Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
For more messages on advanced query, see "24000-24099: Administrative Interface for Advanced Query Messages" on page 2¬608.
Cause: A NULL parameter was specified for the queue name.
Action: Specify a NON-NULL queue name.
Cause: An invalid value specified for parameter VISIBILITY.
Action: Specify either ON_COMMIT or IMMEDIATE.
Cause: A NULL value was specified for the parameter.
Action: Specify a non-NULL value.
Cause: A negative value or NULL was specified for DELAY.
Action: Specify a non negative integer for DELAY.
Cause: An invalid SEQUENCE_DEVIATION was specified.
Action: Specify either the option BEFORE or TOP.
Cause: The specified queue does not exist.
Action: Create the queue first before specifying it for enqueue or dequeue.
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to an exception queue.
Action: Try enqueueing to another queue.
Cause: The queue has been stopped to prevent any further enqueueing.
Action: Enable the queue first by using an administrative operation.
Cause: A relative message identifier should be specified if sequence deviation is specified as BEFORE.
Action: Specify a non-null parameter for sequence deviation. valid values are either A, B, or T.
Cause: The expiration is less than zero or NULL.
Action: Specify a valid value for expire_after which should be greater than or equal to zero or NEVER.
Cause: No message inm the queue with the msgid equal to the specified RELATIVE_MSGID.
Action: Try again with a valid RELATIVE_MSGID.
Cause: The DELAY specified in the enqueue is greater than the delay of the message with the given relative message id.
Action: Set the DELAY to be less than or equal to the delay of the message with the given relative message id. If the TOP option is used the delay must be less than or equal to the delay of all the messages in the queue.
Cause: The PRIORITY specified in the enqueue is less than the priority of the message with the given relative message id.
Action: Set the PRIORITY to be less than the delay of the message with the given relative message id. If the TOP option is used the prioirty must be greater than or equal to the priority of all the messages in the queue.
Cause: The message specified by the RELATIVE_MSGID field in the sequence deviation BEFORE option has been dequeued.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message only.
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue an object to a queue that was created for objects of different type.
Action: Try enqueue again with an object of the right type.
Cause: An invalid parameter has been specified for DEQUEUE_MODE.
Action: Specify either REMOVE, BROWSE or LOCKED.
Cause: The queue has not been enabled for dequeue.
Action: Enable the queue using START_QUEUE.
Cause: User-specified dequeue wait time has passed but no message has been retrieved.
Action: Try dequeue again with the appropriate WAIT_TIME.
Cause: A negative value was specified for WAIT.
Action: Specify a non negative value or FOREVER.
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue from a queue that has been created for subscription but a subsciber has not been specified.
Action: Try dequeue again after specifying the name of the subscriber.
Cause: An enqueue was performed with duplicate queue agents in the recipient's parameter.
Action: Remove the duplicate queue agent and retry the call.
Cause: An invalid parameter has been specified for NAVIGATION.
Action: Choose one of FIRST_MESSAGE, NEXT_MESSAGE, or NEXT_TRANSACTION. Use FIRST_MESSAGE for dequeuing first message that satisifies the criterion, NEXT_MESSAGE for dequeuing next message that satisifies the criterion and NEXT_TRANSACTION for moving to a set of messages enqueued by another transaction.
Cause: The NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation flag was used in a dequeue from a queue in a queue table that was not created for transactional grouping.
Action: Specify either FIRST_MESSAGE or NEXT_MESSAGE as the navigation option. If you want to dequeue messages using transactional grouping create the queue in a queue table that has transactional grouping enabled.
Cause: The NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option was used in a dequeue where there were no messages that belong to the same transaction.
Action: Use the NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option to move to the next group of messages that belong to the same transaction. You can also use the FIRST_MESSAGE option to start from the head of the queue again.
Cause: The variable or buffer used for the out parameter payload is too small for the user data dequeued.
