Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0




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ORA-23307: replicated schema "name" already exists

Cause: The given database already replicates the given schema.

Action: Choose a different schema or a different database.

ORA-23308: object "" does not exist or is invalid

Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.

Action: Ensure the object is valid in the database, is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in ALL_REPOBJECT.

ORA-23309: object "" of type name exists

Cause: An object in the same namespace exists, perhaps with a different type or shape, or the same object has already been registered as a REPOBJECT in another object group.

Action: Remove the offending object with the SQL DROP command, unregistered the offending object with DBMS_REPCAT.DROP_MASTER_REPOBJECT(), or re-invoke the request using TRUE for a boolean parameter such as RETRY or USE_EXISTING_OBJECT.

For more information about the DBMS_REPCAT package, see the index entry on "DBMS_REPCAT package" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23310: object group "name" is not quiesced

Cause: The requested operation requires the object group to be suspended.

Action: Invoke SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY at the REPGROUP's MASTERDEF, wait until the status has changed to quiesced, and then retry the original request.

For more information about quiescing the replicated environment and suspending replication activity, see the index entries on "quiescing," "suspending replication activity," and "SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23311: object group "name" is quiesced

Cause: SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY has been called before the object group has resumed normal operation.

Action: If a RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY request is pending, wait until it completes, and then re-invoke SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY. For more information about quiescing the replicated environment and resuming replication activity, see the index entries on "quiescing," "resuming replication activity," "SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY," and "RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23312: not the MASTERDEF according to name

Cause: The group name is null, the group name is misspelled, the invocation or given database is not the MASTERDEF, or one of the masters does not believe the invocation database is the MASTERDEF.

Action: If the given group name and MASTERDEF were both correct, connect to the MASTERDEF and retry the request, or relocate the MASTERDEF at the errant databases using RELOCATE_MASTERDEF. For more information about changing master definition sites, see the index entries on "recovery" and on "RELOCATE_MASTERDEF" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23313: object group "name" is not mastered at name

Cause: The group name is null, the group name is misspelled, the invocation database is not a master, or the invocation database does not believe the given database is a master.

Action: If the given group name was correct, connect to a current master and retry the request, make the invocation database a master with ADD_MASTER_DATABASE, or use SWITCH_SNAPSHOT_MASTER if the invocation database is a snapshot site. For more information about adding a master site and changing a snapshot site's master, see the index entries on "master sites, creating," "changing, master definition site," "ADD_MASTER_DATABASE," "SWITCH_SNAPSHOT_MASTER" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23314: database is not a snapshot site for name

Cause: The invocation database is not a snapshot database for the given object group.

Action: Connect to the desired snapshot database and retry the request, or make the invocation database a snapshot site with CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPSCHEMA or CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP.

ORA-23315: repcatlog version or request name is not supported by version name

Cause: Either incompatible REPCAT versions are used, or a REPCATLOG record has been corrupted.

Action: Convert the master to a compatible version of REPCAT or retry the request.

ORA-23316: the MASTERDEF is name

Cause: One of the masters to be removed is the MASTERDEF.

Action: Relocate the MASTERDEF to a master that will not be removed, and then re-invoke the REMOVE_MASTER_DATABASES request at the new MASTERDEF.

ORA-23317: a communication failure has occurred

Cause: The remote database is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the remote database is running, the communications network is functioning, and the appropriate database links are present.

ORA-23318: a DDL failure has occurred

Cause: User-supplied or system-generated DDL did not execute successfully.

Action: Examine DDL, database state, REPCATLOG, and ALL_ERRORS to determine why the failure occurred.

ORA-23319: parameter value name is not appropriate

Cause: The given value of a parameter is either null, misspelled, or not supported.

Action: Refer to the documentation and use parameter values that are appropriate for the given situation.

ORA-23320: the request failed because of values name and name

Cause: A missing DDL record for a REPCATLOG record, or inconsistency in REPCAT views.

Action: Retry the request, or make the views consistent.

ORA-23323: parameter length exceeds deferred remote procedure call limits

Cause: A deferred remote procedure call parameter was longer than the deferred remote procedure call limit of 2000 bytes for CHAR/VARCHAR2 parameters and 255 bytes for raw parameters.

Action: Use smaller parameters.

ORA-23324: error num, while creating DEFERROR entry at name with error num

Cause: The given error was encountered while attempting to create a DEFEROR entry for the given error code and the given database.

Action: Correct the cause of the given error.

ORA-23325: parameter type is not type

Cause: A function in DBMS_DEFER_SYS_QUERY was called to retrieve a deferred remote procedure call parameter from the deferred remote procedure call queue, but the type of the parameter does not match the return type of the function.

Action: Use the function corresponding to the parameter type.

ORA-23326: the system is being quiesced

Cause: A deferred remote procedure call operation was attempted while the database was quiesced.

Action: Resume database activity with the DBMS_REPCAT.RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY call.

ORA-23327: imported deferred remote procedure call data does not match id of importing db

Cause: Deferred remote procedure call queues were imported from a database with a different global name or operating system than the importing database.

Action: Deferred remote procedure call data should only be imported into a database with the same global name and hardware and operating system.

ORA-23328: snapshot base table must be same as replicated master table

Cause: When creating a snapshot through REPCAT, the snapshot base table did not match a replicated table name at the master.

Action: Change the snapshot DDL to use the same base table as the replicated table name at the master.

ORA-23329: successful user-provided DDL but no snapshot

Cause: The DDL provided by the user to create a snapshot was executed without error, but snapshot does not exist.

Action: Manually back-out the DDL, and re-register with matching DDL and snapshot.

For more information about naming a snapshot base table, see the index entries on "snapshots, naming" and on "snapshots, base table" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23330: column group name already exists

Cause: The column group was already registered in the object group.

Action: Use a column group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23331: column group name does not exist

Cause: The given column group is either null, misspelled or not registered.

Action: Use a registered column group.

ORA-23332: group name is in use; cannot drop

Cause: The given column group or priority group is being used to resolve conflicts.

Action: Call DBMS_REPCAT procedures DROP_UPDATE_RESOLUTION, DROP_DELETE_RESOLUTION, DROP_UNIQUE_RESOLUTION so that the column group or priority group is no longer in use before dropping.

ORA-23333: column name is already part of a column group

Cause: Attempted to add a column to a column group when the column was already a member of a column group.

Action: Drop the column from its existing column group before trying to add it to another.

ORA-23334: column name does nor exist in table or column group

Cause: The given column is either null, misspelled or is not part of the given table or column group.

Action: Use a column that is a member of the table or column group.

ORA-23335: priority group name already exists

Cause: The priority group was already registered in the object group.

Action: Use a column group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23336: priority group name does not exist

Cause: The priority group was already registered in the object group.

Action: Use a priority group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23337: priority or value not in priority group name

Cause: The specified value or priority has not been registered as part of the priority group.

Action: Either specify a different value or priority that is already part of the priority group, or add the value to the priority group.

ORA-23338: priority or value already in priority group name

Cause: The specified value or priority has already been registered as part of the priority group.

Action: Either specify a different value or priority that is not already part of the priority group, or drop the value from the priority group.

ORA-23339: duplicate conflict resolution information

Cause: The specified combination of column group, sequence, conflict type and/or parameter table name, parameter column name, and parameter sequence number has already been registered.

Action: Verify that additional conflict resolution information needs to be added and provide a new sequence number. If modifying existing information, the existing information must be dropped first.

ORA-23340: incorrect resolution method name

Cause: User function is specified when conflict resolution method was not "USER FUNCTION" or specified resolution method is not one of the predefined methods.

Action: If user function is specified when conflict resolution method was not "USER FUNCTION", either reregister function with method as "USER FUNCTION" or specify a NULL user function. Otherwise, specify one of the documented supported conflict resolution methods.

ORA-23341: user function required

Cause: A NULL user function was specified for the "USER FUNCTION" method.

Action: Provide user function name, e.g., "schema"."package"."function", that conforms to the documented user function specifications or specify one of the documented supported conflict resolution methods.

ORA-23342: invalid parameter column name

Cause: The parameter column name is null or misspelled, the invocation database is not a master, or is of the wrong type for the specified conflict resolution method.

Action: Specify a parameter column from the specified column group that has a correct type for the conflict resolution method.

ORA-23343: no match for specified conflict resolution information

Cause: The specified combination of column group, sequence, conflict type has not been registered, for example, for adding a Comment.

Action: Specify a combination of column group, sequence, conflict type that has been registered.

