Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
Cause: Initialization of a network connection to the extproc agent did not succeed. This can be caused by network problems, incorrect listener configuration or incorrect transfer code.
Action: Check listener configuration in LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.ORA or Oracle Names Server.
Cause: A fatal error occurred in either an RPC network connection, the extproc agent, or the invoked 3GL after communication had been established successfully.
Action: First check the 3GL code you are invoking, and make sure there are no network problems. Most likely, the invoked "C" routine is terminating abnormally. If all components appear to be normal but the problem persists, this could be an internal logic error in the transfer code. Contact your customer support representative.
Cause: While transferring the external procedure arguments to the agent, an unsupported datatype was detected.
Action: Check your documentation for the supported datatypes of external procedure arguments.
Cause: An internal protocol error occurred while trying to execute a callback to the Oracle Server from the user's 3GL routine.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An internal network error occurred while trying to execute a callback to the Oracle Server from the user's 3GL routine.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: A callback from within a user's 3GL routine resulted in the invocation of another external procedure.
Action: Make sure that the SQL executed in a callback does not directly call another external procedure, or indirectly results in another external procedure, for example, triggers calling external procedures, PL/SQL procedures calling external procedures, and so on.
Cause: An internal protocol error occurred while trying to execute an external procedure resulting from a callback in another external procedure.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: A user or a tool tried to establish a direct connection to either an external procedure agent or a Heterogeneous Services agent, for example:
This is not allowed.
Action: When executing the CONNECT statementake sure your database link or network alias is not pointing to a Heterogeneous Services agent or an external procedure agent.
For more security server messages, see "28000-28499: Security-Related Messages" on page 2¬670.
Cause: An Oracle Security Service error of unspecified type occurred.
Action: Contact your Oracle Worldwide Support representative. This error should not be visible to applications.
Cause: The allocation of memory failed due to exhaustion of system memory.
Action: Terminate other processes to free up memory or add memory to the system.
Cause: The initialization of a data source failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact cause of the error. Frequently, this error is caused by the exhaustion of system resources.
Cause: The termination of the use of a data source failed.
Action: Enabled Net8 tracing to determine the exact cause of the error. The error may be caused by the corruption of memory or disk, among other things.
Cause: There was a failure to retrieve subject information from a file or database.
Action: Check if the data source exists or check for the correct subject information.
Cause: A function supplied by the caller failed to allocate memory.
Action: This error could be due to system memory exhaustion.
Cause: Memory has been exhausted.
Action: This error could be due to system memory exhaustion.
Cause: The release of memory fragment failed. This may be caused by corruption of memory either within the application or the Oracle Security Server library.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the reason why the operation failed.
Cause: The opening of the specified file failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the name of the file that could not be opened and the reason.
Cause: Possible error in parameter in SQLNET.ORA.
Action: Check the SQLNET.ORA file for this parameter value.
Cause: The retrieval of a configuration parameter failed.
Action: Supply the needed configuration parameter.
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to end use of a data source. This could be due to a system error.
Action: Enable tracing to see what the exact error is.
Cause: Version number of the file is incorrect.
Action: Enter the correct version number and retry the operation.
Cause: An invalid magic number was specified in a data file.
Action: This could be due to disk corruption or some other process overwriting the file. Enable tracing to determine what the exact error is.
Cause: The data access method specified in the configuration file is not supported.
Action: Specify a supported method. Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation to determine the supported types.
Cause: The caller attempted to initialize a data source which was already initialized.
Action: This is a programming error. An application should not attempt to initialize a data source more than once.
Cause: The caller attempted to use a data source which had not been initialized yet.
Action: This is a programming error. The application must always initialize the data source.
Cause: The write of both the magic and version numbers failed.
Action: This error usually occurs because disk space has been exhausted.
Cause: The output of a file failed.
Action: This error usually occurs because disk space has been exhausted.
Cause: The close of a file used by a data access method failed.
Action: This error usually indicates an error such as memory corruption or a system error. Enable tracing and examine the trace file to see what the exact error.
Cause: The data to be returned by a function is too large for the supplied buffer.
Action: Call the routine again with a larger buffer.
Cause: The creation of a binding for use in the parsing of a parameter value failed. This error can be caused by the parameter value being in an incorrect format, e.g. a right parenthesis was not supplied where expected, or the exhaustion of system memory.
