Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
Cause: An attempt was made to cascade drop a user whose type(s) have dependent(s) in other schemas.
Action: The dependent(s) in the other schema must first be dropped before the user can be dropped.
Cause: An attempt was made to revoke execute on a type that has dependents.
Action: Drop all table(s) depending on the type, then retry the operation, or use the FORCE option.
Cause: A CURSOR operator was used as one of the SELECT elements in the subquery of a CREATE VIEW or CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement.
Action: Remove the CURSOR operator and replace it with the CAST operator.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant privileges on the columns of an object table.
Action: Choose another table. Privileges cannot be granted on columns of an object table.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an incomplete type definition as a column or table datatype.
Action: Complete the type definition and retry the operation.
This section lists messages generated when the direct path mode is used to load data into the database. See also range ORA-02476 to ORA-02479 in "02476-02479: Parallel Direct Loader Messages" on page 2¬277 for parallel direct path loader messages.
Cause: The indicated record caused an error on insert.
Action: Determine the error and correct the record.
Cause: The user-side to kernel-side connection is heterogeneous.
Action: Check that the connection is between identical hardware and operating systems.
Cause: The text specified by POSITION or terminated by new lines is invalid.
Action: Edit the control file or the datafile to fix the alignment of the column.
Cause: An error occurred during conversion initialization for a field.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact customer support.
Cause: A CONSTANT field caused an error. All rows will be rejected.
Action: Determine the Oracle error and correct the record.
Cause: The load was discontinued due to space exhaustion in the database.
Action: Add space for the specified table.
Cause: The column could not be converted from packed decimal to character.
Action: Check the column and make it conform to packed decimal format.
Cause: The column could not be converted from packed decimal to character.
Action: Check the column and make it conform to packed decimal format.
Cause: The field is too long for the specified column.
Action: Shorten the field so that the length of the field equals or is less than the column length.
Cause: A column started after the end of the logical record had been reached.
Action: Use the TRAILING NULLCOLS option or supply data for the column.
Cause: The initial enclosing character of an enclosed field was not found.
Action: Supply the character before the start of the field.
Cause: The second enclosing character of an enclosed field was not found.
Action: Supply the character after the end of the field.
Cause: No terminator was found after a terminated and enclosed field.
Action: Supply the terminator after the end of the field.
Cause: The record was not loaded because it failed the WHEN clauses of all the tables.
Action: No action required.
Cause: The index was not loaded. The cause of the error is stated after the message.
Action: Correct the cause of the error, then reload.
Cause: The indexes listed for the named table were loaded.
Cause: The index specified in the message was loaded.
Cause: The record was not loaded because all of the columns in the table were null for that record.
Cause: A variable-length field was truncated by the end of the logical record.
Action: Although this is a warning, a variable length field has the length embedded in the data for each row, so check the data.
Cause: The record indicated caused a warning.
Action: Determine the warning and correct the record, if necessary.
Cause: The version of SQL*Loader being used is incompatible with this version of Oracle.
Action: Upgrade the version of SQL*Loader to at least the specified version or use the conventional path.
Cause: The relative start of a field specified as POSITION(*+n:y) occurred after the absolute position y.
Action: Check that the values of n and y are correct and that the statement was entered correctly. Also check that all opening delimiters have matching closing delimiters.
Cause: A parsing error occurred.
Action: Check the message following this parsing error message.
Cause: There are no free read buffers.
Action: Use the READBUFFERS keyword in the loader to increase the number of read buffers.
Cause: The record indicated caused an ORACLE error on insert.
Action: Determine the ORACLE error and correct the record. The offending column(s) are not known.
This section lists messages generated when resources within the Oracle Server are altered.
Cause: A resource that is not defined or that is specified twice appears in the CREATE or ALTER PROFILE statement.
Action: Define the resource before issuing a CREATE or ALTER PROFILE command. Also check the statement to see that each resource is listed only once.
Cause: An invalid resource limit of 0 was specified.
Action: Specify a resource limit greater than 0.
Cause: The same resource was specified twice in a CREATE or ALTER PROFILE statement.
Action: Issue the statement again, carefully checking that each resource is used only once.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a profile that already exists.
Action: Create the profile with a name not already used by another profile.
Cause: An attempt was made to assign a user to a non-existent profile.
Action: Assign the user to an existing profile.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile.
Action: The PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile cannot be dropped.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a profile that had users assigned to it without using the CASCADE option of the DROP PROFILE statement. A profile that has users assigned to it cannot be dropped, unless the CASCADE option is specified. CASCADE reassigns users to the PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile before dropping the profile.
Action: To reassign all users to the PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile, issue the DROP PROFILE statement with the CASCADE option.
Cause: A negative value or UNLIMITED cost was specified for this resource in the ALTER RESOURCE COST statement.
Action: Only positive integer values can be specified for resources in the ALTER RESOURCE COST statement. Issue the statement again, using a positive integer value for each resource specified.
Cause: The COMPOSITE_LIMIT for the profile is exceeded. That is, the weighted sum of the connection time, logical reads per session, CPU usage per session, and private SGA space used during the session exceeded the limit set by the COMPOSITE_LIMIT clause set in the user profile.
Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to raise the COMPOSITE_LIMIT of the user profile, or determine which resource is used the most and raise the limit on that resource.
Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed by the SESSIONS_PER_USER clause of the user profile.