ORA-23344: constraint does not exist

Cause: A null, misspelled or nonexistent constraint was specified when registering a uniqueness conflict.

Action: Register a named constraint for the specified table.

ORA-23345: table not registered to collect statistics

Cause: A procedure that deals with conflict resolution statistics-gathering was called for a table that was not registered to collect statistics.

Action: Call DBMS_REPCAT.REGISTER_STATISTICS to register the table.

ORA-23346: primary key is undefined for table name

Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a table without a primary key as defined by a constraint or DBMS_REPCAT_COLUMNS.

Action: Add a primary key constraint to the table or define a primary key using DBMS_REPCAT_COLUMNS.

ORA-23347: datatype name for column name table name not supported

Cause: The table has a column whose datatype is not supported by REPCAT.

Action: Remove the column from the table, or alter the column to have one of the supported datatypes.

ORA-23348: cannot replicate procedure name; only IN parameters supported

Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a package that has a procedure with OUT or IN OUT parameters.

Action: Remove the procedure from the package, or remove the OUT or IN OUT parameters from the procedure.

ORA-23349: cannot generate replication support for functions

Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a package that has a public function, or for a stand-alone function.

Action: Remove the public function from the package, or alter the function to be a procedure.

ORA-23350: maximum number of recursive calls exceeded

Cause: This usually occurs when trying to resolve conflicts in a table while concurrent updates to the same row create more conflicts.

Action: Re-execute the deferred transaction from DEFERROR using DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE_ERROR.

ORA-23351: parameter datatype name for procedure name not supported

Cause: The procedure has a parameter whose datatype is not supported by REPCAT.

Action: Remove the parameter from the procedure, or alter the parameter to have one of the supported datatypes.

ORA-23352: duplicate destination for deferred transaction

Cause: A duplicate destination was specified for a deferred transaction either in a DBMS_DEFER.CALL call or an earlier DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION call or a DBMS_DEFER_SYS.ADD_DEFAULT_DEST call.

Action: Remove the duplicate entry.

ORA-23353: deferred RPC queue has entries for object group name

Cause: The requested action cannot be performed until the queue is empty for the given object group.


For more information about forcing an execution of the deferred transaction queue and deleting a transaction in deferred transaction queue, see the index entries on "deferred transactions, pushing changes," "DefError table, deleting transactions from," "DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE," "DBMS_DEFER_SYS.DELETE_TRAN" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23354: deferred RPC execution disabled for name

Cause: The execution of a deferred remote procedure call at the destination failed because its propagation was disabled.

Action: Enable deferred remote procedure call execution with the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.ENABLE call.

ORA-23355: object does not exist or is invalid at master site.

Cause: The given name was null or misspelled; the given type was wrong; the object does not exist as a valid database object at the master site; or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.

Action: Ensure the object is valid in the master database and is visible to the user; and if appropriate, ensure the object is a valid object in ALL_REPOBJECT.

For more information about valid objects at the master site, see the index entry on "snapshot sites, objects allowed" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23356: MASTERDEF recognizes a master which does not recognize the MASTERDEF

Cause: Possibly DROP_MASTER_REPGROUP was run at a master site but REMOVE_MASTER_DATABASES was not run at master definition site for that master.

Action: Run REMOVE_MASTER_DATABASES from master definition site to remove the appropriate master (see associated error messages).

ORA-23357: the propagator does not exist

Cause: The propagator does not exist.

Action: Register a new propagator.

ORA-23358: invalid remote user

Cause: The local user does not match the remote user connected via a database link.

Action: Drop and recreate the identified database link with the connect-to user identical to the owner of the database link.

ORA-23359: error on creating a DDL record for a repcatlog record

Cause: The userid in the repcatlog record does not match the userid of the connected user.

Action: Retry the operation with a different user.

ORA-23360: only one snapshot for master table name can be created

Cause: An attempt to create more than one snapshot on a given master table in the same rep group.

Action: Create these other snapshots in a different rep group at another site.

For more information about creating a snapshot, see the index entries on "snapshot sites, creating" and on "snapshot logs, master table, creating" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23361: snapshot name does not exist at master site

Cause: The snapshot does not exist at the master site for offline instantiation of the snapshot.

Action: The correct procedure is to create the snapshot in a different schema at the master site, and then follow the instructions for offline instantiation of snapshots.

For more information about creating a snapshot, see the index entries on "snapshot sites, creating" and on "snapshot logs, master table, creating" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23362: invalid user

Cause: The given user does not exist.

Action: Enter the name of a valid user and retry the operation.

ORA-23363: mismatch of snap base table name at master and snap site

Cause: The name of the base table of the snapshot at the master site is different from the base table at the snapshot site. This error may arise during offline instantiation of snapshots.

Action: Retry offline instantiation with a snapshot name less than 24 bytes.

For more information about naming a snapshot, see the index entry on "snapshots, base table" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23364: replication option not installed

Cause: The replication option was not installed at this site. Updatable snapshots, deferred remote procedure calls, and other replication features were, therefore, unavailable.

Action: Install the replication option. The replication option is not part of the Oracle Server product and must be purchased separately. Contact an Oracle Sales representative if the replication option needs to be purchased.

ORA-23365: site name does not exist

Cause: The site specified in argument REFERENCE_SITE or argument COMPARISON_SITE in call to DIFFERENCES() routine or RECTIFY() routine did not name an existing site.

Action: Make sure that database sites specified really do exist, and re-run the routine. For more information about the arguments to the DIFFERENCES() routine and the RECTIFY() routine, see the Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23366: integer value num is less than 1

Cause: The value of argument MAX_MISSING to routine DIFFERENCES() cannot be less than 1. Value of argument COMMIT_ROWS to routines DIFFERENCES() and RECTIFY() cannot be less than 1.

Action: Choose an integer value for those arguments to be 1 or greater.

For more information about the arguments to the DIFFERENCES() routine and the RECTIFY() routine, see the Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23367: table name is missing the primary key

Cause: The table specified in argument ONAME1 or ONAME2 in call to DIFFERENCES() routine did not contain either a primary key or a virtual primary key (defined through DBMS_REPCAT package under symmetric replication).

Action: Make sure the tables specified have a primary key defined.

For more information about the arguments to the DIFFERENCES() routine, see the Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23368: name name cannot be null or the empty string


Action: Change the argument to a non-null or a non-empty string.

For more information about the arguments to the DIFFERENCES() routine and the RECTIFY() routine, see the Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23369: value of "name" argument cannot be null

Cause: Argument MAX_MISSING to DIFFERENCES() routine cannot be NULL.

Action: Legal values for MAX_MISSING are integers 1 or greater. For more information about the arguments to the DIFFERENCES() routine, see the Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23370: table name and table name are not shape equivalent name

Cause: The tables specified were not shape equivalent, which means intuitively that the number of columns, the names, their datatypes and lengths were not the same. Specifically, the problem was in the parentheses and was one of the following: the number of columns were not equal, datatypes of columns with same name in different tables were different, lengths of VARCHAR2 and CHAR columns were not equal, precision and scale of number datatypes were not equal.

Action: Make sure the two tables being compared have the same number of columns, same column names, and same datatypes.

For more information about using column groups, see the index entry on "column groups, using" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23371: column name unknown in table name

Cause: Some column in ARRAY_COLUMNS argument (or COLUMN_LIST argument) to DIFFERENCES() routine did not correspond to a column in the specified table.

Action: Make sure that all the columns in either ARRAY_COLUMNS or COLUMN_LIST are present in the specified table.

For more information about the arguments to the DIFFERENCES() routine, see the Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23372: type name in table name is unsupported

Cause: Certain types in the table comparison utility were not supported.

Action: Make sure that the types of columns in the tables to be compared are the ones supported by symmetric replication.

For more information about column groups, see the index entry on "column groups, understanding" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23373: object group name does not exist

Cause: The group name was null or misspelled, or the group did not exist locally.

Action: Specify the group correctly, or create it with DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REGROUP().

For more information about creating a replicated group, see the index entries on "replicated groups, creating" and on "DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REGROUP" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23374: object group name already exists

Cause: The given database already replicated the given object group.

Action: Choose a different group or a different database.

ORA-23375: feature is incompatible with database version at num

Cause: A feature not compatible with the specified database was used.

Action: Set or raise the value of the COMPATIBLE parameter in the INIT.ORA file to match the necessary compatibility level.

For more information about parameter files and their initialization parameters, see the index entry on "parameter files" in Oracle8 Server Concepts.