Action: Increased the size of the buffer or the size of the variable. Maximum size allowed is 32K.
Cause: The NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option was specified after dequeuing all the messages.
Action: Reset the dequeuing position using the FIRST_MESSAGE naviagtion option and then specify the NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option.
Cause: An enqueue was performed with more than 32 recipients.
Action: Redcue the number of recipients to 32 and retry the call.
For more OCI messages, see "24800-24999: OCI LOB/FILE-Related Messages" on page 2¬628 and "24300-24999: UPI/OCI Messages" on page 2¬615.
Cause: The limit on the number of concurrent transaction branches has been hit.
Action: Shutdown the system, increase the value of the INIT.ORA parameter TRANSACTIONS, and then restart the system.
Cause: The user transaction is currently used by others.
Action: Do not switch to a transaction attached to some other session.
Cause: The user session is not attached to any transaction.
Action: Do not attempt to detach when there is no current transaction.
Cause: The branch specified cannot be killed immediately because another session is using the branch, but it has been marked for kill. This means it will be killed as soon as possible after the current operation, which cannot be interrupted, is done.
Action: No action is required for the branch to be deleted.
These error messages can be returned by the application failover feature.
Cause: A failure occurred since the last fetch on this cursor. Failover was able to bring the cursor to its original state to allow continued fetches.
Action: This is an internally used error message and should not be seen by the user.
Cause: A failure occurred since the last fetch on this cursor. Failover was unable to bring the cursor to its original state to allow continued fetches.
Action: Re-execute the statement and start fetching from the beginning.
Cause: A failure occurred while a transaction was active on this connection.
Action: The client must roll back.
Cause: The connection to the database has been lost, and attempts to reconnect have failed.
Cause: The primary instance has died.
Action: This is an internally used error message and should not be seen by the user.
Cause: A failure occurred while a transaction was attempting to commit. Failover could not automatically determine instance status.
Action: Determine the transaction's status manually.
Cause: Failover was unable to generate a connect string for a backup instance.
Action: Report this error to Oracle support.
Cause: The connection was lost while doing a fetch.
Action: This is an internally used error message and should not be seen by the user.
Cause: The connection was lost while doing this call. It may not be safe to replay it after failover.
Action: Check to see if the results of the call have taken place, and then replay it if desired.
Cause: The connection was lost while issuing a rollback.
Action: If the transaction is not externally coordinated, then Oracle implicitly rolled back, so no action is required. Otherwise examine PENDING_TRANS$ to determine if ROLLBACK FORCE is required.
Cause: A shared DBLINK is being used to connect to a remote instance that does not support this feature because it is an older version.
Action: Use a normal DBLINK if you need to connect to this instance.
Cause: The Loader control file contains a PARTITION clause but the table being loaded is not partitioned.
Action: Remove the partition specification from the SQL*Loader control file and retry the load.
Cause: A nonexistent index was specified in the SORTED INDEXES clause.
Action: Specify an existing index as a SORTED INDEX and retry the operation.
Cause: Parallel load was specified into a table which has an index defined on it.
Action: Do one of the following:
Action: Check the accompanying ORACLE error message for more information.
Cause: An attempt was made to load a clustered table using the direct path.
Action: Retry the operation using the conventional path.
Cause: The specified table does not exist.
Action: Make sure the table exists and that you have privileges on it.
Action: Check the accompanying ORACLE error message for more information.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the INSERT option on a non-empty table.
Action: Empty the table from SQL*Plus, or use the REPLACE option.
Cause: A column which is NOT NULL in the database has a SQL*Loader NULLIF clause on it.
Action: Remove the NULLIF clause in the SQL*Loader control file.
Cause: A column which is NOT NULL in the database has a SQL*Loader DEFAULTIF clause which may evaluate to NULL.
Action: Remove the DEFAULTIF clause in the SQL*Loader control file.
Cause: A column which is NOT NULL in the database is not being loaded and will cause every row to be rejected.