Action: End one or more concurrent sessions or ask the database administrator to increase the SESSIONS_PER_USER limit of the user profile. For more information about SESSIONS_PER_USER and the database administrator's specific tasks of adjusting concurrent sessions, see the index entries on "SESSIONS_PER_USER of CREATE PROFILE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference and on "LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS parameter" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.
Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum CPU usage allowed by the CPU_PER_SESSION clause of the user profile.
Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the CPU_PER_SESSION limit of the user profile.
Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum CPU time for a call, a parse, execute, or fetch, allowed by the CPU_PER_CALL clause of the user profile.
Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the CPU_PER_CALL limit of the user profile.
Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum I/O allowed by the LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION clause of the user profile.
Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION limit of the user profile.
Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum I/O for a call, a parse, execute, or fetch, allowed by the LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL clause of the user profile.
Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL limit of the user profile.
Cause: A user has exceeded the maximum time allowed to remain idle.
Action: The user must reconnect to the database.
Cause: This error occurs only when using a multi-threaded server.
Action: Contact the database administrator to expand the PRIVATE_SGA limit.
Cause: Stored procedures used up too much space in the SYSTEM tablespace.
Action: Use fewer stored procedures or add an additional file to the system tablespace.
Cause: A user has exceeded the maximum time allowed to be connected to the database.
Action: The user must reconnect to the database.
This sections lists messages generated when using the SQL EXPLAIN PLAN command.
Cause: The view specified in the user's SQL statement belongs to another user and cannot be explained.
Action: Create a view that has the same definition but belongs to the current user.
Cause: The PLAN_TABLE used by EXPLAIN to describe the SQL statement does not exist in the current schema.
Action: Create a PLAN_TABLE in the current schema or use the INTO clause to store the EXPLAIN results in a plan table with a different name.
Cause: The plan table does not have the appropriate columns.
Action: Redefine the plan table with the appropriate columns.
Cause: The specified plan table cannot be found.
Action: Create the specified plan table or use an existing one.
This section lists messages generated when commands are used that alter schemas or schema objects.
Cause: The schema AUTHORIZATION clause is missing in a CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Action: Check the syntax of the statement, provide a valid schema AUTHORIZATION clause, and retry the statement.
Cause: Either:
Action: If the cause is
Cause: A statement other than a CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, or GRANT appears in a CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Action: See Oracle8 Server SQL Reference for the valid elements of the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Cause: A table definition with a schema name prepended to the table name does not match the schema name provided in the AUTHORIZATION clause of a CREATE SCHEMA STATEMENT.
Action: Check that the schema names match the one given in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Cause: The CREATE SCHEMA statement contains a view that depends on other views contained in the CREATE SCHEMA statement, or they contain references to non-existing tables.
Action: Create the dependent views in a separate CREATE SCHEMA statement and ensure that all referenced tables are either defined in the CREATE SCHEMA statement or exist outside the statement.
Cause: A CREATE TABLE statement failed in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Action: The cause for failure will be presented below this message. Follow the appropriate actions as suggested by the subsequent messages.
Cause: A GRANT statement failed in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Action: The cause for failure will be presented below this message. Follow appropriate actions, as suggested by the subsequent messages.
Cause: A CREATE VIEW statement failed in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Action: The cause for failure will be presented below this message. Follow appropriate actions, as suggested by the subsequent messages.
Cause: Oracle could not add a foreign key reference because of an error in the declaration. Either the referenced table does not exist or the table does not have a unique key.
Action: Check that the referenced table exists and/or has a unique key.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an index that is being used as the enforcement mechanism for a unique or primary key.
Action: Drop the integrity constraint instead of dropping the index.
This section lists messages generated when commands are used that affect constraints on a table.
Cause: The named constraint does not exist for this table.
Action: Check that a constraint exists before trying to enable it.
Cause: The named constraint does not exist for this table.
Action: Check that a constraint exists before trying to disable it.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a primary key that is not defined for the table.
Action: Add a primary key definition for the table.
Cause: An attempt was made to disable a primary key that is not defined for the table.
Action: Check that a primary key exists before trying to disable it.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a unique key that is not defined for the table.
Action: Check that a unique key exists before trying to enable it.
Cause: An attempt was made to disable a unique key that is not defined for the table.
Action: Check that a unique key exists before trying to disable it.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a date constant or system variable, such as USER, in a check constraint that was not completely specified in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. For example, a date was specified without the century.
Action: Completely specify the date constant or system variable.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a primary key constraint on a column that contains either duplicate values or null.
Action: Remove the duplicate values or null before enabling the primary key constraint.
For more information about removing integrity constraints from columns, see the index entry on "integrity constraints, removing from columns" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a column check constraint that references another column.
Action: This is not permitted for column check constraints. Create this constraint as a table check constraint.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a primary key or unique constraint on a column that has an existing non-unique index.
Action: Drop the non-unique index on the column or do not attempt to enable this constraint.
Cause: Integrity constraints on a table cannot be created when creating the table using the CREATE TABLE... AS SELECT... form.
Action: First, create the table, and then alter the table to add the desired integrity constraints.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the primary key constraint on a table, but there is no primary key constraint on this table.
Action: Ensure the correct table name is entered in the statement. Otherwise, no action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a unique key constraint for a column that does not have a unique key constraint.
Action: Make certain the correct column name was entered. Otherwise, no action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a constraint that does not exist.
Action: Make certain the constraint and table name are correct and attempt the procedure again.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a foreign key with a reference to a schema object that cannot be resolved to a base table reference.