ORA-23376: node name is not compatible with replication version "name"

Cause: A feature that was not compatible with the remote database was used.

Action: Upgrade the remote database and retry the operation.

For more information about replication compatibility, see Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23377: bad name name for missing_rows_oname1 argument

Cause: An attempt was made to use the name of the reference site table as the name of the MISSING_ROWS_ONAME1 argument.

Action: Provide a separately created table with a different name for MISSING_ROWS_ONAME1 argument. The separately created table will contain the differences between the tables being compared.

For more information about the MISSING_ROWS_ONAME1 argument, see Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23378: connection qualifier name is not valid for object group name

Cause: The connection qualifier used in the database link for the specified object group does match the qualifier specified for the group in CREATE_MASTER_REPGROUP.

Action: Use or create a database link which contains the correct connection qualifier.

For more information about connection qualifiers, see Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23379: connection qualifier name is too long

Cause: The maximum length of a database link, including the connection qualifier, is 128 bytes.

Action: Use a shorter connection qualifier, or shorten the name of the database link. For more information about connection qualifiers, see Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23380: propagation mode name is not valid

Cause: The specified propagation is misspelled, or is not supported.

Action: Refer to the manual on replicated data for valid propagation modes.

For more information about propagation, see the index entry "propagating changes" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23381: generated object for base object does not exist

Cause: The system generated object(s) for the specified base object do not exist at the specified site. The current operation requires the base object to have generated replication support.

Action: Ensure that the generated replication object(s) for the base object exist and are valid at the specified site. If the generated object(s) do not exist, then the procedure dbms_repcat.generate_replication_support() needs to be called from the master definition site for the base object.

For more information about generating replication support, see the index entry "generating, replication support" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23382: snapshot REPGROUP name is not registered at site name

Cause: The snapshot REPGROUP is not currently registered at the master and so cannot be unregistered.

Action: No action required.

ORA-23383: registration for snapshot REPGROUP name failed at site name

Cause: Insertion into local REPSCHEMA table failed.

Action: No action required.

ORA-23384: replication parallel push name argument out of range

Cause: Specified numeric argument to DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH is invalid.

Action: Fix the argument value and try again.

ORA-23385: replication parallel push name argument not valid

Cause: Specified string argument to DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH is invalid.

Action: Fix the argument value and try again.

ORA-23386: replication parallel push cannot create slave processes

Cause: An error occurred while creating slave processes for parallel push.

Action: If the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS initialization parameter is zero, reconfigure the parameter to be greater than zero. Otherwise, contact your customer support representative.

ORA-23387: replication parallel push dequeue error

Cause: An attempt to dequeue a deferred transaction failed while trying to assign a new queue batch number.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-23388: replication parallel push watermark error

Cause: An error occurred during parallel push while trying to update the high-water-mark information in system.def$_destination.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-23389: obsolete procedure; drop objects and recreate using new master

Cause: DBMS_REPCAT.SWITCH_SNAPSHOT_MASTER is no longer supported.

Action: Drop the objects in the object group and recreate them using the new master.

ORA-23392: could not find snapshot to be associated with

Cause: Could not find snapshot associated with a trigger or index that is being pulled from the master site.

Action: Ensure that snapshot, master, and master index or trigger is registered as replicated objects.

ORA-23393: the user is already the propagator

Cause: The given user is already the current propagator.

Action: No action required.

ORA-23394: duplicate propagator

Cause: More than one valid propagator exist.

Action: Unregister any duplicate propagator.

ORA-23395: object of type name does not exist or is invalid

Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.

Action: Ensure the object is valid in the database, is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in ALL_REPOBJECT.

ORA-23396: database link name does not exist or has not been scheduled

Cause: The database link does not exist in the schema of the replication propagator or has not been scheduled.

Action: Ensure that the database link exists in the database, is accessible and is scheduled for execution.

ORA-23397: global name name does not match database link name name

Cause: The database link name at the local node does not match the global name of the database that the link accesses.

Action: Ensure that global names is set to true and the link name matches the global name.

ORA-23398: user name name at database link name does not match local user name name

Cause: The user name of the replication administration user at the local node and the user name at the node corresponding to the database link are not the same. Symmetric replication expects the two users to be the same.

Action: Ensure that the user ID of the replication administration user at the local node and the user ID at the node corresponding to the database link are the same.

ORA-23399: object name has not been completely generated

Cause: The object has not been generated at other master sites or is still being generated.

Action: Ensure that the object is generated by calling GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT and DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN for the object at the MASTERDEF site.

ORA-23400: invalid snapshot name "name"

Cause: A null, misspelled, or badly formed snapshot name was given to DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH.

Action: Provide a valid snapshot name to DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH.

ORA-23401: snapshot "" does not exist

Cause: A snapshot name was given to DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH that is not in SYS.SNAP$ or its associated views.

Action: Provide a snapshot name that is in SYS.SNAP$, ALL_SNAPSHOTS, or USER_SNAPSHOTS.

ORA-23402: refresh was aborted because of conflicts caused by deferred transactions

Cause: There are outstanding conflicts logged in the DEFERROR table at the snapshot's master.

Action: Resolve the conflicts in the master DEFERROR table and refresh again after the table is empty. Alternatively, refresh with REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS set to TRUE, which will proceed with the refresh, even if there are conflicts in the master's DEFERROR table. Proceeding despite conflicts can result with an updatable snapshot's changes appearing to be temporarily lost, until a refresh succeeds after the conflicts are resolved.

ORA-23403: refresh group "" already exists. Refresh group not a stored object?

Cause: Making a new refresh group when there is already a group of the same name in SYS.RGROUP$.

Action: Choose a different refresh group name.

ORA-23404: refresh group "" does not exist

Cause: A refresh group name was given that is not in SYS.RGROUP$.

Action: Provide a refresh group name that is in SYS.RGROUP$ or DBS_RGROUP.

ORA-23405: refresh group number "name" does not exist

Cause: A refresh group number was given that is not in SYS.RGROUP$.

Action: Provide a refresh group number that is in SYS.RGROUP$ or DBS_RGROUP.

ORA-23406: insufficient privileges on user "name"

Cause: The caller is not the owner of the snapshot and does not have ALTER ANY SNAPSHOT privileges.

Action: Perform the operation as the owner of the snapshot or as a user with ALTER ANY SNAPSHOT privileges.

ORA-23407: object name "name" must be shaped like "SCHEMA.OBJECT" or "OBJECT"

Cause: The object name, for example, the rollback segment, the snapshot name, or the refresh group, was incorrectly specified.

Action: Retry the operation with the object name properly specified, like "SCHEMA.OBJECT" or "OBJECT".

ORA-23408: this replication operation is not supported in a mixed configuration

Cause: The operation is not supported if the object group is replicated at a pre-Oracle Version 8 node.

Action: Ensure that all nodes of the replicated object group are Oracle Version 8.

ORA-23409: could not find an unused refresh group number

Cause: 1000 consecutive refresh group numbers, as defined by the RGROUPSEQ number, were already used by rows in SYS.RGROUP$.

Action: Alter the sequence number to be within a legal unused range and destroy unneeded refresh groups.

ORA-23410: snapshot "" is already in a refresh group

Cause: A snapshot of the same name is already in a refresh group.

Action: Subtract the snapshot its the current refresh group and add it to its new refresh group, or combine the two refresh groups into a single refresh group.

ORA-23411: snapshot "" is not in refresh group ""

Cause: The specified snapshot is not in the specified refresh group.

Action: Try again with the proper snapshot and refresh group names.

ORA-23412: master table's primary key columns have changed

Cause: The master table's primary key constraint was modified after the primary key snapshot was created.

Action: Drop and recreate the primary key snapshot.

ORA-23413: table does not have a snapshot log

Cause: The fast refresh cannot be performed because the master table did not contain a snapshot log.

Action: Use the CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG command to create a snapshot log on the master table.

ORA-23414: snapshot log for does not record rowid values

Cause: A ROWID snapshot is being fast refreshed, but the snapshot log does not record ROWID information.

Action: Use the CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG...ADD ROWID command to begin recording ROWID information in the snapshot log.

ORA-23415: snapshot log for does not record the primary key

Cause: A primary key snapshot is being fast refreshed, but the snapshot log does not record primary key information.

Action: Use the CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG...ADD PRIMARY KEY command to begin recording primary key information in the snapshot log.

ORA-23416: table does not contain a primary key constraint

Cause: The master table did not constrain a primary key constraint or the primary key constraint was disabled.

Action: Create a primary key constraint on the master table or enable the existing constraint.