Action: Make sure that the parameter is specified in the correct format. If the format is correct, free up system memory by terminating processes or add more memory.
Cause: The configuration parameter was not specified in the proper format.
Action: Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for a description of the proper format for this parameter.
Cause: No method for data access was specified in the parameter value.
Action: Specify a parameter method. Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for the supported data access methods for this data type.
Cause: The data access method specified by the parameter value is not supported.
Action: Specify a data access method. Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for the supported data access methods for this data data type.
Cause: No data was specified in the parameter for use with the specified access method.
Action: Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for the data that must be specified for the access method.
Cause: No memory was allocated for a data source.
Action: The application should call in the data source initialization function.
Cause: No match for parameter name in the configuration file.
Action: Check your SQLNET.ORA file for the parameter.
Cause: The translation of a file name from Oracle format to native format failed.
Action: Specify a correct name. Consult your ORACLE documentation for the correct file name format.
Cause: A configuration parameter does not exist in a parameter file.
Action: Supply the required parameter.
Cause: Use of incorrect password for decryption.
Action: Type in the correct password.
Cause: The allocation of memory to grow a buffer failed due to exhaustion of system memory.
Action: Terminate other processes to free up memory or add memory to the system.
Cause: Incorrect input by the user in response to a prompt or an unknown error.
Action: Provide the correct input or enable tracing and check the trace file for errors.
Cause: The opening of a string for use by the NLS subsystem failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Verification of the certificate supplied by the user failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: A PL/SQL operation attempted by the Oracle Security Service failed.
Action: This is an internal error. Enable Net8 and try the operation again. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.
Cause: The initialization of the attribute data type failed.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error. This error may be caused by the exhaustion of system resources.
Cause: The termination of the use of the attribute data type subsystem failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: The method specified to access data is not supported.
Action: Use a supported access method.
Cause: The data type specified for a key is not supported.
Action: Correct the key type and retry the operation.
Cause: The number of keys passed by the application to bind does not match the number used to create the key.
Action: This is an internal programming exception. Contact your Oracle Worldwide Support representative.
Cause: The allocation of shared memory for use in operations involving the shared server failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error. This error is probably caused by the exhaustion of the memory heap supplied by the Oracle server.
Cause: Failed to open the data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Mode or data source specified in configuration file is incorrect.
Action: Check the SQLNET.ORA file for method parameter. Else enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to access a data source(file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to close the data source(file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to retrieve information from the data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to write to the data source(file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to update a data source(file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to retrieve method (file/database) information.
Action: Check the SQLNET.ORA file for method configuration parameters.Else enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to delete information from data source.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: Failed to create a key descriptor.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
Cause: The conversion of a number which was specified in Oracle format to native format failed.
Action: This is an internal programming exception. Enable Net8 tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. Contact your customer support representative and supply the trace file.
Cause: The conversion of a number which was specified in native format to Oracle portable format failed.
Action: This is an internal programming exception. Enable Net8 tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. Contact your customer support representative and supply the trace file.
Cause: A required password was not passed to a PL/SQL function.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: A PL/SQL function returned an error unexpectedly.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The context that holds the state of the security package was not passed to a function or procedure that was expecting it.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The user's distinguished name was not provided to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The state of either a signature or decryption/encryption was not passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: A PL/SQL function or procedure was not passed an expected buffer.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: No seed was specified to the PL/SQL seed initialization function.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The number of random bytes to generate was not specified to the PL/SQL random number generator.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An invalid state was passed to a PL/SQL encryption, decryption or signature procedure or function.
Action: Specify a correct state value and retry the operation.
Cause: No function was specified for the cryptographic engine.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An incorrect cryptographic engine function was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a correct engine function and retry the operation.
Cause: An incorrect cipher type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a correct cipher type and retry the operation.
Cause: An incorrect identity type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a correct identity type and retry the operation.
Cause: No cipher type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: No identity type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: No data unit format was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An incorrect data unit format was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a data unit format and retry the operation.
Cause: Not enough info (usually parameters) provided to a PL/SQL function
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: Buffer provided by PL/SQL to a Oracle Security Server toolkit function is too small for the data to be returned
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An identity descriptor passed to a PL/SQL function or descriptor was not provided or does not have the correct size.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The wallet to be used has not been opened yet.
Action: Call the function that opens the wallet and retry the operation.
Cause: No wallet descriptor was specified to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: No identity descriptor was specified to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: No persona descriptor was specified to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An attempt was made to open a wallet that had already been opened.