Action: Define referential constraints only with schema objects resolving to a base table.
Cause: The explicitly or implicitly declared exceptions table does not exist.
Action: If the correct exceptions table name was used, then create the table and retry the enable command.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a CREATE TABLE... AS SELECT statement when some rows violated one or more CHECK constraints.
Action: Do not select rows that violate constraints.
Cause: An attempt was made to defer a nondeferrable constraint.
Action: Drop the constraint and create a new one that is deferrable.
Cause: The named constraint does not exist.
Action: Stop trying to use a nonexistent constraint.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a table with unique or primary keys referenced by foreign keys in another table.
Action: Before performing the above operations on the table, drop the foreign key constraints in other tables. You can see what constraints are referencing a table by issuing the following command: SELECT * FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = "tabnam";
This section lists messages that occur when commands are used that affect hash clusters.
Cause: The IS keyword is missing from the CREATE CLUSTER command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry the statement.
Cause: The HASHKEYS option of the CREATE CLUSTER command is specified more than once.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify the HASHKEYS option only once, then retry the command.
Cause: The value specified for HASHKEYS must be an integer.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify an integer for the HASHKEYS option, then retry the command.
Cause: The HASH IS option is specified more than once.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify the HASH IS option only once, then retry the command.
Cause: The SIZE option specified for this hashed cluster is to small.
Action: Retry the statement using a larger value for the SIZE option.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster using the HASH IS option with a number of key columns other than 1. Specify only one key column when using the HASH IS option.
Action: Check the syntax of the command. Either specify only one key column or do not specify the HASH IS option, then retry the command.
Cause: The column specification in the command must specify an integer.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify an integer for the column specification, then retry the command.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster with the HASH IS option without specifying a valid column name.
Action: Check the syntax of the command. Specify a valid column name in the statement, then retry the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a hash cluster without specifying the HASHKEYS option in the statement.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, specify the HASHKEYS option, and retry the command.
Cause: The value specified for HASHKEYS was not a positive integer.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, specify only positive integers for the HASHKEYS option, then retry the command.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index on a hash cluster.
Action: Creation of cluster indexes on hash clusters is not allowed. Do not attempt to create this index.
Cause: The INDEX option cannot be specified for hash clusters.
Action: Check the syntax of the command. Do not specify the INDEX option with hash clusters.
Cause: The INDEX option is specified more than once.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, correct the problem, then retry the statement.
Cause: The HASH IS option is specified more than once.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, correct the problem, then retry the statement.
Cause: Both the HASH IS and INDEX option were specified. Clusters can be hash or indexed, but not both.
Action: Decide on which type of cluster is to be created, check the syntax of the command, then retry the statement.
Cause: The HASH IS option is valid only for clusters.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, use the HASH IS option only for clusters, then retry the command.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the SIZE option of a hash cluster after the cluster was created.
Action: The SIZE option can be specified only when creating the hash cluster. Do not attempt to alter the SIZE of the cluster.
Cause: A column referenced in a hash expression is not present in the cluster definition.
Action: Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression.
Cause: A constant or system variable is specified in the hash expression.
Action: Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression.
Cause: The result of evaluating a hash expression is not an Oracle Number.
Action: Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression.
Cause: TO_DATE, USERENV, and SYSDATE are not allowed in hash expressions.
Action: Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression.
Cause: SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, OR LEVEL are not allowed in hash expression(s).
Action: Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression.
Cause: A PL/SQL function is used in a hash expression.
Action: Recreate the cluster and remove the PL/SQL function.
Cause: An error occurred while evaluating the cluster's hash expression.
Action: Correct the query and retry.
Cause: The number of extents required for creating the fixed hash area exceeded the maximum number allowed.
Action: Reduce the number of extents required by increasing the extent allocation sizes within the STORAGE clause. For more information about hashing and the STORAGE clause, see the index entries on "hash cluster" and on "hashing" in Oracle8 Server Concepts and on "STORAGE clause, of ALTER CLUSTER" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
This section lists messages generated when the parallel direct path mode is used to load data into the database. See also range ORA-02351 to ORA-02375 in "02351-02375: SQL*Loader in Direct Path Mode Messages" on page 2¬261 for direct path loader messages.
Cause: A parallel direct load is occurring to the specified table.
Action: Retry the statement after the load is complete.
Cause: A parallel direct load is not possible because an index is being created on the table.
Action: Retry the load after the index creation is complete.
Cause: Merge of temporary segment into base segment failed because MAXEXTENTS was larger than the total in the temporary and base segments.
Action: Use a larger value for MAXEXTENTS on the base segment or make the extents in the temporary segments larger.
Cause: The specified name of the database file to load with data was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid database filename.
This section lists messages generated by the Trace Facility.
Cause: Illegal trace enable string.
Action: Enter a legal trace enable control string.
Cause: Illegal trace enable string.
Action: Enter a legal trace enable control string.
Cause: Illegal trace enable string.
Action: Enter a legal trace enable control string.
Cause: Illegal trace enable string.
Action: Enter a legal trace enable control string.
Cause: Bad file name given in TRACE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter.
Action: Specify a valid name in the TRACE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter.
Cause: Bad file name given in TRACE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter.
Action: Specify a valid name in the TRACE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter.
Cause: Bad file name given in TRACE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter.
Action: Specify a valid name in the TRACE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter.
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter TRACE_BLOCK_SIZE was incorrectly set.