ORA-23417: unknown snapshot type: name

Cause: A fast refresh was performed on a snapshot of an unknown or unsupported type.

Action: Check ALL_SNAPSHOTS and ensure that the snapshot being refreshed is a valid snapshot.

ORA-23418: cannot unregister the propagator who is currently in use

Cause: The propagator is currently used in propagating replication RPCs.

Action: Try again later when there is no transaction active in propagating replication RPCs.

ORA-23419: regenerate replication support before resuming master activity

Cause: There are tables in the object group that require regeneration of replication support.

Action: Check the GENERATION_STATUS column in the ALL_REPOBJECTS view. Regenerate replication support for any table in the object group with a 'NEEDSGEN' status. Resume master activity.

ORA-23420: interval must evaluate to a time in the future

Cause: The parameter INTERVAL evaluates to a time earlier than SYSDATE.

Action: Choose an expression that evaluates to a time later than SYSDATE.

ORA-23421: job number num is not a job in the job queue

Cause: There is no job visible to the caller with the given job number.

Action: Choose the number of a job visible to the caller.

ORA-23422: Oracle Server could not generate an unused job number

Cause: Oracle Server could not generate a job number that was not used to identify another job.

Action: Retry the operation.

ORA-23423: job number num is not positive

Cause: The given job number is less than 1.

Action: Choose a positive integer.

ORA-23424: snapshot basename.extension at name not registered

Cause: The specified snapshot has not be successfully registered at this site.

Action: Register the snapshot manually at either the master site or the snapshot site.

ORA-23425: invalid snapshot identifier name

Cause: The argument provided to DBMS_SNAPSHOT.PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG is an invalid snapshot identifer or it does not identify an Oracle 8 fast refreshable snapshot or the snapshot has been already purged.

Action: If the snapshot is an Oracle 8 fast refreshable snapshot then provide PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG with its valid snapshot identifier.

ORA-23426: deferred RPC queue has entries for name

Cause: The requested action cannot be performed until the queue is empty for the given site/dblink


ORA-23427: deferred purge queue argument name out of range

Cause: Specified numeric argument to DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PURGE_QUEUE is invalid.

Action: Fix the argument value and try again.

ORA-23430: argument name cannot be NULL or empty string

Cause: The caller has provided an argument whose value cannot be NULL or the empty string.

Action: Check that the VARCHAR2 value provided is not NULL or the empty string and retry the call.

For more information about NULL and VARCHAR2, see the index entries on "NULL" and "VARCHAR2" in the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

ORA-23431: wrong state: name

Cause: The routine was executed against a replicated object group that was in the wrong state.

Action: Make sure that the replicated object group is in the state given in the error message.

For more information about replicated schemas, see the index entry on "replicated schemas" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23432: master site name already exists

Cause: An attempt was made to instantiate a replicated object group at a master site that was already a part of the object group.

Action: If you were trying to add this site, do nothing because it already exists; otherwise, pick the name of another site, and re-run the routine.

For more information about replicated schemas, see the index entry on "replicated schemas" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23433: executing against wrong master site name

Cause: An attempt was made to execute the routine at a site that is different from the site specified in the argument of the routine.

Action: Provide an argument to the routine that correctly indicates the site against which the routine should be executing.

For more information about site priority, see the index entry on "site priority" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

ORA-23434: master site name not known for object group

Cause: The site name given as an argument to a routine was not already known to the replicated object group.

Action: Execute the DBMS_OFFLINE_SCHEMA.BEGIN_INSTANTIATION() routine to add a new site to the replicated schema.

For more information about adding members to site priority groups, see the index entry on "site priority groups, adding members to" in Oracle8 Server Distributed Systems.

24000-24099: Administrative Interface for Advanced Query Messages

ORA-24000: invalid value name, name should be of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the paramerter.

Action: Specify a string of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME .

ORA-24001: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, name already exists

Cause: The queue table already exists in the queueing system.

Action: Drop the table first using the DROP_QUEUE_TABLE() command or specify another table.

ORA-24002: QUEUE_TABLE name does not exist

Cause: QUEUE_TABLE does not exist.

Action: Query on the user view USER_QUEUE_TABLES to find out existing queue tables.

ORA-24003: queue table index name inconsistent with queue table name

Cause: The queue table index has not yet been successfully imported.

Action: Import the queue table index before attempting to use any queue in the queue table. If the import failed, correct the problem and try to import the queue table index again.

ORA-24004: invalid column name name in SORT_LIST, should be ENQ_TIME or PRIORITY

Cause: Invalid column name was specified in the SORT_LIST.

Action: The valid column names are ENQ_TIME and PRIORITY.

ORA-24006: cannot create QUEUE, name already exists

Cause: The queue requested to be created already exists.

Action: Specify another queue name. Query USER_QUEUES for all the exisiting queues in the users's schema.

ORA-24007: invalid value num, MAX_RETRIES should be non-negative integer

Cause: An invalid value was specified for MAX_RETRIES.

Action: Specify a non-negative integer.

ORA-24009: invalid value num, QUEUE_TYPE should be NORMAL_QUEUE or EXCEPTION_QUEUE

Cause: Invalid queue type parameter

Action: Valid values are NORMAL_QUEUE for normal queue and EXCEPTION_QUEUE for exception queue.

ORA-24010: QUEUE name does not exist

Cause: The specified queue does not exist.

Action: Specify a valid queue. Query USER_QUEUES for all the valid queues.

ORA-24011: cannot drop QUEUE, name should be stopped first

Cause: The queue has not been stopped, i.e., either ENQUEUE or DEQUEUE is still enabled.

Action: Stop the queue first using the STOP_QUEUE command and disable it from both enqueueing and dequeueing.

ORA-24012: cannot drop QUEUE_TABLE, some queues in name have not been dropped

Cause: A queue exists in the queue table which has not been dropped. All queues need to be dropped first.

Action: Drop all queues belonging to this queue table using the drop_queue() command. Be sure to stop the queues appropriately before dropping them. Alternately, use the FORCE option in DROP_QUEUETABLE.

ORA-24013: invalid value num, RETRY_DELAY should be non-negative

Cause: A negative value was specified for RETRY_DELAY.

Action: Specify a non-negative value for RETRY_DELAY.

ORA-24014: invalid value name, RETENTION_TIME should be FOREVER or non-negative

Cause: Queue retention was specified, but the retention time was specified to be less than zero.

Action: Specify the retention time to be non-negative or FOREVER. Alternately don't specify retention.

ORA-24015: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE does not exist

Cause: An invalid QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE specified during CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE.

Action: The QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type that already exists in the database.

ORA-24016: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, do not have execute priviliges on QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE

Cause: An invalid object type specified for QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE during CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE.

Action: The user should have execute priviliges on the object type specified for the queue.

ORA-24017: cannot enable enqueue on QUEUE, name is an exception queue

Cause: An attempt was made to enable enqueueing to an exception queue.

Action: None.

ORA-24018: STOP_QUEUE on name failed, outstanding transactions found

Cause: There were outstanding transactions on the queue, and WAIT was set to false, so STOP_QUEUE was unsucessful in stopping the queue.

Action: Set WAIT to TRUE and try STOP_QUEUE again. It will hang until all outstanding transactions are completed.

ORA-24019: identifier for name too long, should not be greater than 24 characters

Cause: The queue name specified is too long.

Action: Specify an identifier which is no more than 24 bytes long. Try again with a shorter name.

ORA-24020: internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL, name

Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL.

Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24021: queue table definition not imported for

Cause: The queue definition is not updated because the queue table was not imported properly.

Action: Import the queue table again.

ORA-24022: the specified parameters has no effect on the queue

Cause: The parameter combination will not cause the queue to be started or stoped.

Action: None. This is just a warning.

ORA-24025: invalid value name, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type

Cause: Parameter QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE has invalid value.

Action: Specify a valid object type or RAW.

ORA-24031: invalid value, name should be non-NULL

Cause: Parameter is NULL.

Action: Specify a non NULL value for the parameter.

ORA-24032: object name exists, index could not be created for queue table name

Cause: Oracle advanced queueing tried to create an index with the name specified in the error message. The index could not be created for the specified queue table because a object exists with the same name.

Action: Drop the object specified in the error message and retry the command. You can also choose a different name for the queue table.

ORA-24033: no subscribers or recipients for message

Cause: An enqueue was performed on a queue that has been set up for multiple dequeuers and there were neither default subscribers for the queue nor were recipients specified in the call.

