Error Messages Release 8.0 A54625_01 |
This chapter lists messages generated by SQL*DBA. The likely cause(s) of the event(s) generating the message and recommended corrective action are also presented.
The messages listed in this chapter are displayed with the prefix DBA, signifying SQL*DBA, or LCC, signifying the command line. Refer to Oracle8 Server Utilities for more information on, and syntax for, SQL*DBA.
Cause: The package, package body, procedure, or function could not be created because there were code errors.
Action: Enter the SHOW ERRORS command and correct the listed compilation errors.
Cause: The package, package body, procedure, or function could not be created because there were code errors.
Action: Enter the SHOW ERRORS command and correct the listed compilation errors.
Cause: When using the SPOOL command, the name of a file that already exists was specified.
Action: Specify a valid name for a file that does not currently exist.
Cause: There were unrecognized commands or other text on the command line.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: The LOG keyword was missing from the ARCHIVE LOG command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: An option specified was not LIST, STOP, START, NEXT, ALL, a number, or a filename in the ARCHIVE LOG command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: An option specified was not DATABASE, MANUAL, UNTIL, TABLESPACE, or DATAFILE in the RECOVER command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: An invalid Net8 CONNECT string was specified for the instance name.
Action: Refer to the Net8 documentation for a complete description of Net8 CONNECT strings.
Cause: An invalid option for the SET ECHO command was specified.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET ECHO command.
Cause: An invalid option for the SET TERMOUT command was specified.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TERMOUT command.
Cause: An invalid option for the SET TIMING command was specified.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TIMING command.
Cause: An invalid value for the SET CYCLE command was specified.
Action: The SET CYCLE command must use an integer between 1 and 3600.
Cause: An invalid option for the SET command was specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the SET command in Oracle8 Server Utilities and issue the command again.
Cause: An invalid option for the SHOW command was specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the SHOW command in Oracle8 Server Utilities and issue the command again.
Cause: The specified PFILE name is not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal PFILE name.
Cause: The specified database name is not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal database name.
Cause: An option was specified without any arguments. For example:
Action: Check the syntax of the command and enter the command again with the appropriate arguments for options that require values.
Cause: An option was specified that was not NORMAL, IMMEDIATE, or ABORT for the SHUTDOWN command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: The specified tablespace name was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal tablespace name.
Cause: Something other than a number for a process identifier, or an invalid class was specified after the MONITOR STATISTICS command.
Action: Specify only numbers as process identifiers or specify a valid class for the MONITOR STATISTICS command.
Cause: An option was specified that was not DBA, PFILE, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED, MOUNT, OPEN, RECOVER, or NOMOUNT for the STARTUP command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: An invalid option was specified for the SET STOPONERROR command.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET STOPONERROR command.
Cause: An illegal option was specified for the MONITOR command.
Action: Check the syntax of the MONITOR command in Oracle8 Server Utilities and issue the command again.
Cause: A character or an invalid value was specified when a number was expected as a value for a SET command option.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, use an appropriate number for the option, and enter the command again.
Cause: An invalid string was specified as one of the values in the list of tablespaces in the ARCHIVE LOG command. For example,'"' is an invalid string.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, use valid tablespace names for all names in the list, and enter the command again.
Cause: The specified ARCHIVE destination was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal ARCHIVE destination.
Cause: A numeric value was specified that was too large.
Cause: The VERIFY switch was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal VERIFY switch.
Cause: The specified options of the STARTUP command cannot be used simultaneously. For example, the following command is not valid:
Action: Check the syntax of the STARTUP command in Oracle8 Server Utilities for options that can be used together.
Cause: The DEBUG switch was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal DEBUG switch.
Cause: The specified value was out of range. The valid range is given by the error message.
Action: Use a number within the range specified by this error.
Cause: The specified ARCHIVE TO device was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal ARCHIVE TO device.
Cause: hostname/password was not specified.
Action: Specify the correct hostname/password.
Cause: An invalid string was entered as one of the values in the list of datafiles in the ARCHIVE LOG command. For example, '"' is an invalid string.
Action: Check the syntax of the command, use valid datafile names for all names in the list, and enter the command again.
Cause: An invalid option was specified for the SET AUTORECOVERY command.
Action: Use either ON or OFF as options for the SET AUTORECOVERY command.
Cause: A variable was incorrectly specified using the VARIABLE command.
Action: Check the syntax of the command and issue the command again.
Cause: The PL/SQL block contains a syntax error.
Action: Correct the syntax error.
Cause: The specified ALTER DATABASE option was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal option.
Cause: The specified COMPATIBILITY switch was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal COMPATIBILITY switch.
Cause: The specified RETRIES value was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal RETRIES value.