Action: Change the INIT.ORA parameter and restart.
This section lists messages returned by resizeable datafiles.For more resizeable datafile messages, see "03296-03299: Resizeable Datafiles" on page 2¬308.
Cause: No value was specified for the RESIZE clause.
Cause: The keyword ON or OFF was not specified for the AUTOEXTEND clause.
Cause: No value was specified for the NEXT clause.
Cause: A non-integer value was used for the NEXT clause of the DATAFILE list.
Cause: UNLIMITED was not specified, or an invalid integer value was specified, for the MAXSIZE clause in the DATAFILE file list. The MAXSIZE value cannot be smaller than the SIZE value.
Cause: An attempt was made to resize a data file in a tablespace that is read only.
Action: Change the tablespace to read/write and retry the resize operation.
See your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for information on error messages in this range.
Cause: Two-task driver failed to find the value of ORACLE_SID in the environment.
Action: Verify that the ORACLE_SID environment variable has been properly set and exported.
Cause: $ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
Action: Verify that the $ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.
Cause: $ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
Action: Verify that the $ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to create pipes for communications with the orapop process.
Action: Either the maximum number of open file descriptors per user has been exceeded, or the system file table is full. Examine the operating system error code, and contact system administrator.
Cause: The two-task driver failed to fork orapop.
Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. Either the user or system process limit has been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space is temporarily insufficient.
Cause: The pipe driver failed while polling the communications channel.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The length of the host-string specified by the two-task environment variable exceeds the Oracle system-imposed limit.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The invoked UNIX two-task driver failed to allocate heap space for the context area.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The invoked UNIX two-task driver failed to find an entry in oratab for the sid supplied.
Action: Verify that there is read access to oratab, and verify that the desired sid is there. If necessary, add an entry to oratab for the desired sid.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to create pipes for two-task communications with the oracle shadow process.
Action: Either the maximum number of open file descriptors per user has been exceeded, or the system file table is full. Examine the operating system error code, and contact system administrator.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to fork the oracle shadow process.
Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. Either the user or system process limit has been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space is temporarily insufficient.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to write to the orapop process.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to allocate enough heap space for its context area buffers.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to read a message from the communications channel.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to write a message to the communications channel.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver received a message with an unrecognizable message type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver received a message with an unrecognizable message type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver sent a message that was apparently successful, but the number of bytes transmitted did not match the number of bytes furnished to the driver.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The two-task driver failed to reset the connection.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to fork the oracle shadow process.
Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. Either the user or system process limit has been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space is temporarily insufficient.
Cause: When the fast driver was invoked, processes failed to attach to the shared memory buffer. Either an illegal shared memory attach address was supplied, or the system ran out of data space to accommodate the buffer.
Action: Invoke the fast driver later, or use the default attach address.
Cause: The fast driver failed to get a semaphore set. The system-imposed limit on semaphores or semaphore identifiers may have been exceeded.
Action: Examine the operating system error code, and contact system administrator.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to send a break message to orapop.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to send a break message to the oracle shadow process.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to send a break message to orapop.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to send a break message to the oracle shadow process. Kill system call failed.
Action: Examine errno, and contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to access the oracle executable.
Action: Verify the permissions on the oracle executable and each component of the $ORACLE_HOME/bin path.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to access the orapop executable.
Action: Verify the permissions on the orapop executable and each component of the $ORACLE_HOME/bin path.
Cause: The fast driver failed to access the oracle executable.
Action: Verify the permissions on the oracle executable and each component of the $ORACLE_HOME/bin path.
Cause: The driver specified is not supported.
Action: Verify with database administrator which drivers are supported.
Cause: The driver specified failed to find the logon directory while searching for the local .sqlnet file.
Action: Set and export the HOME environment variable to identify the home directory. Verify with system administrator that the uid and home directory are correct in the /etc/passwd file.
Cause: The specified driver failed to find enough heap space to malloc a buffer.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: Database alias specified was not identified in either $HOME/.sqlnet or /etc/sqlnet.
Action: Create the alias in a file called .sqlnet in the home directory for personal use, or have system administrator create the alias in /etc/sqlnet for system-wide use.
Cause: While converting a database alias to a database ID, the resulting database ID string exceeded the Oracle system-imposed limit.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to reset shared memory permissions.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to create a shared memory segment for two-task communication.
Action: Verify whether the system-imposed limit on shared memory identifiers has been reached for system.
Cause: The fast driver failed to establish a default shared memory address.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver failed to send orapop the command to exit.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The pipe driver apparently sent an incomplete break message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The alias used for a sqlnet host is longer than 161 characters.
Cause: The fast driver failed to create a shared memory file for two-task communication.
Action: Verify the permissions on the directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
Cause: The fast driver failed to map a shared memory file for two-task communication.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to attach shared memory at the expected location.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to close the shared memory file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to alter the inheritance attributes of the shared memory.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to create a file for shared memory.
Action: Verify the permissions on the directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
Cause: The fast driver encountered an error translating the shared memory filename $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ftt_.dbf.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast driver failed to fork a process onto the desired cluster and node number.
Action: Verify that the desired node number in sercose[0] and cluster ID in sercose[1]. If these are valid, contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The package failed to allocate memory for an array because the system ran out of memory.
Action: Either reclaim memory by killing other processes, or reboot the machine with more memory.
Cause: All of the package's request descriptors are in use performing other requests.