Action: Either add default subscribers for the queue or pass a list of recipients in the enqueue call.

ORA-24034: application name is already a subscriber for queue name

Cause: An application name that was already a subscriber for the queue was specified in the DBMS_AQ.SUBSCRIBE call.

Action: Choose another application name and retry the call.

ORA-24035: application name is not a subscriber for queue name

Cause: An application name that was not a subscriber for the queue was specified in the DBMS_AQ.UNSUBSCRIBE call.

Action: Check the name of the application and retry the call.

ORA-24036: invalid SORT_ORDER column name specified for queue table

Cause: The create queue table command was issued with MESSAGE_GROUPING set to TRANSACTIONAL and a sort order column other than priority. Only the priority column can be specified in the sort order for queue tables with transactional grouping.

Action: Change the sort order list in the create queue table command and retry the call.

ORA-24037: schema name in QUEUE_NAME is not same as schema name in QUEUE_TABLE

Cause: The schema specified in the QUEUE_NAME parameter of CREATE_QUEUE is not the same as the schema specified in the QUEUE_TABLE parameter.

Action: Use the same schema name for both the QUEUE_NAME and QUEUE_TABLE parameters and retry the command.

ORA-24038: RETRY_DELAY cannot be specified for a multiple consumer queue

Cause: The CREATE_QUEUE or ALTER_QUEUE command was issued with a non-zero RETRY_DELAY and a QUEUE_TABLE that was created for multiple consumers.

Action: Either set the RETRY_DELAY to zero or create the queue in a queue table that is not created for multiple consumers.

ORA-24039: queue name not created in queue table for multiple consumers

Cause: An ADD_SUBSCRIBER, REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER or an ENQUEUE with a non-empty recipient list was issued on a queue that has not been created for mutliple consumers.

Action: Create the queue in a queue table that has been created for multiple consumers and retry the call.

24270-24279: DBMS_HO Support Package Messages

ORA-24270: a row already exists in the name table for these parameters

Cause: A call was made to create a new row in the specified table. A row already exists in the table with the specified values.

Action: Delete the existing row using the appropriate API or check the parameters used to create the row.

ORA-24271: translation type must be either T, S or M

Cause: The translation type parameter is not a T, S or an M. A value other than T, S or M was specified.

Action: Correct the translation type and re-execute the API call.

ORA-24272: initialization value must be either F or T

Cause: The initialization value must be either F or T. A value other than F or T was specified.

Action: Correct the initialization value and re-execute the API call.

ORA-24273: translation text is required if translation type is T or S

Cause: If a translation type of T or S is specified, translation text must be supplied.

Action: Provide translation text and re-execute the API call.

ORA-24274: no row exists in the name table for these parameters

Cause: A call was made to update a row that does not exist or a foreign key value supplied to create a table does not exist.

Action: Create the row using the appropriate API or check the parameters used to create the new row to ensure that all specified values exist.

ORA-24275: function name parameter name missing or invalid

Cause: The function name was called with a parameter name that was null, 0 length, or had an invalid value.

Action: Correct the parameter to supply values that comply with its datatype and limits as specified in the documentation.

ORA-24276: function name output name maximum value exceeded

Cause: The function name computed a value for the output parameter that exceeded the maximum allowed. This can occur when multiple input parameters, each valid separately, combine to specify an invalid result. For example, when a length parameter multiplied by a copies parameter yields a total length exceeding the maximum for the output datatype.

Action: Correct the input values to produce a result that will comply with the limits as specified in the documentation.

ORA-24277: insufficient privileges to execute name

Cause: The access to this procedure is limited to users with certain privileges, which the invoker doesn't have.

Action: Check your documentation to verify the privileges needed to execute the named procedure.

ORA-24278: privilege type mismatch

Cause: Privileges can be granted to a user on an object like execute rights or just to a user like create library rights. Those are different types of privileges. One cannot insert an object privilege into the user privileges table and vice versa.

Action: Make sure the Privilege type is correct.

ORA-24279: insufficient privileges to create library

Cause: An attempt was made to create a remote library without having the remote create library privilege.

Action: A local DBA must grant the remote user the create library privilege by invoking DBMS_HS_EXTPROC.GRANT_CREATE_LIBRARY().

24280-24299: DBMS_LOB (FILE) Package Messages

ORA-24280: invalid input value for parameter name

Cause: The parameter has been provided a negative, out of range, or NULL input value.

Action: Correct the input value such that it is valid, and is within the range as specified in the documentation.

ORA-24281: invalid access past the maximum size of LOB parameter name

Cause: The value of positional or size parameters exceeds the maximum allowed LOB size of 4 Gigabytes.

Action: Correct the input values for amount and offset such that their sum is less than or equal to 4 Gigabytes. If error occurs in a read or write loop, check the looping conditions and/or offset increments.

24300-24999: UPI/OCI Messages

For more OCI messages see "24800-24999: OCI LOB/FILE-Related Messages" on page 2¬628 and "25350-25375: Transaction OCI Messages" on page 2¬643.

ORA-24300: bad value for mode

Cause: An undefined mode value was specified.

Action: Check that the correct mode is selected and that an allowed value for that mode is specified.

For more information about mode values, see the index entries on "mode, of a parameter in C," "mode, of a parameter in COBOL," "mode, of a parameter in FORTRAN" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24301: null host specified in thread-safe logon

Cause: An HDA was not specified in the logon call while running in a thread safe environment.

Action: Make sure that HDA is not NULL when calling the logon routine.

For more information about host data areas(HDA) and defining the OCI data structures, see the index entries on "host data area" and on "data structures, defining" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24302: host connection in use by another thread

Cause: An attempt was made to use the host connection while it was in use by another thread.

Action: Wait for another thread to finish before using this connection.

For more information about connecting to the Oracle Server, see the index entry on "connections, multiple" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24303: call not supported in non-deferred linkage

Cause: One of the calls that was supported in deferred mode linkage exclusively was invoked when the client was linked non-deferred.

Action: Use this call in deferred mode of linkage.

For more information about deferred mode linking, see the index entry on "deferred, mode linking" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24304: datatype not allowed for this call

Cause: Data of this datatype cannot be sent or fetched in pieces.

Action: Use other bind or define calls for this datatype.

For more information about bind and define calls, see the index entry on "developing an OCI program" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24305: bad bind or define context

Cause: The call was executed on a cursor for which this was invalid.

Action: Verify that this call is valid for this cursor. For example, GET PIECE INFORMATION and SET PIECE INFORMATION are valid on a cursor if appropriate binds and defines have been done on this cursor.

For more information about bind and define calls, see the index entries on "bind operation" and on "define operation" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24306: bad buffer for piece

Cause: A zero length buffer or a null buffer pointer was provided.

Action: Verify that the buffer pointing to this piece or its length is non-zero. The buffer pointer for the next piece or its length can be zero if it is the last piece to be inserted and there are no more data for the column.

For more information about fetching operations, see the index entry on "rows, fetching" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24307: invalid length for piece

Cause: The length of the piece exceeds the maximum possible size of the data.

Action: Verify that the length of this piece and the cumulative length of all the previous pieces are not more than the PROGVL parameter specified in the OBINDPS call.

For more information about fetching operations, see the index entry on "rows, fetching" in the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Volume II: OCI Reference.

ORA-24308: illegal named data type variable

Cause: A named data type define was issued for a non-existent variable.

Action: Verify that a define call is already issued for this variable.

ORA-24309: already connected to this server

Cause: The specified server handle is already attached to a server.

Action: Disconnect from the server and then retry the ociatch() call.

ORA-24310: length specified for null connect string

Cause: The connect string is NULL, but a length was specified for it.

Action: Set length to zero if connect string is NULL.

ORA-24311: memory initialization failed

Cause: Cannot initialize user memory.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24312: illegal parameters specified for allocating user memory

Cause: An illegal size or NULL pointer was specified for user memory.

Action: Specify a legal size and a valid pointer for user memory.

ORA-24313: user is already authenticated

Cause: A user has already been authenticated on this service handle.

Action: Terminate the service context before using it for another user.

ORA-24314: need explicit attach before initialize service context

Cause: An ociatch() was not done before an ociisc() call.

Action: Issue ociatch() before calling ociatch().

ORA-24315: illegal attribute type

Cause: An illegal attribute type was specified for the handle.

Action: Consult user manual to specify an attribute valid for this handle.

ORA-24316: illegal handle type

Cause: An illegal handle type was specified.

Action: Consult user manual to specify a valid handle type.