Action: Load the column by specifying the NOT NULL column in the INTO TABLE clause in the SQL*Loader control file.
Cause: An attempt was made to load an object table using the direct path.
Action: Retry the operation using the conventional path.
Cause: User attempted to load a table with an object column using the direct path.
Action: Retry the operation using the conventional path.
Cause: An attempt was made to load a nested table using the direct path.
Action: Retry the operation using the conventional path.
Cause: An attempt was made to load a table with a REF column using the direct path.
Action: Retry the operation using the conventional path.
Cause: An attempt was made to load a table with an array column using the direct path.
Action: Retry the operation using the conventional path.
Cause: The record indicated caused an ORACLE error on insert.
Action: Determine the ORACLE error and correct the record. The offending column(s) are not known.
Cause: Global indexes are defined on a table when direct path loading a single partition of the table.
Action: Remove the global index from the named table and retry the operation.
Cause: The column specified in the loader control file does not exist.
Action: Ensure that the column exists and that you have privileges on it. Correct the loader control file if it is incorrect.
Cause: The specified column of SQL column type name is not supported by the direct path loader.
Action: If the column is NULLable, remove it from the control file description. Then it will be loaded as a NULL.
Cause: Non-partitioned index information was successfully added to the log file.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message only.
Cause: Partitioned index information was successfully added to the loader log file.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message only.
Cause: A non-partitioned index was made index unusable due to the error displayed in the accompanying error message.
Action: Depending on the error, either rebuild the index, or drop and re-create it.
Cause: A partition of a partitioned index was made index unusable due to error displayed in the accompanying error message.
Action: Depending on the error, either rebuild the index partition, or drop and re-create the entire index.
Cause: The SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES option was specified and the index segment was in an unusable state prior to the beginning of the load.
Action: This is an informational message only. You will need to do one of the following: rebuild the index or index partition re-create the index
Cause: A request was made that index maintenance be skipped on a direct path load.
Action: The listed index was put into Index Unusable state due to a request that index maintenance be skipped. You will need to do one of the following:
Cause: A unique index is in IU state (a unique index cannot have index maintenance skipped by using the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES option).
Action: Either rebuild the index or index partition, or use SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE if the client is SQL*Loader.
Cause: A partition of a unique index is in IU state (a unique index cannot have index maintenance skipped by using the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES option).
Action: Either rebuild the index or index partition, or use SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE if the client is SQL*Loader.
Cause: An index is in IU state prior to the beginning of a direct path load, it cannot be maintained by the loader.
Action: Either rebuild the index, re-create the index, or use either SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES or SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE (Sql*Loader only).
Cause: A partition of an index is in IU state prior to the beginning of a direct path load; it cannot be maintained by the loader.
Action: Either rebuild the index partition, re-create the index, or use either SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES or SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE (Sql*Loader only).
Cause: A logical index error occurred on a partitioned index which affected one or more index partitions, which are listed in an accompanying error message.
Action: The affected index partitions will have to be re-built, or, the entire index dropped and re-created.
Cause: A index error occurred during the index maintenance phase of a direct path load. The load cannot continue. See the accompanying error message.
Action: See the accompanying error message for more information.
Cause: An index error occurred during direct-load of an index-organized table. Loading had to be aborted. No rows were loaded.
Action: Check the key just following the number of keys mentioned above. This key caused the index problem mentioned in an earlier message.
Cause: This error is not used.
Cause: The tablespace number in the file header is inconsistent with the tablespace number in the control file.
Action: Check if the control file has been migrated correctly. Retry with the correct control file and data file.
Cause: The relative file number in the file header is inconsistent with the relative file number in the control file.
Action: Check if the control file has been migrated correctly. Retry with the correct control file and data file.
Cause: The file header of the referenced file is in V6 or V7 format.
Action: Either remove the file from the CREATE CONTROL FILE command, or somehow migrate the file header to V8 format.
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