Action: This is a programming error. A wallet should only be opened once.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not supported.
Action: This is a programming error.
Cause: The cryptographic engine is confused about the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The input TDU has either been corrupted or it is not being used correctly.
Action: Check that the TDU is being used from the beginning. If possible, compare the size of the TDU upon generation to the size trying to be used.
Cause: The input TDU has either been corrupted or it is not being used correctly.
Action: Check that the TDU is being used from the beginning. If possible, compare the size of the TDU upon generation to the size trying to be used.
Cause: During initialization of the cryptographic engine, some failure occurred. This includes running out of memory and trying to seed the random number generator.
Action: Make sure the executable has been linked with compatible library versions, and that you are not running out of swap space.
Cause: During initialization of a key for cryptography, some failure occurred. This includes running out of memory and passing illegal arguments.
Action: Make sure the executable has been linked with compatible library versions, and that the correct parameters are being used for the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The key object may be corrupted or may be an unsupported type.
Action: Check the key object being passed to the encoding routine.
Cause: The encoding may be corrupted or may not be a key object at all.
Action: Check the encoding and parameters passed to decoding routine.
Cause: The key may be corrupted or may be an unsupported type.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The cryptographic engine may have run out of memory.
Action: Make sure the executable has been linked with compatible library versions.
Cause: The cryptographic engine does not have enough information to correctly finish applying the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The cryptographic engine does not have enough information to correctly apply the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The cryptographic engine does not have enough information to correctly initialize the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The application probably passed the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
Cause: The application has preallocated an output buffer that is too short for the operation and has specified that the buffer should not grow as needed.
Action: Either preallocate a larger buffer or allow the toolkit to grow the output buffer as needed.
Cause: An asymmetric key must be at least 11 bytes longer than the data it is being used to encrypt.
Action: Use an asymmetric key with more bits or break the data into smaller pieces.
Cause: The application probably passed the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
Cause: The application probably passed the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
Cause: The TDU could be corrupted.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
Cause: Some toolkit objects must be opened before they can be used.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
Cause: WRL's have a specific set of types and must be formatted correctly.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
Cause: The application probably passed the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
Cause: An invalid index was specified in a call to BIND_ARRAY of DBMS_SQL. The index may have been NULL or of an improper value.
Action: Correct the index value by modifying your PL/SQL program and try the BIND_ARRAY call again.
Cause: The value of index1 was greater than the value for index2 in the call to bind_array. This is illegal since the elements of the table that will be bound are those with indexes greater than or equal to index1 and less than or equal to index2.
Action: Correct the value of the two indexes and try the call to again BIND_ARRAY.
Cause: The bound table does not contain elements at both index locations in call to BIND_ARRAY of DBMS_SQL. This is illegal. Both index locations must contain elements. In other words tab.exists(index1) and tab.exists(index2) must both return true.
Action: Either modify the two indexes or the contents of the table and try the call again.
Cause: The count argument specified in the call to procedure DEFINE_ARRAY of package DBMS_SQL had an invalid value. Invalid values are negative numbers and nulls. The argument must be a positive integer.
Action: Correct your PL/SQL program so that only valid arguments are passed to DEFINE_ARRAY and try again.
Cause: The LOWER_BOUND argument specified in the call to procedure DEFINE_ARRAY had an invalid value. Legal values are all integers (both positive and negative) including zero. The NULL value is illegal.
Action: Correct your PL/SQL program so that only valid arguments are passed to DEFINE_ARRAY and try again.
Cause: Both DEFINE_ARRAY and BIND_ARRAY have been called on this cursor. This is illegal. It is not possible for a cursor to both contain array binds and array defines. Array defines are used to move data from select queries into PL/SQL tables and array binds to bind PL/SQL tables to non-select queries.
Action: Modify your PL/SQL program to only perform calls to one of the two functions depending on the kind of cursor at hand.
Cause: Both DEFINE_ARRAY and DEFINE_COLUMN have been called on this cursor. This is illegal. It is not possible for a cursor to both contain regular and array defines. Array defines are used to move data from select queries into PL/SQL tables and regular defines to move data from select queries into PL/SQL variables.
Action: Modify your PL/SQL program to only perform calls to one of the two functions depending on the situation at hand.
Cause: An ORACLE error occurred in the DBMS_PITR package.
Action: See the text of the Oracle error message for a description of the error.