ORA-24317: re-defining different position

Cause: A define was done again with a different position.

Action: Specify the same position as before on a re-define.

ORA-24318: named data type calls not allowed for scalar data types

Cause: A named data type bind or define call was issued for a scalar type.

Action: Verify that the data-type for this variable is a named data type.

ORA-24319: unable to allocate memory for Diagnostic Record

Cause: Process was unable to allocate memory.

Action: Terminate other processes in order to reclaim needed memory.

ORA-24320: unable to initialize a mutex

Cause: An attempt to initialize a mutex failed.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24321: inconsistent parameters passed to ocipi

Cause: One of the three memory function pointers is null or non-null.

Action: Verify that either all the memory functions are null or non-null.

ORA-24322: unable to delete an initialized mutex

Cause: An attempt to delete an initialized mutex failed.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24323: value not allowed

Cause: A null value or a bogus value was passed in for a mandatory parameter.

Action: Verify that all mandatory parameters are properly initialized.

ORA-24324: service handle not initialized

Cause: An attempt was made to use an improper service context handle.

Action: Verify that the service context handle has all the parameters initialized and set for this call.

ORA-24325: this OCI operation is not currently allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to use an improper context handle.

Action: Verify that the context handle is not a part of a service context that has been converted to a logon data area for other OCI calls. The logon data area must be converted back to a service context before its components can be used.

ORA-24326: handle passed in is already initialized

Cause: An attempt was made to pass an initialized handle.

Action: Verify that the parameter passed in to retrieve a handle does not already point to a handle.

ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user

Cause: A server context must be initialized before creating a session.

Action: Create and initialize a server handle.

ORA-24328: illegal attribute value

Cause: The attribute value passed in is illegal.

Action: Consult the users manual and specify a legal attribute value for the handle.

ORA-24329: invalid character set identifier

Cause: The character set identifier specified is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid character set identifier in the OCI call.

ORA-24330: internal OCI error

Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.

Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24331: user buffer too small

Cause: The user buffer to contain the output data is too small.

Action: Specify a larger buffer.

ORA-24332: invalid object type

Cause: An invalid object type is requested for the describe call.

Action: Specify a valid object type to the describe call.

ORA-24333: zero iteration count

Cause: An iteration count of zero was specified for a non-select statement.

Action: Specify the number of times this statement must be executed.

ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position

Cause: The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal position.

Action: Check the position number.

ORA-24335: cannot support more than 1000 columns

Cause: The number of columns exceeds the maximum number supported.

Action: Specify a number of columns less than 1000.

ORA-24336: invalid result set descriptor

Cause: The result set descriptor should have valid data fetched into it before it can be converted to a statement handle

Action: Fetch valid data into the descriptor before attempting to convert it into a statement handle.

ORA-24337: statement handle not prepared

Cause: A statement cannot be executed before making preparing a request.

Action: Prepare a statement before attempting to execute it.

ORA-24338: statement handle not executed

Cause: A fetch was attempted before executing a statement handle.

Action: Execute a statement and then fetch the data.

ORA-24340: cannot support more than 255 columns

Cause: The number of columns exceeds maximum supported by the server.

Action: Limit your operation to 255 columns.

ORA-24341: bad mode specified

Cause: OCI_ENV_NO_MUTEX mode was specified for a non-threaded client.

Action: OCI_ENV_NO_MUTEX may be specified when OCI_THREADED had been specified at process initialization.

ORA-24342: unable to destroy a mutex

Cause: An attempt to destroy a mutex failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-24343: user defined callback error

Cause: The only valid return value for a user defined callback function is OCI_CONTINUE. Any other value will cause this error.

Action: Please insure that OCI_CONTINUE is returned from the user defined callback function.

ORA-24344: success with compilation error

Cause: A SQL/PLSQL compilation error occurred.

Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with the error code.

ORA-24345: a truncation or NULL fetch error occurred

Cause: A truncation or a null fetch error occured.

Action: Please ensure that the buffer size is long enough to store the returned data. Then retry the operation.

ORA-24346: cannot execute without binding variables

Cause: None of the bind variables in the SQL statement are bound.

Action: Please bind all the variables before the execute is done.

ORA-24350: this OCI call is not allowed

Cause: This OCI callback is not permitted from trusted 3GL callouts.

Action: Do not use this call.

ORA-24351: invalid date passed into OCI call

Cause: An invalid date was passed into one of the OCI calls.

Action: Check your date bind values and correct them.

ORA-24352: invalid COBOL display type passed into OCI call

Cause: An invalid COBOL display type was passed into one of the OCI calls.

Action: Check your COBOL display type bind values and correct them.

ORA-24353: user buffer too small to accommodate COBOL display type

Cause: User supplied buffer for a COBOL display type was too small to accommodate fetched number.

Action: Increase the allocation for COBOL display type buffer.

ORA-24354: number fetched too large to fit in COBOL display type buffer.

Cause: The number fetched was beyond the range that can be displayed.

Action: Please check the number in the database.

ORA-24355: attempt to store a negative number in an Unsigned Display type.

Cause: An attempt was made to convert a negative number into an unsigned display type.

Action: Please check the number in the database or change the defined datatype.

ORA-24356: internal error while converting from to COBOL display type.

Cause: An internal error was encountered during conversion to COBOL display type.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24357: internal error while converting from to OCIDate.

Cause: An internal error was encountered during conversion to OCIDate type.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24358: OCIBindObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference

Cause: OCIBindObject was not invoked resulting in an incomplete bind specification for a Object Type or Reference.

Action: Please invoke the OCIBindObject call for all Object Types and References.

ORA-24359: OCIDefineObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference

Cause: OCIDefineObject was not invoked resulting in an incomplete bind specification for a Object Type or Reference.

Action: Please invoke the OCIDefineObject call for all Object Types and References.

ORA-24360: Type Descriptor Object not specified for Object Bind/Define

Cause: Type Descriptor Object is a mandatory parameter for Object Types Binds and Defines.

Action: Please invoke the OCIBindObject() or OCIDefineObject() call with a valid Type Descriptor Object.

ORA-24361: basic bind call not invoked before invoking advanced bind call

Cause: One of the basic bind calls was not invoked on this bind handle before performing an advanced bind call.

Action: Please invoke the advanced bind call on this bind handle only after performing a basic bind call.

ORA-24362: improper use of the character count flag

Cause: When the character count flag is set, then the maximum size of the buffer in the server should be specified as a non-zero value.

Action: Please use a non-zero value for the mamimum size of the buffer in the server.

ORA-24363: measurements in characters illegal here

Cause: Measurements in characters instead of bytes are illegal if either the server's or client's character set is varying width.

Action: If either the client's or server's character set is varying width then do not use the OCI_ATTR_CHAR_COUNT attribute for the bind handle. Use OCI_ATTR_MAXDATA_SIZE instead.

ORA-24364: internal error while padding blanks

Cause: An internal error has occurred while attempting to blank pad string data. This error should not occur normally.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24365: error in character conversion

Cause: This usually occurs during conversion of a multibyte character data when the source data is abnormally terminated in the middle of a multibyte character.

Action: Make sure that all multibyte character data is properly terminated.

ORA-24366: migratable user handle is set in service handle

Cause: This occurs during user authentication: a migratable user handle has been set in the service handle.

Action: Service handle must not be set with migratable user handle when it is used to authenticate another user.

ORA-24367: user handle has not been set in service handle

Cause: This occurs during authentication of a migratable user. the service handle has not been set with non-migratable user handle.

Action: Service handle must be set with non-migratable user handle when it is used to authenticate a migratable user.

ORA-24368: OCI mutex counter non-zero when freeing a handle

Cause: This is an internal OCI error.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24369: required callbacks not registered for one or more bind handles"

Cause: No callbacks have been registered for one or more of the bind handles which are part of the RETURNING clause.

Action: The bind handles which are to receive data in a DML statememt with a RETURNING clause must have their mode set as DATA_AT_EXEC and callback functions must be registered for these bind handles using OCIBindDynamic.

ORA-24370: illegal piecewise operation attempted

Cause: Data of a certain datatype that does not support piecewise operation is being sent or fetched in pieces.

Action: Always set the piece value to OCI_ONE_PIECE for datatypes that does not support piecewise operation.

ORA-24371: data would not fit in current prefetch buffer

Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.

Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24372: invalid object for describe

Cause: The object to be described is not valid. It either has compilation or authorization errors.

Action: The object to be described must be valid.

ORA-24750: incorrect size of attribute

Cause: Transaction ID attribute size is incorrect.