Action: Either wait until enough requests are done, or shut the package down and re-initialize it with more request descriptors.
Cause: The client failed to close a file after forking the servers. This is a system problem.
Action: Contact system administrator.
Cause: The file number contained with the sfiov structure is less than zero. This may be a programming error.
Action: If this is not a programming error, contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The file number contained with the sfiov structure is greater than the maximum.
Action: If this is not a programming error, contact Oracle Support.
Cause: No requests were found that could be cancelled.
Action: This error occurs when all the requests with that file number have already been filled.
Cause: The mode of the package can only be parallel or duplex.
Action: Examine sfa.h for the correct values.
Cause: The number of servers given was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Use a number greater than zero.
Cause: The number of request descriptors was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Use a number greater than zero.
Cause: The package requires that the number of request descriptors be greater than or equal to the number of servers used.
Cause: The maximum number of files to be used by the package was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The package failed to set up handling by the server for the termination signal. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The total number of blocks to be allocated for use by the package was not greater than zero.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The number was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The time given was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The time given was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The time given was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The signal number was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The value sent to the package for use as the "request done" signal exceeds the maximum allowed by the operating system.
Action: Contact system administrator.
Cause: The package failed to get information about the directory where the log files are to reside.
Action: Verify the permissions on the directory, or use a different directory name.
Cause: The name given for the directory where the logs will be kept does not correspond to a directory.
Cause: The package failed to get information about the directory where the servers are to dump core in the event of an exception.
Action: Verify the permissions on the directory, or use a different directory name.
Cause: The name given for the directory where the server processes will dump core in the event of an exception does not correspond to a directory.
Cause: The value given was not TRUE or FALSE.
Cause: To ensure that the functions act symmetrically, pointers to both the read and write functions must be given.
Action: Either specify both functions, or specify neither. The package will supply its own functions.
Cause: To ensure that the functions act symmetrically, pointers to both the posting and waiting functions must be given.
Action: Either specify both functions, or specify neither. The package will supply its own functions.
Cause: The ID of the segment specified for use as the shared buffer region was invalid.
Action: Use a different ID, or let the package specify its own.
Cause: The size given for the shared memory segment to be used as the shared buffer region was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The size of the shared segment that was specified for the shared buffer region is less than the number of bytes required.
Action: The first field of the "additional information" field is the size needed. The second is the size of the segment. Use a larger size segment or let the package allocate its own.
Cause: The package failed to allocate memory for an internal segment list, because the system has run out of memory. The "additional information" field is the amount of memory that the package attempted to allocate.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The maximum number of files that can be used for asynchronous I/O has been reached.
Action: Shut down the servers, and re-initialize the package with a higher number.
Cause: The length of the name of a file that is being opened for asynchronous I/O is longer than the maximum. The "additional information" field is the maximum length.
Cause: The package failed to open file.
Cause: The fstat(2) call on a file being used for asynchronous I/O failed.
Cause: The client failed to close a file being used for asynchronous I/O.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The client failed to get a key to obtain shared memory for use with shared memory. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The client was signalled by a server that it was done with a request, but the "done" list was empty. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: A request is not in the right state. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: No free request descriptors are available.
Action: Wait until some requests are filled and then retry the request, or shutdown the servers and initialize the package with a higher number of requests.
Cause: The number of operations sent to either sfard() or sfawrite() is less than zero.
Action: This is a user programming error.
Cause: The arming of a signal handler for the "done" signal failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: Some of the requests for asynchronous input or output were not serviced in the required amount of time.
Action: If the load on the system is high, it is possible that the timeout limit is too low. Reset it with sfainit(). If the server processes are dying due to unexpected signals, this is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: Some asynchronous operations timed out in kernel mode. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The client failed to allocated a buffer for the name of the log file.
Action: Contact system administrator.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The client failed to allocate memory for the array of I/O vectors that the servers will use.
Action: Contact system administrator.
Cause: The client failed to allocate memory for an array of flags that the servers will use.
Action: Contact system administrator.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Action: Examine the UNIX number. If you are unsure what it means, contact Oracle Support.
Action: Examine the UNIX number. If you are unsure what it means, contact Oracle Support.
Cause: A server failed to die after being sent a kill signal. The process may be a runaway.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: A server failed to read a requested amount of data. An incorrect file descriptor may have been sent to sfard(). The number in the "additional information" field is the starting block number of the data segment being read in.
Action: Verify the call to sfard().
Cause: A server failed to read in the request amount of data. The first number in the "additional information" field is the block number being read in. The second is the actual number of bytes that was read in.
Action: This is a programming error.
Cause: A server failed to perform a write. The number in the "additional information" field is the starting block number of the data segment being written out. The first number in the "additional information" field is the block number being written out. The second is the actual number of bytes that was written out. The disk may be full.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number.
Cause: A server failed to write the requested amount of data out to disk. The disk may be out of space.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number.
Cause: A server failed to read the number of blocks that was requested. The end of the file may have been read.
Action: Verify the file on disk.
Cause: A server failed to seek to the designated block.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number.
Cause: The buffer on which an I/O is being done is not on the correct boundary.
Action: Verify the calling program.
Cause: The list from which the package allocates request descriptors is empty, because all the descriptors are in use.
Action: Wait until some become free, or initialize the package with a higher number of request descriptors.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: A negative number was given for the I/O block size to be used by the asynchronous I/O package. This is a programming error.
Action: Use either a positive number or zero to get the default value.
