one database was attempted, but the named database does not support the prepare phase of the two-phase commit, as determined by its logon transaction traits. The transaction was rolled back.
Action: Do not attempt to update the named database, unless it is the only database updated in the transaction. Distributed updates of more than one database in a single transaction can be performed only if all databases support the two-phase commit mechanism.
Cause: An update occurred at a coordinated database without the coordinator beginning a distributed transaction. This may happen if a stored procedure commits and then performs updates, and the stored procedure is invoked remotely. It could also happen if an external transaction monitor violates the XA protocol.
Action: If the cause is the former, check that any commit is not followed by an update.
Cause: The distributed transaction table is full because too many distributed transactions are active.
Action: Increase the DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTIONS parameter in the initialization parameter file, shut down and restart Oracle, or run fewer transactions. If it is certain there are not too many concurrent distributed transactions, this may be an internal error. In this case, contact customer support. Shutting down and restarting the instance could be a work-around.
Cause: A transaction is in progress and one of the following commands is issued: COMMIT FORCE, ROLLBACK FORCE, or ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE DISTRIBUTED RECOVERY in single process mode.
Action: COMMIT or ROLLBACK the current transaction and retry the command.
Cause: A remote transaction manager tried to log in while a distributed transaction is in progress. A protocol error occurred in the remote transaction manager.
Action: End the current transaction.
Cause: There are too many sessions at this site to accommodate this transaction.
Action: Use an existing database link so that another session need not be created at the remote site.
Cause: This is an internal error not normally encountered. A server session received a BEGIN_TRAN remote procedure call before finishing with a previous distributed transaction.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: This can happen only when attempting to update an Oracle Version 6 and an Oracle7 database in the same transaction, because either
Action: Complete the current transaction before attempting the action that caused the error.
Cause: The client program did not issue a distributed transaction login.
Action: This is an internal error, contact customer support.
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