Cause: The DBMS_PITR package function/procedure was called in an incorrect order.
Action: Restart tablespace point-in-time recovery with a correct procedure.
Cause: Database was not opened as a clone database.
Action: Mount the database clone and open the database.
Cause: User did not log in as SYS to perform tablespace point-in-time recovery in a clone database.
Action: Log in as SYS and restart tablespace point-in-time recovery.
Cause: The selected tablespace does not exist in the database.
Action: Check the list of tablespaces in V$TABLESPACE and select a valid tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to ALTER the tablespace to be read only.
Action: Check if the tablespace is SYSTEM or with online rollback segment.
Cause: The selected datafile was not online.
Action: Bring the datafile online and rename it if necessary.
Cause: The datafile is not ready for tablespace point-in-time recovery.
Action: Check the correct tablespace point-in-time recovery procedure.
Cause: Some objects which crossed the boundary of the recovery set were not allowed in the tablespace point-in-time recovery.
Action: Query TS_PITR_CHECK and resolve the boundary crossing objects.
Cause: The version of DBMS_PITR is different from the version of the cloned database.
Action: Load the version of DBMS_PITR which matches the version of the cloned database.
Cause: Either the database was not open, or an attempt was made to open it as a cloned database.
Action: Open the production database instead.
Cause: The production database is not the same as the clone database.
Action: Open the correct production database and try the import again.
Cause: A point-in-time tablespace was chosen to perform the recovery, but the current database is not compatible with the database that was used to create the point-in-time tablespace.
Action: Choose a different point-in-time and retry the operation.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your database administrator.
Cause: Tablespace clean SCN (system commit number) is either 0 or invalid.
Action: ALTER the tablespace OFFLINE FOR RECOVER.
Cause: An attempt was made to recover a tablespace to a point-in-time before it was recreated.
For example, you CREATE TABLESPACE FINANCIAL on 1/1 and DROP it on 1/10. On 1/12, you CREATE a new tablespace also called FINANCIAL. ORACLE allows you to do this. Note that the two FINANCIAL tablespaces are different. To continue the example, on 1/14, you try to recover tablespace FINANCIAL to 1/5. ORACLE returns the above error because although ORACLE finds the FINANCIAL tablespace on 1/5, it is not the FINANCIAL tablespace that exists on 1/14. This is because FINANCIAL was recreated.
Action: Choose a different point in time for recovery.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your database administrator.
Cause: The specified datafile could not be found in the production database.
Action: Copy the datafile from the clone database.
Cause: The datafile is online.
Action: Take the datafile offline.
Cause: An incorrect datafile was copied to the production database. The datafile information in the export dump file differs with the information in the datafile in the production database.
Action: Copy the datafile from the clone database to the production database.
Cause: An error occurred while reading the datafile header.
Action: Copy the correct datafile from the clone database to the production database, then retry the operation.
Cause: Too many datafiles were added to the recovery set since the point-in-time. It is assumed that no more than 100 datafiles were added since the point-in-time.
Action: Divide the recovery set into smaller subsets and contact Oracle.
Cause: Too many characters in specifying the SCN string
Action: Remove all unnecessary characters. Only 15 characters are required for both the hex and decimal representation of the 48-bit SCN.
Cause: The rolling release feature was first implemented in 8.0.3
Action: Try 8.0.3 as the value for SET COMPATIBILITY.
Cause: The SET COMPATIBILITY release string was not specified in the form 8.x.x.
Action: Enter a release string in the form 8.x.x. For example, 8.0.3.
Cause: In 8.0.3, release number should be the same as compatibility release number.
Action: Specify the release number to be the same as the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter. Note that this cannot be a release number less than 8.0.0
Cause: One or more instances had a lower release number.
Action: To roll the release to the specified number, all instances will need to migrate to the same release number or higher.
Cause: An error has occurred in a data cartridge external procedure. This message will be followed by a second message giving more details about the data cartridge error.
Action: See the data cartridge documentation for an explanation of the second error message.
Cause: DLM lock conversion statistics enabled.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message only.
Cause: Connect to GMS failed or timed out.
Action: Verify that the GMS was started. If it the GMS was not started, start it and then retry the database startup. If the GMS died or is not responding, check the Oracle and GMS trace files for errors.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while performing a GMS operation.
Action: Verify that the Group Membership Service is still active. Also, check the Oracle and GMS trace files for errors.
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