Cause: The file number where an operation will be done is either less than zero or is greater than the maximum number of files than can be open.
Action: Since the calling program should not touch this number, this is a programming error.
Cause: No segments are available to allocated.
Action: Free some segments, or shut down the package and re-initialize it with a higher number of segments.
Cause: No segment of the proper size is ready for use by the caller.
Action: Free some segments and try again.
Cause: A segment that is larger than that desired failed to split, because no free segment was available.
Action: Free some segments and try again.
Cause: The caller attempted to deallocate a segment, but the "in use" list was empty. This is a programming error.
Action: Verify the calling program.
Cause: The caller attempted to deallocate a segment that was not on the "in use" list. This is a programming error.
Action: Verify the calling program.
Cause: A server failed to close a file being used for asynchronous I/O.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number for more information.
Cause: The server failed to open a file for use with asynchronous I/O.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number for more information.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The arming of a signal handler for the alarm signal failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The server failed to flush its writes out to disk.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number.
Cause: The client process failed to open its log file.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number for more information.
Cause: A server exited during its initialization process.
Action: Examine the server logs for more information.
Cause: The client failed to spawn a server. Possibly, the operating system reached its limit on the number of processes that it can spawn.
Action: Either reduce the number of servers that are to be used, or reconfigure the operating system so that it can handle more processes.
Cause: An illegal value was given for the kernel flag in the information structure. Only TRUE and FALSE are permitted. This is a programming error.
Action: Verify the calling routine.
Cause: A value was given for the flag that determines whether a file is to be left open after the client verifies if the servers can use it. Only TRUE and FALSE are supported. This is a programming error.
Action: Verify the calling routine.
Cause: A value was given for the flag that indicates that operations are to be timed out. Only TRUE and FALSE are supported. This is a programming error.
Action: Verify the calling routine.
Cause: A server failed to respond to the termination signal. The first number is the number of the server. The second is its UNIX process number. This is an internal problem.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: A server did not respond to a posted request to shutdown. The first number is the number of the server. The second is its UNIX process number. This is an internal problem.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: An operation using the asynchronous I/O package was attempted without first initializing the package using sfainit().
Action: Call sfainit() before using the package.
Cause: A server failed to read the requested amount of data from disk.
Action: Examine the UNIX error number.
Cause: A file where an asynchronous I/O operation will be performed has already been closed by the package. This is a programming error.
Cause: This is an internal problem.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The time given was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The time given was not a positive number.
Action: Use a positive number.
Cause: The value given for DB_SLAVE_BUFFERS in the init.ora file is less than 0.
Action: Use a number that is greater than or equal to 0.
See the Oracle8 for IBM RISC System/6000 Installation and Configuration Guide, Oracle8 for MVS Messages Guide, and Oracle8 for VM Messages Guide.
This section lists messages generated when a user tries to access a feature that is not implemented in Oracle.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature that is not currently implemented.
Action: Do not attempt to use the feature at this time.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an operator that is not currently implemented.
Action: Do not attempt to use the operator at this time.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature that is no longer supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature for a later Oracle version than the setting of the initialization parameter, COMPATIBLE.
Action: Set COMPATIBLE to the value in the message, or higher, and retry the command, but be aware that this will limit your downgrade options.
This sections lists messages generated when the two-task interface to Oracle is used.
Cause: An attempt to allocate stack space for communication purposes failed. This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: The communication path between Oracle and the user task has stopped. This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: The version of Oracle connected to via Net8 does not support this version of the Net8 protocol.
Action: Upgrade the older version of Oracle and try again.
Cause: Data being transferred between the user program and Oracle overflowed the buffer space available. This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: The version of Oracle connected to via Net8 does not support the version of the Net8 protocol.
Action: Upgrade the older version of Oracle and try again.
Cause: A break was processed on the communications channel, but was not properly handled by Net8 software. This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: A statement containing a Net8 connect string was issued to the single-task server. For example, a database link was used in a SQL statement.
Action: Do not use Net8 connect strings in a single-task environment. For more information about Net8 connect strings, see the index entries on "Net8 connect strings" and on "Net8" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.
Cause: An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel. The problem could not be handled by the Net8, two task, software. This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally, or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess communication vehicle, that is, the network or server machine went down.
Action: If this message occurs during a connection attempt, check the setup files for the appropriate Net8 driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server. If the message occurs after a connection is well established, and the error is not due to a physical failure, check if a trace file was generated on the server at failure time. Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error that requires the assistance of customer support.
Cause: A call to Oracle was attempted when no connection was established. Usually this happens because a user-written program has not logged on. It may also happen if communication trouble causes a disconnection.
Action: Try again. If the message recurs and the program is user-written, check the program.
Cause: A user bind or define, or an Oracle function, is not supported by this heterogeneous Net8 connection.
Action: Upgrade the older version of Oracle and try again.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: An integer value in an internal Oracle structure overflowed when being sent or received over a heterogeneous connection. This can happen when an invalid buffer length or too great a row count is specified. It usually indicates a bug in the user application.
Action: Check parameters to Oracle calls. If the problem recurs, reduce all integer parameters, column values not included, to less than 32767.
Cause: This message occurs usually because the Net8 driver is not loaded into memory or there is a mismatch of the version of the driver. A user program linked with an obsolete library may also cause this message. Only programs provided by Oracle Corporation should use this interface.
Action: If the message occurred during use of a program provided by Oracle Corporation, contact customer support. If a user program caused the message, relink the program with current versions of the Oracle libraries.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: The attempted operation cannot complete now.