Action: Verify that the size parameter is correct.

ORA-24752: OCI_TRANS_NEW flag must be specified for local transactions

Cause: Application attempted to start a local transaction without using OCI_TRANS_NEW.

Action: Use OCI_TRANS_NEW when starting local transactions.

ORA-24753: local transactions cannot be detached

Cause: An attempt to detach a local transaction was made.

Action: Local transactions may only be committed or rolled back.

ORA-24754: cannot start new transaction with an active transaction

Cause: An attempt to start a new transaction was made when there was an active transaction.

Action: Commit, rollback or detach the existing transaction before starting a new transaction.

ORA-24755: OCI_TRANS_NOMIGRATE, OCI_TRANS_JOIN options are not supported

Cause: These flags are currently not supported.

Action: No action required.

ORA-24756: transaction does not exist

Cause: An invalid transaction identifier or context was used or the transaction has completed.

Action: Supply a valid identifier if the transaction has not completed and retry the call.

ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier

Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction.

Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use.

ORA-24758: not attached to the requested transaction

Cause: An attempt was made to detach or complete a transaction that is not the current transaction.

Action: Verify that the transaction context refers to the current transaction.

ORA-24759: invalid transaction start flags

Cause: An invalid transaction start flag was passed.

Action: Verify that one of the following values - OCI_TRANS_NEW, OCI_TRANS_JOIN, OCI_TRANS_RESUME was specified.

ORA-24760: invalid isolation level flags

Cause: An invalid isolation level flag was passed.

Action: Verify that only one of following values - OCI_TRANS_READONLY, OCI_TRANS_READWRITE, OCI_TRANS_SERIALIZABLE is used.

ORA-24761: transaction rolled back

Cause: The application tried to commit a transaction and the server rolled it back.

Action: No action required.

ORA-24762: server failed due to unspecified error

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the server commit protocol.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24763: transaction operation cannot be completed now

Cause: The commit or rollback cannot be performed now because the session cannot switch to the specified transaction.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-24764: transaction branch has been heuristically committed

Cause: This is an information message.

Action: No action required.

ORA-24765: transaction branch has been heuristically rolled back

Cause: This is an information message.

Action: No action required.

ORA-24766: transaction branch has been partly committed and aborted

Cause: This is an information message.

Action: No action required.

ORA-24767: transaction was read-only and has been committed

Cause: This is an information message.

Action: No action required.

ORA-24768: commit protocol error occurred in the server

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact customer support

ORA-24769: cannot forget an active transaction

Cause: Transaction identifier refers to an active transaction.

Action: Verify that the identifier of an active transaction was not passed as an argument.

ORA-24770: cannot forget a prepared transaction

Cause: Transaction identifier refers to a prepared transaction.

Action: Verify that the identifier of a prepared transaction was not passed as an argument.

ORA-24771: cannot detach, prepare or forget a local transaction

Cause: Service handle contains a local transaction context.

Action: Verify that the transaction context does not refer to a local transaction.

ORA-24772: Cannot mix tightly-coupled and loosely-coupled branches

Cause: Application attempted to start a transaction with a global transaction identifier and a wrong option.

Action: Verify that all branches of a global transaction are started with either OCI_TRANS_TIGHT or OCI_TRANS_LOOSE option. If the application is correct and uses distributed updates, contact customer support.

ORA-24773: invalid transaction type flags

Cause: OCI_TRANS_TIGHT or OCI_TRANS_LOOSE mode was not specified.

Action: Verify that the right parameters are being used.

ORA-24774: cannot switch to specified transaction

Cause: The transaction specified in the call refers to a transaction created by a different user.

Action: Create transactions with the same authentication so that they can be switched.

ORA-24775: cannot prepare or commit transaction with non-zero lock value

Cause: An attempt was made to detach the transaction with a non-zero lock value.

Action: Detach the transaction with lock value set to zero and then try to prepare or commit the transaction.

ORA-24776: cannot start a new transaction

Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction when session was already attached to an existing transaction.

Action: End the current transaction before creating a new transaction.

ORA-24777: cannot create migratable transaction

Cause: The transaction tried to access a remote database from a non-multi threaded server instance.

Action: Perform the work in the local database or open a connection to the remote database from the client. If multi threaded server option is installed connect to the Oracle instance through the dispatcher.

ORA-24778: cannot open connections

Cause: The migratable transaction tried to access a remote database when the session itself had opened connections to remote database(s).

Action: Close the connection(s) in the session and then try to access the remote database from the migratable transaction. If the error still occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

24800-24999: OCI LOB/FILE-Related Messages

For more OCI messages see "24300-24999: UPI/OCI Messages" on page 2¬615 and "25350-25375: Transaction OCI Messages" on page 2¬643.

ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function

Cause: One of the parameter values in the OCI lob function is illegal.

Action: Check every parameter in the OCI Lob function call to make sure they are correct. Offsets should be greater than or equal to one.

ORA-24802: user defined lob read callback error

Cause: The only valid return value for a user defined lob read callback function is OCI_CONTINUE. Any other value will cause this error.

Action: Verify that OCI_CONTINUE is returned from the user defined lob read callback function.

ORA-24803: illegal parameter value in lob read function

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, please contact your customer service representative.

ORA-24804: illegal parameter value in lob write function

Cause: Internal error.

Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, please contact your customer service representative.

ORA-24805: LOB type mismatch

Cause: When copying or appending LOB locators, both source and destination LOB locators should be of the same type.

Action: Pass the same type of LOB locators for copying or appending.

ORA-24806: LOB form mismatch

Cause: When reading from or writing into LOBs, the character set form of the user buffer should be same as that of the LOB.

Action: Make sure that the buffer you are using to read or write has the same form as that of the LOB.

ORA-24807: LOB form mismatch

Cause: When copying or appending LOBs, both source and destination LOB locators should have the same character set form.

Action: Pass locators of the same character set form for copying or appending LOBs.

ORA-24808: streaming of lob data is not allowed when using lob buffering

Cause: Attempted to stream LOB data via the polling mode or a callback when LOB buffering was enabled for the input lob locator.

Action: LOB buffering is useful when reading/writing small amounts of LOB data so streaming should not be necessary. Rewrite the OCILobRead/OCILobWrite call so that it does not use streaming. If streaming of data is required, LOB buffering should not be used. In this case, flush buffers associated with the input LOB locator as necessary, disable buffering on the input LOB locator and reissue the OCILobRead/OCILobWrite call.

ORA-24809: amount specified will not fit in the LOB buffers

Cause: LOB buffering is enabled for the input lob locator so buffering will be used. However, the amount of lob data to read or write is larger than what the lob buffers can hold.

Action: Either disable buffering on the input lob locator and reissue the command or pass a smaller amount.

25000-25099: Trigger Messages

This section lists messages generated when triggers are accessed. For more trigger messages, see "04070-04099: Trigger Messages" on page 2¬318.

ORA-25000: invalid use of bind variable in trigger WHEN clause

Cause: A bind variable was used in the WHEN clause of a trigger.

Action: Remove the bind variable. To access the table columns, use (new/old).column_name.

For more information about triggers, see the index entry on "triggers" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25001: cannot create this trigger type on views

Cause: Only INSTEAD OF triggers can be created on a view.

Action: Change the trigger type to INSTEAD OF.

ORA-25002: cannot create INSTEAD OF triggers on tables

Cause: Only BEFORE or AFTER triggers can be created on a table.

Action: Change the trigger type to BEFORE or AFTER.

ORA-25003: cannot change NEW values for this column type in trigger

Cause: Attempt to change NEW trigger variables of datatype object, REF, nested table, VARRAY or LOB datatype which is not supported.

Action: Do not change the NEW trigger variables in the trigger body.

ORA-25004: WHEN clause is not allowed in INSTEAD OF triggers

Cause: WHEN clause is specified in an INSTEAD OF trigger.

Action: Remove the WHEN clause when creating an INSTEAD OF trigger.

ORA-25005: cannot CREATE INSTEAD OF trigger on a read-only view

Cause: An attempt was made to create an INSTEAD OF trigger on a view which was created with the read-only option. The view cannot be updated using INSTEAD OF triggers.

Action: Do not create the trigger.

ORA-25006: cannot specify this column in UPDATE OF clause

Cause: Attempt to create a trigger on update of a column whose datatype is disallowed in the clause, such as LOB and nested table.

Action: Remove the UPDATE OF clause.

ORA-25007: functions or methods not allowed in WHEN clause

Cause: PLSQL function call or method invocation is not allowed in the WHEN clause when creating a trigger.