Cause: The specified object type, owner, or name was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal object type, owner or name.
Cause: The specified variable was not recognized.
Action: Specify an existing variable.
Cause: The specified object type was not TABLE, VIEW, or PROCEDURE.
Action: Check that the object is a table, view, or procedure. If so, check that you specified the correct name and try again. If not, you cannot DESCRIBE the object.
Cause: The specified table, view, stored procedure or function was not recognized.
Action: Check spelling and specify an existing table, view, stored procedure, or function.
Cause: The specified HISTORY value was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal HISTORY value.
Cause: The specified LINES value was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal LINES value.
Cause: The specified value was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal value.
Cause: The specified value was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal value.
Cause: The specified value was not recognized.
Action: Specify a legal value.
Cause: An internal error was encountered.
Action: Contact customer support with the circumstances leading to the error and the complete set of error messages.
Cause: SET INSTANCE was used while currently connected to a database.
Action: To change the current instance, DISCONNECT from the database before using SET INSTANCE.
Cause: The requested operation required being connected to the database.
Action: CONNECT to the database using a valid username and password before retrying the operation.
Cause: A command file used as input to SQL*DBA is corrupt or invalid.
Action: Check the file before retrying the operation.
Cause: The size of the SQL statement exceeds SQL*DBA's buffer size.
Action: Shorten the SQL statement by removing extra blanks or by using intermediate statements or views, if necessary.
Cause: An invalid number was specified for the cycle interval.
Action: Enter a number between 1 and 3600 for the cycle interval. The number indicates seconds.
Cause: SQL*DBA tried to open a spool file after the SPOOL filename was specified, but could not open the file. Possible causes are not enough disk space or inadequate privileges to create a file.
Action: Determine why SQL*DBA could not create a new file and retry.
Cause: SPOOL OFF was entered when not currently spooling.
Action: To capture session output, use the SPOOL command to open a file, enter the required commands, and close the file with SPOOL OFF.
Cause: SPOOL OFF could not close the currently open spool file.
Action: Check for an operating system reason that the spool file could not be closed.
Cause: SQL*DBA cannot locate or open the file specified by the PFILE option, because either the file does not exist or SQL*DBA has insufficient privileges to open the file.
Action: Check that the file exists in a location expected by SQL*DBA and can be opened.
Cause: The results returned by a SQL query exceed the internal SQL*DBA buffer.
Action: Use the SET command to increase MAXDATA or decrease ARRAYSIZE.
Cause: The default host has not been set up correctly.
Action: Use the SET INSTANCE command with a valid host specification to set up a default host.
Cause: SQL*DBA cannot locate the specified command file.
Action: Check the file's name and SQL*DBA's access to it before retrying.
Cause: An attempt was made to start up an instance while connected to a database.
Action: To start up an instance, first DISCONNECT from the current database.
Cause: A syntax or typing error was made while entering a SQL*DBA command line.
Action: Check the syntax and try again.
Cause: SQL*DBA cannot open the file specified by the ORA_SQLDBAINIT variable, because either the file does not exist or SQL*DBA has insufficient privilege to open the file.
Action: Check that the specified file exists and can be opened.
Cause: File mentioned cannot be opened.
Action: Check that the specified file exists and can be opened.
Cause: An instance name was specified that may be valid, but is too long (exceeds 64 characters).
Action: Check the name of the desired instance and try again.
Cause: Too many command-line arguments were specified to fit in the SQL*DBA buffer.
Action: Specify the arguments over several command lines.
Cause: The file specified using PFILE is too large (exceeds 8K).
Action: Reduce the size of the parameter file before specifying it again using PFILE.
Cause: A command was specified that is not available in this mode.
Action: Switch to a mode where the command is allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to display a MONITOR display without sufficient privileges for the underlying V$ tables.
Action: Contact the database administrator to obtain the required privileges.
Cause: An attempt was made to use SHOW SGA without sufficient privileges.
Action: Contact the database administrator to obtain the required privileges.
Cause: The specified name may be valid, but is too long (exceeds 127 characters).
Action: Use a shorter name. For example, relocate the file so that its path name is shorter.
Cause: There is not enough memory for the current SQL buffer.
Action: Use the SET command to reduce MAXDATA. Re-invoke MONITOR FILEIO.
Cause: An attempt was made to use SHOW PARAMETERS without sufficient privileges.
Action: Contact the database administrator to obtain the required privileges.
Cause: The instance name was not specified in the CONNECT statement.
Action: Issue the CONNECT statement again, using the proper instance name.
Cause: The SQL statement refers to an undefined bind variable.
Action: Use the VARIABLE statement to define the bind variable and re-execute the query.
Cause: Some database error occurred that prevented a successful CONNECT INTERNAL. For example, a SHUTDOWN ABORT command was issued. This message is usually followed by another message that indicates the problem.