Action: Retry the operation later.
Action: Contact customer support.
Cause: The application received a bad escape sequence from the server which may indicate a problem with the client application user code.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
Cause: A non-block operation was attempted and the network driver does not support non-block operations.
Action: Use the default blocking operations or use a driver supporting non-blocking operations.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a new operation before the active, non-blocking operation completed or a new operation was attempted before all the pieces of a column were inserted or fetched.
Action: Execute the new operation after the non-blocking operation completes. If piecewise binds/defines were done, execute the new operation after all the pieces have been inserted or fetched.
For more information about inserting and fetching and the non-blocking mode, see the index entries on "non-blocking mode" and on "developing an OCI program" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.
Cause: The OCI test for non-blocking mode on a connection indicates that the connection is in blocking mode.
Action: If non-blocking mode is required, use appropriate OCI calls to change the mode.
Cause: The application performed a piecewise bind on a column.
Action: Provide the next piece of this bind variable.
For more information about binding variables, see the index entries on "bind operation" and on "input variables, binding address" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.
Cause: The application performed a piecewise define on the column.
Action: Provide the next buffer for the next piece to be retrieved.
For more information about define and fetching operations, see the index entries on "define operation" and on "rows, fetching" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.
Cause: The application either provided the length of the buffer for the next piece to be zero or provided a null pointer.
Action: Verify if the buffer pointer for the next piece is null or if the length is zero.
For more information about fetching operations, see the index entries on "rows, fetching" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.
This section lists messages generated during extent allocation.
Cause: The segment type is not TABLE, INDEX, or CLUSTER.
Action: Use a correct segment type.
Cause: The freelist group number is either negative or larger than the number of freelist groups in the segment.
Action: Use a correct group number.
Cause: The scan limit does not have a positive integer value greater than the number of freelist groups in the segment.
Action: Use a correct scan limit.
Cause: High volume of user updates interfere with the space analysis.
Action: Retry the command or lock the underlying objects.
Cause: A partition name was specified for the space analysis, but the object type does not indicate partitioning.
Action: Specify PARTITION in the segment type if the object is partitioned, Otherwise, omit the partition name.
Cause: A partition name was not specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates partitioning.
Action: Specify a partition name if the object is partitioned. Otherwise, specify a non-partitioned type.
Cause: An attempt was made to preserve too many blocks.
Action: Reduce the KEEP amount.
Cause: An attempt was made to deallocate space in segment which was truncated prior to the 7.3 release.
Action: Increase the KEEP amount, or truncate the segment, and reissue the command.
For more information about the TRUNCATE command, see the index entry on "TRUNCATE command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The DEALLOCATE option and the ALLOCATE option were specified in the same command.
Action: Choose one of the options or issue two separate commands.
For more information about the ALLOCATE option, see the index entries on "ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, of ALTER CLUSTER command" and on "ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, of ALTER TABLE command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The DEALLOCATE UNUSED option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX was specified more than once.
Action: Specify the option at most once.
For more information about the DEALLOCATE UNUSED option, see the index entries on "ALTER TABLE" and on "ALTER INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The ALLOCATE EXTENT option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.
Action: Specify the option at most once.
Cause: The value specified for the SIZE option of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement must be a positive integer.
Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.
Cause: An option, datafile, SIZE, or INSTANCE, was specified more than once in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.
Action: Specify each option at most once.
Cause: The value specified for the INSTANCE option of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement is not valid.
Action: Choose an appropriate INSTANCE specification.
Cause: A character-string literal is expected but not found for the DATAFILE option of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.
Action: Specify the filename using a character-string literal enclosed in single quotes. Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to find the correct names of the datafiles.
Cause: An option other than DATAFILE, SIZE, or INSTANCE was specified in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.
Action: Remove the invalid option and retry the command.
Cause: No ALLOCATE EXTENT options were specified inside the parentheses of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.
Action: If no options are required, do not use parentheses. Otherwise, specify one or more of the following options within parentheses: datafile, SIZE, or INSTANCE.
Cause: The datafile specified for the DATAFILE option in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement does not exist.
Action: Retry the option with the correct filename for the database file. Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to find the correct names of the datafiles.
Cause: The datafile specified in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement does not belong to the tablespace in which the table resides.
Action: Retry the option with the correct datafile or the correct table. Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to find the correct names of the datafiles in that tablespace or query DBA_TABLES to find the correct table name.
Cause: The cluster cannot use the allocate extent option because it is a hash cluster.
Action: Do not use this command on a hash cluster.
Cause: The specified FREELIST GROUP number is invalid.
Action: Choose a number between 1 and the number of freelist groups for this object.
Cause: Both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE were specified in clause.
Action: Remove one of the two parameters.
This section lists messages generated when the TRUNCATE command is used.
Cause: An invalid object specification was given for the TRUNCATE command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry the operation specifying either TRUNCATE CLUSTER or TRUNCATE TABLE.
Cause: The STORAGE keyword was not specified with the DROP or REUSE options of the TRUNCATE command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and retry the operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a table that is a member of a cluster.
Action: Either truncate the entire cluster or drop and re-create the individual table.
Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a hash cluster. This is not permitted; only index clusters can be truncated.
Action: Drop and re-create the cluster instead of using the TRUNCATE command.
For more resizeable datafile messages, see "02490-02499: Resizeable Datafile Messages" on page 2¬279.