Action: Remove the function call or method invocation from the WHEN clause.

ORA-25008: no implicit conversion to LOB datatype in instead-of trigger

Cause: When inserting or updating a view using instead-of trigger, the new value for a LOB view column is of a different datatype.

Action: Specified a LOB value as the new value for the LOB view column.

25100-25199: Parse Messages

ORA-25100: TABLESPACE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The TABLESPACE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.

Action: Use ALTER INDEX REBUILD TABLESPACE <tablespace name>.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25101: duplicate REBUILD option specification

Cause: The REBUILD option to ALTER INDEX was specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25102: PARALLEL option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The PARALLEL option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25103: NOPARALLEL option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The NOPARALLEL option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25104: UNRECOVERABLE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The UNRECOVERABLE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX," "UNRECOVERABLE," and "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25105: RECOVERABLE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The RECOVERABLE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25106: only one of PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified

Cause: PARALLEL was specified more than once, NOPARALLEL was specified more than once, or both PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL were specified in an ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clauses.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25107: duplicate TABLESPACE option specification

Cause: The TABLESPACE was specified more than once in an ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the TABLESPACE clauses.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and the TABLESPACE option in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25108: standby lock name space exceeds size limit of num characters

Cause: The lock name space for the standby database exceeded the maximum string length.

Action: Change initialization parameter STANDBY_LOCK_NAME_SPACE to a character string of less than the specified characters.

For more information about standby databases, see the index entries on "standby database" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.

ORA-25109: standby lock name space has illegal character char

Cause: An invalid lock name space was specified for the standby database. The lock name space for the standby database can only contain A-Z, 0-9, "_", "#", "$", and "@"characters.

Action: Change initialization parameter STANDBY_LOCK_NAME_SPACE to a valid character string.

For more information about standby databases, see the index entries on "standby database" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.

ORA-25110: NOSORT may not be used with a bitmap index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a bitmap index using the NOSORT option.

Action: Remove NOSORT from the CREATE BITMAP INDEX statement.

For more information about the NOSORT option, see the index entry on "NOSORT option, of CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25111: BITMAP may not be used with a cluster index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index the BITMAP attribute.

Action: Remove BITMAP from the CREATE INDEX statement.

For more information about the CREATE INDEX command, see the index entry on "CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25112: a bitmap index may index only one column

Cause: An attempt was made to create a bitmap index on more than one column.

Action: Remove all columns in the CREATE INDEX statement except one.

For more information about the CREATE INDEX command, see the index entry on "CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25113: DML operations for BITMAP indexes not implemented

Cause: A DML operation such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE was performed on a table that has at least one BITMAP index defined.

Action: Remove all BITMAP indexes defined on the table.

For more information about the CREATE INDEX command, see the index entry on "CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25114: invalid file number specified in the DUMP DATAFILE command

Cause: A file number used in dumping a data file is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid file number.

ORA-25115: duplicate BLOCK option specification

Cause: BLOCK (MIN/MAX) is specified more than once in DUMP DATAFILE command.

Action: Choose one BLOCK option and specify it.

ORA-25116: invalid block number specified in the DUMP DATAFILE command

Cause: A block number used in dumping a data file is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid block number.

ORA-25117: MIN/MAX/Block Number expected

Cause: MIN/MAX, or block number is expected in the DUMP DATAFILE command.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry.

ORA-25118: invalid DUMP DATAFILE option

Cause: Invalid option specified for DUMP DATAFILE command.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry.

ORA-25119: LOGGING/NOLOGGING option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the LOGGING and/or NOLOGGING options were specified more than once.

Action: Remove all but one of the logging specifications.

ORA-25120: MINIMUM EXTENT option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the MINIMUM EXTENT option is specified more than once.

Action: Remove all but one of the MINIMUM EXTENT specifications.

ORA-25121: MINIMUM EXTENT value greater than maximum extent size

Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, value specified for MINIMUM EXTENT option is greater than the maximum extent size.

Action: Decrease the value specified for MINIMUM EXTENT option.

ORA-25122: only LOCAL bitmap indexes are permitted on partitioned tables

Cause: An attempt was made to create a global bitmap index on a partitioned table.

Action: Create a local bitmap index instead. Then retry the operation.

ORA-25123: too many components specified in the name

Cause: Specifying more components to a name than allowed.

Action: Check the name specified for the operation.

ORA-25124: database link name not allowed

Cause: Specifying a database link name when it is not permitted.

Action: Check the name specified for the operation.

ORA-25125: BUFFER_POOL storage option not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to specify the BUFFER_POOL storage option. This option may only be specified during CREATE/ALTER TABLE/CLUSTER/INDEX.

Action: Remove this option and retry the statement.

ORA-25126: invalid name specified for BUFFER_POOL

Cause: The name of the buffer pool specified by the user is invalid. The only valid names are KEEP, RECYCLE and DEFAULT.

Action: Use a valid name or remove the BUFFER_POOL clause.

ORA-25175: no PRIMARY KEY constraint found

Cause: A PRIMARY KEY constraint must be defined for a table with this organization.

Action: Define a PRIMARY KEY and retry the operation.

ORA-25176: storage specification not permitted for primary key

Cause: Storage parameters cannot be defined for a PRIMARY KEY constraint for a table with this organization.

Action: Remove storage specification for primary key.

ORA-25177: UNRECOVERABLE option not permitted

Cause: The UNRECOVERABLE option might not be specified for a primary key for a table with this organization.

Action: Remove UNRECOVERABLE option for primary key.

ORA-25178: duplicate PCTTHRESHOLD storage option specification

Cause: The storage option PCTTHRESHOLD is specified more than once.

Action: Specify storage options at most once.

ORA-25179: invalid PCTTHRESHOLD storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-25180: PCTTHRESHOLD only valid for certain table organizations

Cause: PCTTHRESHOLD can only be specified for tables with certain organizations.

Action: Remove the PCTTHRESHOLD option.

ORA-25181: missing ON keyword for NESTED INDEX

Cause: ON keyword required to specify nested index column nest.

Action: Add ON keyword and retry the operation

ORA-25182: feature not currently available for index-organizedt ables

Cause: An attempt was made to use one or more of the following feature(s) not currently supported for index-organized tables:

Action: Do not use the disallowed feature(s) in this release.

ORA-25183: index only table top index segment is in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains an index only table's overflow segment but not the top index segment.

Action: Find the index only tables which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables.

ORA-25184: column name expected

Cause: A column name is not present where required by the CREATE TABLE for specifying last column to be included in the index segment of the index-organized table.

Action: Specify a column name where required by the syntax.

ORA-25185: index column other than last can not be specified for INCLUDE clause

Cause: While creating index-only tables, an index column name, instead of a non-index column name, was used for the INCLUDING clause of a CREATE TABLE statement used for creating index-organized tables .

Action: Specify a column name which is not part of index-organized table top index for the INCLUDING clause.

ORA-25186: INCLUDING clause specified without an OVERFLOW clause

Cause: The INCLUDING clause of a CREATE TABLE is a valid option only for index-organized tables with OVERFLOW clause.

Action: Specify an OVERFLOW clause for the index-organized table.

ORA-25187: specified exceptions table form incorrect

Cause: The specified table does not have the proper field definitions.

Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-25188: cannot DROP/DISABLE/DEFER the primary key constraint for Index-organized tables

Cause: An attempt was made to DROP, DISABLE, or DEFER the primary key constraint for an index-only table. This is not allowed.

Action: This is an informational message. Do not DROP, DISABLE, or DEFER the primary key constraint for an index-only table.

ORA-25189: illegal ALTER TABLE option for an index-organized table

Cause: During ALTER of a index-organized table, the user attempted to enter one or more of the following options: TABLESPACE, ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE EXTENT, PCTFREE/PCTUSED for IOT top index segment.

Action: Remove the illegal option(s).

ORA-25190: an index-organized table maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE statement attempted to combine an index-organized table maintenance operation (e.g. changing physical attributes) with some other operation (e.g. ADD constraint) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that a index-organized table maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement.

ORA-25191: cannot reference overflow table of an index-organized table

Cause: An attempt was made to directly access the overflow table of an index-organized tabl.

Action: Issue the statement against the parent index-organized table containing the specified overflow table.

ORA-25192: invalid option for an index-organized table

Cause: An attempt was made to specify one or more of the following options for an index-organized table: [NO]CACHE, NO LOGGING, CLUSTER

Action: Remove the invalid option(s).


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