Action: Ensure that the instance is started correctly before trying to CONNECT INTERNAL. You may need to use the STARTUP FORCE command.
Cause: SHOW PARAMETER was given a parameter name that does not exist.
Action: Use a different argument to SHOW PARAMETER.
Cause: A mandatory list element in a dialog contained zero (0) elements.
Cause: An attempt was made to see if users were connected, but no users were connected.
Cause: There were no in-doubt transactions to resolve.
Cause: There were no offline tablespaces to bring online.
Cause: There were no tablespaces to take offline. You cannot take the SYSTEM tablespace offline.
Cause: There were no offline rollback segments to drop.
Cause: There were no offline or partly available rollback segments to bring online.
Cause: There were no online rollback segments to take offline.
Cause: There were no online tablespaces to backup.
Cause: An attempt was made to end an online tablespace backup, but no tables are being backed up.
Cause: There were no offline tablespaces to recover.
Cause: There were no offline datafiles to recover.
Cause: There were no named users to alter or drop.
Cause: There were no roles to alter or drop.
Cause: There were no users or roles to grant privileges and roles to or to revoke privileges and roles from.
Action: Create some users before granting roles or privileges.
Cause: An instantiation of this monitor was already active.
Action: Cycle through the monitor windows until the monitor becomes visible.
Cause: The object in a DESCRIBE FUNCTION / PROCEDURE / PACKAGE statement did not exist.
Action: Check that the object name and owner are correct and that the object exists.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during describe.
Action: Check the following error and correct the problem.
Cause: The named object was a package. DESCRIBE does not currently describe an entire package specification.
Action: Specify an entire package.
Cause: The named package did not contain the procedure of the function specified.
Action: Specify a procedure or function within the package.
Cause: The specified object name contained a database link or was a synonym that resolved to a name with a database link. Such objects cannot currently be described.
Action: Specify a local object.
Cause: The object must have been successfully compiled.
Action: Fix any errors in the object and recompile.
Cause: The name may have at most three parts and a dblink.
Action: Use a well formed object name.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute the dialog before filling in all required items.
Action: Fill in all required items and retry.
Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, and the help file was not in the expected location.
Action: Put the help file in the location specified.
Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, and the help file was not in the expected location.
Action: Put the index help file in the location specified.
Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, and SQL*DBA ran out of memory.
Action: Exit SQL*DBA, restart, and try again.
Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu.
Action: Alternate chosen - no action required.
Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, but the help file specified was not installed.
Action: Exit SQL*DBA and install the correct help file.
Cause: An attempt was made to navigate to the next/previous item without filling a required field.
Action: Fill in current field before proceeding to another field.
Cause: An attempt was made to navigate to the next/previous item without filling a required field.
Action: Select a list item before proceeding to another field.
Cause: An attempt was made to obtain help before selecting an item.
Action: Select an item first and re-execute.
Cause: The SHOW VAR[IABLES] [var-name] command could not find any variables. Either no variables are defined or you specified a non-existent variable.
Action: Check the spelling of the variables that were entered or, if no variables were entered, define the necessary variables.
Cause: The attempted statement requires the procedural option.
Action: Refrain from using this statement or contact an Oracle sales representative to purchase the procedural option.
Cause: Most likely the package DBMS_OUTPUT was not installed.
Action: Install the package DBMS_OUTPUT and check the accompanying messages for more information.
Cause: The value for the SQL*DBA initialization variable, which points to the initialization file, is not a recognizable filename.
Action: Specify a valid filename or do not define the variable so that no initialization file is run.
Cause: The filename pointed to by the SQL*DBA initialization variable could not be opened.
Action: Specify an available file or do not define the variable so that no initialization file is run.
Cause: The file mentioned could not be opened.
Action: Make the file mentioned available for use by SQL*DBA.
Cause: The file mentioned could not be located.
Action: Check that the file exists before rerunning SQL*DBA.
Cause: The file mentioned could not be opened.
Action: Make the file mentioned available for use by SQL*DBA.
Cause: The file mentioned could not be located.
Action: Check that the file exists before rerunning SQL*DBA.
Cause: A variable was not properly set.
Action: Check the values listed by SQL*DBA to see if they are correct.
Cause: File mentioned could not be located.
Action: Check that the file specified exists and can be accessed.
Cause: Terminal type specified by may not be valid.
Action: Check that the terminal specification is correct.
Cause: SQL*DBA mode has been incorrectly defined.
Action: Define the value of the variable to one of the legal values.
Cause: An attempt was made to navigate to the next/previous item with a non-numeric value in a field requiring a numeric value.
Action: Enter a numeric value in the field and repeat the operation.
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