Cause: The specified datafile was not available for resizing.
Action: Ensure that the datafile name is valid and, if so, ensure that the files is accessible. For more information about specifying a valid datafile, see the index entry on "filespec" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Some portion of the file in the region to be trimmed is currently in use by a database segment.
Action: Drop or move segments containing extents in this region prior to resizing the file, or choose a resize value such that only free space is in the trimmed region.
Cause: An attempt was made to shrink a datafile while it was under hot backup. This is not allowed.
Action: Retry shrinking the file after the hot backup completes.
For more information about resizing datafiles, see the index entry "datafiles, automatic extension" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide and the index entry "resizeable datafiles" in Oracle8 Server Migration.
Cause: A dictionary table is created upon the first execution of the command ALTER DATABASE AUTOEXTEND ON for a database. This operation did not succeed. The most probable cause for this is insufficient space in the system tablespace.
Action: See the accompanying messages and take appropriate action.
The messages for this topic are described elsewhere in the Oracle8 Error Messages, Release 8.0.3 error message set.
See Oracle8 Server for Macintosh: Error Messages and Codes.
The messages for this topic are described elsewhere in the Oracle8 Error Messages, Release 8.0.3 error message set.
This section lists some of the messages generated when inconsistent values are used in a command.
Cause: The sum of the PCTUSED and PCTFREE values specified for a cluster or table exceeds 100.
Action: Create the table or cluster specifying values for PCTUSED and PCTFREE. The sum of these values cannot exceed 100.
Cause: The specified sequence parameter was not an integer.
Action: Create the sequence, giving the specified parameter an integer value.
Cause: A sequence increment was specified as zero.
Action: Specify the increment as a non-zero value.
Cause: The specified sequence parameter has too many digits.
Action: Specify the parameter with the allowed number of digits and try again.
Cause: MINVALUE was specified to be greater than or equal to MAXVALUE.
Action: Specify a MINVALUE that is less than MAXVALUE and try again.
Cause: INCREMENT was specified as equal to or greater than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE. This is not permitted.
Action: Specify INCREMENT as less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE and try again.
Cause: The given starting value is less than MINVALUE.
Action: Check that the starting value is not less than MINVALUE and try again.
Cause: The given MINVALUE is greater than the current value.
Action: Check that MINVALUE is not greater than the current value and try again.
Cause: The starting value is larger than MAXVALUE.
Action: Check that the starting value is less than MAXVALUE and try again.
Cause: The current value exceeds the given MAXVALUE.
Action: Check that the new MAXVALUE is larger than the current value and try again.
Cause: The value specified in the CACHE clause of a CREATE SEQUENCE statement is 1. The default value is 20.
Action: Specify NOCACHE or a value greater than 1 and try again.
Cause: The value specified for one of the sequence parameters exceeds limits.
Action: Specify a parameter within these limits.
For more information about CREATE SEQUENCE, see the index entry on "CREATE SEQUENCE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: The object specified cannot have sequence operations performed on it.
Action: Re-enter the statement, making sure to spell the sequence name correctly.
Cause: The number to CACHE specified in a CREATE SEQUENCE statement exceeds the number of values in a cycle.
Action: Enlarge the cycle or cache fewer values, and try again.
Cause: A value was not specified in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement. Sequences that cycle must specify a value at which to begin again.
Action: Re-create the sequence, specifying the value at which it is to begin.
Cause: A value was not specified in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement. Sequences that cycle must specify a value at which to begin again.
Action: Recreate the sequence, specifying the value at which it is to begin.
Cause: Sequence was dropped while processing its next value.
Action: Recreate the sequence.
For more information about CREATE SEQUENCE, see the index entry on "CREATE SEQUENCE" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.
Cause: Neither did the string supplied for MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE parameter match the UNLIMITED string value nor did it represent a base 10 integer.
Action: Assign a valid value to this parameter.
This section lists messages generated when a library object is locked and cannot be accessed.
Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected.
Action: Retry the operation later.
Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a time-out occurred.
Action: Retry the operation later.
Cause: Had to wait to lock a library object during a nowait request.
Action: Retry the operation later.
Cause: A lock conflict prevented the generation of diana for an object.
Action: Check the syntax. If no syntax errors are found, report this error to Oracle World Wide Support.
Cause: The table or view being queried might be missing. Look up the ORA-num indicated in the message.
This section lists messages generated by an Oracle Server when the operating system cannot allocate sufficient memory during an Oracle session.
Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted.
Action: See the database administrator or operating system administrator to increase process memory quota. There may be a bug in the application that causes excessive allocations of process memory space.
Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the operating system process. SGA private memory has been exhausted.
Action: Either use the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package to pin large packages, reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of available shared memory by increasing the value set for the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter.
This section lists some of the messages generated when stored procedures are accessed.
If you are using Trusted Oracle, see the Trusted Oracle documentation for information about error messages in that environment.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a package body before creating its package specification.
Action: Create the package specification before trying to create the package body.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a procedure, function, package, or package body that does not exist.
Action: Ensure the name specified is correct.
Cause: An object name was specified that was not recognized by the system. There are several possible causes:
Action: Check the spelling of the renamed object and rerun the code. Valid names of tables, views, functions, and so forth can be listed by querying the data dictionary.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a procedure, function, or package in an inappropriate place in a statement.
Action: Refer to Oracle8 Server SQL Reference for the correct placement of procedures, functions, and packages in statements.
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